record values
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2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Mohd. Arshad ◽  
Qazi J. Azhad

A general family of distributions, namely Kumaraswamy generalized family of (Kw-G) distribution, is considered for estimation of the unknown parameters and reliability function based on record data from Kw-G distribution. The maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) are derived for unknown parameters and reliability function, along with its confidence intervals. A Bayesian study is carried out under symmetric and asymmetric loss functions in order to find the Bayes estimators for unknown parameters and reliability function. Future record values are predicted using Bayesian approach and non Bayesian approach, based on numerical examples and a monte carlo simulation.

Zahra Almaspoor ◽  
Ali Akbar Jafari ◽  
Saeid Tahmasebi

AbstractIn this paper, a measure of extropy is obtained for concomitants of m-generalized order statistics in the Morgenstern family. The cumulative residual extropy (CREX) and negative cumulative extropy (NCEX) are presented for the rth concomitant of m-generalized order statistics. In addition, the problem of estimating the CREX and NCEX is studied utilizing the empirical method in concomitants of m-generalized order statistics. Some applications of these results are given for the concomitants of order statistics and record values.

Sankhya A ◽  
2021 ◽  
Barry C. Arnold ◽  
Jose A. Villasenor

AbstractIn a sequence of independent identically distributed geometric random variables, the sum of the first two record values is distributed as a simple linear combination of geometric variables. It is verified that this distributional property characterizes the geometric distribution. A related characterization conjecture is also discussed. Related discussion in the context of weak records is also provided.

Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti ◽  
Gauss M. Cordeiro ◽  
Mustafa Ç. Korkmaz ◽  
G.G. Hamedani

We introduce a four-parameter lifetime model with flexible hazard rate called the Burr XII gamma (BXIIG) distribution.  We derive the BXIIG distribution from (i) the T-X family technique and (ii) nexus between the exponential and gamma variables. The failure rate function for the BXIIG distribution is flexible as it can accommodate various shapes such as increasing, decreasing, decreasing-increasing, increasing-decreasing-increasing, bathtub and modified bathtub.  Its density function can take shapes such as exponential, J, reverse-J, left-skewed, right-skewed and symmetrical. To illustrate the importance of the BXIIG distribution, we establish various mathematical properties such as random number generator, ordinary moments, generating function, conditional moments, density functions of record values, reliability measures and characterizations.  We address the maximum likelihood estimation for the parameters. We estimate the adequacy of the estimators via a simulation study. We consider applications to two real data sets to prove empirically the potentiality of the proposed model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1209 (1) ◽  
pp. 012036
V Bartoň ◽  
J Šnédar ◽  
P Cikrle

Abstract This work deals with the monitoring of changes in the mechanical properties of solid fired bricks depending on their dampness using non-destructive methods. Decreases of first natural frequencies by the resonance method and increase of passage times of ultrasonic waves depending on increasing dampness are monitored. The elements were firstly fully saturated and then slowly dried so that it was possible to record the values of the first natural frequencies and the passage times of the ultrasonic waves at different dampness. It is not possible to record values in all dampness, so the measured values were interpolated by regression models. A polynomial of the 2nd degree seems to be the most suitable. Dampness corresponding to the minimum natural frequencies and the maximum passage times of the ultrasonic waves were performed on these regression models. This research is the first step in determining the durability criteria for ceramic products, especially solid fired bricks. In the future, durability criteria should help in the reconstruction of historic buildings to assess whether the element that will be exposed to the weather is durable or not. These tests are completely non-destructive, which means that the tested element can be subsequently used in construction.

Mahdi Alimohammadi ◽  
Maryam Esna-Ashari ◽  
Jorge Navarro

Due to the importance of generalized order statistics (GOS) in many branches of Statistics, a wide interest has been shown in investigating stochastic comparisons of GOS. In this article, we study the likelihood ratio ordering of $p$ -spacings of GOS, establishing some flexible and applicable results. We also settle certain unresolved related problems by providing some useful lemmas. Since we do not impose restrictions on the model parameters (as previous studies did), our findings yield new results for comparison of various useful models of ordered random variables including order statistics, sequential order statistics, $k$ -record values, Pfeifer's record values, and progressive Type-II censored order statistics with arbitrary censoring plans. Some results on preservation of logconvexity properties among spacings are provided as well.

Metrika ◽  
2021 ◽  
Jorge Navarro

AbstractThe purpose of the paper is to provide a general method based on conditional quantile curves to predict record values from preceding records. The predictions are based on conditional median (or median regression) curves. Moreover, conditional quantiles curves are used to provide confidence bands for these predictions. The method is based on the recently introduced concept of multivariate distorted distributions that are used instead of copulas to represent the dependence structure. This concept allows us to compute the conditional quantile curves in a simple way. The theoretical findings are illustrated with a non-parametric model (standard uniform), two parametric models (exponential and Pareto), and a non-parametric procedure for the general case. A real data set and a simulated case study in reliability are analysed.

Marwa Mohamed ◽  
Ahmed Reda

This research paper aims to find the estimated values closest to the true values of the reliability functionunder lower record values and to know how to obtain these estimated values using point estimation methodsor interval estimation methods. This helps researchers later in obtaining values of the reliability function intheory and then applying them to reality which makes it easier for the researcher to access the missing datafor long periods such as weather. We evaluated the stress–strength model of reliability based on point andinterval estimation for reliability under lower records by using Odd Generalize Exponential–Exponentialdistribution (OGEE) which has an important role in the lifetime of data. After that, we compared theestimated values of reliability with the real values of it. We analyzed the data obtained by the simulationmethod and the real data in order to reach certain results. The Numerical results for estimated values ofreliability supported with graphical illustrations. The results of both simulated data and real data gave us thesame coverage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 2923-2978
Gane Samb Lo ◽  
Aladji Babacar Niang ◽  
Mohammad Ahsanullah

This paper investigates the probability density function (pdf) of the \((2n-1)\)-vector \((n\geq 1)\) of both lower and upper record values for a sequence of independent random variables with common \textit{pdf} \(f\) defined on the same probability space, provided that the lower and upper record times are finite up to \(n\). A lot is known about the lower or the upper record values when they are studied separately. When put together, the challenges are far complicated. The rare results in the literature still present some flaws. This paper begins a new and complete investigation with a few number of records: (n=2\) and \(n=3\). Lessons from these simple cases will allow addressing the general formulation of simultaneous joint lower-upper records.

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