growth front
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Thomas B. H. Schroeder ◽  
Joanna Aizenberg

AbstractThe crystallization of metastable liquid phase change materials releases stored energy as latent heat upon nucleation and may therefore provide a triggerable means of activating downstream processes that respond to changes in temperature. In this work, we describe a strategy for controlling the fast, exothermic crystallization of sodium acetate from a metastable aqueous solution into trihydrate crystals within a polyacrylamide hydrogel whose polymerization state has been patterned using photomasks. A comprehensive experimental study of crystal shapes, crystal growth front velocities and evolving thermal profiles showed that rapid growth of long needle-like crystals through unpolymerized solutions produced peak temperatures of up to 45˚C, while slower-crystallizing polymerized solutions produced polycrystalline composites and peaked at 30˚C due to lower rates of heat release relative to dissipation in these regions. This temperature difference in the propagating heat waves, which we describe using a proposed analytical model, enables the use of this strategy to selectively activate thermoresponsive processes in predefined areas.

Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 987
Ryouta Ishibashi ◽  
Harutoshi Asakawa ◽  
Ryuichi Komatsu

SrB4O7 (SBO) receives much attention as solid-state ultraviolet lasers for micro-machining, photochemical synthesis, and laser spectroscopy. For the application of SBO, the SBO crystals require the control of twinning to amplify the conversion light. We also expected that the inhibitation of the SrB2O4 appearance was essential. Here, we show the growth of SBO crystals along the c-axis through the micro-pulling-down method while alternating the application of electric fields (E). Without the application, single crystals were grown. At E ≧ 400 V/cm no needle domains of SrB2O4 inside SBO crystals existed; however, composition planes were formed and twin boundaries did not appear. In contrast, the inversion of surface morphology emerged, and the convex size was especially large at 1000 V/cm. These results demonstrate that convection is generated perpendicular to the growth front by alternating the application of electric fields. This surface morphological change contradicts the conventional concept of growth through the micro-pulling-down method. The distance from seed crystals vs. grain density plot also showed that the density did not decrease with a sufficient slope. Consequently, we concluded that the selection of the c-axis as growth faces is not fruitful to fabricate twins, and the selection of the growth condition, under which geometrical selection strongly affects, is the key.

Nano Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Wei Wei ◽  
Jiaqi Pan ◽  
Haiping Lin ◽  
Chanan Euaruksakul ◽  
Zhiyun Li ◽  

AbstractThe synthesis of high-quality ultrathin overlayers is critically dependent on the surface structure of substrates, especially involving the overlayer-substrate interaction. By using in situ surface measurements, we demonstrate that the overlayer-substrate interaction can be tuned by doping near-surface Ar nanobubbles. The interfacial coupling strength significantly decreases with near-surface Ar nanobubbles, accompanying by an “anisotropic to isotropic” growth transformation. On the substrate containing near-surface Ar, the growth front crosses entire surface atomic steps in both uphill and downhill directions with no difference, and thus, the morphology of the two-dimensional (2D) overlayer exhibits a round-shape. Especially, the round-shaped 2D overlayers coalesce seamlessly with a growth acceleration in the approaching direction, which is barely observed in the synthesis of 2D materials. This can be attributed to the immigration lifetime and diffusion rate of growth species, which depends on the overlayer-substrate interaction and the surface catalysis. Furthermore, the “round to hexagon” morphological transition is achieved by etching-regrowth, revealing the inherent growth kinetics under quasi-freestanding conditions. These findings provide a novel promising way to modulate the growth, coalescence, and etching dynamics of 2D materials on solid surfaces by adjusting the strength of overlayer-substrate interaction, which contributes to optimization of large-scale production of 2D material crystals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Johannes Strassner ◽  
Johannes Richter ◽  
Thomas Loeber ◽  
Christoph Doering ◽  
Henning Fouckhardt

We present a study of optoelectronically active Ga(As)As quantum dots (QDs) on Al-rich AlxGa1-xAs layers with Al concentrations up to x = 90%. So far, however, it has not been possible to grow optoelectronically active Ga(As)As QDs epitaxially directly on and in between Al-rich barrier layers in the AlGaInAsSb material system. A QD morphology might appear on the growth front, but the QD-like entities will not luminesce. Here, we use photoluminescence (PL) measurements to show that thin Al-free capsule layers between Al-rich barrier layers and the QD layers can solve this problem; this way, the QDs become optoelectronically active; that is, the dots become QDs. We consider antimonide QDs, that is, Ga(As)Sb QDs, either on GaAs for comparison or on AlxGa1-xAs barriers (x >10%) with GaAs capsule layers in between. We also discuss the influence of QD coupling both due to stress/strain from neighboring QDs and quantum-mechanically on the wavelength of the photoluminescence peak. Due to their mere existence, the capsule layers alter the barriers by becoming part of them. Quantum dots applications such as QD semiconductor lasers for spectroscopy or QDs as binary storage cells will profit from this additional degree of design freedom.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2633190X2199259
M. H. Suryanarayana

This study seeks to show how disaggregate profiles of welfare dimension of ‘inclusive growth’ could provide useful public policy insights in formulating development strategies. The disaggregate profile is defined with respect to regions and social groups. The study proposes concepts and illustrates with empirical estimates of measures of inclusion/exclusion and mainstreaming/marginalization for the six National Sample Survey (NSS) regions, and four social groups in rural and urban Maharashtra. The information base is the NSS estimates of household per capita consumer expenditure distribution for the two periods 2004–2005 and 2011–2012, respectively. The findings on outcomes show that the development experience of Maharashtra does not hold much promise on the inclusive growth front.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. eabd5891
Riena Jinno ◽  
Celesta S. Chang ◽  
Takeyoshi Onuma ◽  
Yongjin Cho ◽  
Shao-Ting Ho ◽  

Ultrawide-bandgap semiconductors are ushering in the next generation of high-power electronics. The correct crystal orientation can make or break successful epitaxy of such semiconductors. Here, it is found that single-crystalline layers of α-(AlGa)2O3 alloys spanning bandgaps of 5.4 to 8.6 eV can be grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The key step is found to be the use of m-plane sapphire crystal. The phase transition of the epitaxial layers from the α- to the narrower bandgap β-phase is catalyzed by the c-plane of the crystal. Because the c-plane is orthogonal to the growth front of the m-plane surface of the crystal, the narrower bandgap pathways are eliminated, revealing a route to much wider bandgap materials with structural purity. The resulting energy bandgaps of the epitaxial layers span a broad range, heralding the successful epitaxial stabilization of the largest bandgap materials family to date.

Crystals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Courtney Au-Yeung ◽  
Dmytro Savytskii ◽  
Keith Veenhuizen ◽  
Volkmar Dierolf ◽  
Himanshu Jain

Laser heating of chalcogenide glasses has successfully produced rotating lattice single crystals through a solid-solid transformation. To better understand the nature of complex, orientation-dependent lattice rotation, we designed heat profiles of the continuous wave laser by beam shaping, fabricated larger Sb2S3 crystal dots in Sb2S3 glass, and investigated the lattice rotation where the crystal could grow in all radial directions under a circular thermal gradient. The results show that the rate of lattice rotation is highly anisotropic and depends on crystallographic direction. The nature of this rotation is the same in crystals of different orientation relative to the surface. The growth directions that align with the slip planes show the highest rate of rotation and the rotation rate gradually decreases away from this direction. Additionally, the presence of multiple growth directions results in a complicated rotation system. We suggest that the growth front influences the density of dislocations introduced during growth under confinement and thus affects the lattice rotation rate in these crystals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 549 ◽  
pp. 125851
Zhixin Tu ◽  
Jianxin Zhou ◽  
Yongjia Zhang ◽  
Wen Li ◽  
Wen Yu

Tae-Young Kim ◽  
Tae-Wook Na ◽  
Hyung-Seok Shim ◽  
Yong-Keun Ahn ◽  
Yong-Kwon Jeong ◽  

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