convex cocompact
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2021 ◽  
Vol 157 (12) ◽  
pp. 2585-2634
Pratyush Sarkar ◽  
Dale Winter

The aim of this paper is to establish exponential mixing of frame flows for convex cocompact hyperbolic manifolds of arbitrary dimension with respect to the Bowen–Margulis–Sullivan measure. Some immediate applications include an asymptotic formula for matrix coefficients with an exponential error term as well as the exponential equidistribution of holonomy of closed geodesics. The main technical result is a spectral bound on transfer operators twisted by holonomy, which we obtain by building on Dolgopyat's method.

Jacob Russell ◽  
Davide Spriano ◽  
Hung Cong Tran

AbstractWe show the mapping class group, $${{\,\mathrm{CAT}\,}}(0)$$ CAT ( 0 ) groups, the fundamental groups of closed 3-manifolds, and certain relatively hyperbolic groups have a local-to-global property for Morse quasi-geodesics. This allows us to generalize combination theorems of Gitik for quasiconvex subgroups of hyperbolic groups to the stable subgroups of these groups. In the case of the mapping class group, this gives combination theorems for convex cocompact subgroups. We show a number of additional consequences of this local-to-global property, including a Cartan–Hadamard type theorem for detecting hyperbolicity locally and discreteness of translation length of conjugacy classes of Morse elements with a fixed gauge. To prove the relatively hyperbolic case, we develop a theory of deep points for local quasi-geodesics in relatively hyperbolic spaces, extending work of Hruska.

Gilles Courtois ◽  
Inkang Kim

In this paper, we show that given a set of lengths of closed geodesics, there are only finitely many convex cocompact hyperbolic 3-manifolds with that specified length spectrum with multiplicity, homotopy equivalent to a given 3-manifold without a handlebody factor, up to orientation preserving isometries.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-40

Abstract Let M be a geometrically finite acylindrical hyperbolic $3$ -manifold and let $M^*$ denote the interior of the convex core of M. We show that any geodesic plane in $M^*$ is either closed or dense, and that there are only countably many closed geodesic planes in $M^*$ . These results were obtained by McMullen, Mohammadi and Oh [Geodesic planes in hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Invent. Math.209 (2017), 425–461; Geodesic planes in the convex core of an acylindrical 3-manifold. Duke Math. J., to appear, Preprint, 2018, arXiv:1802.03853] when M is convex cocompact. As a corollary, we obtain that when M covers an arithmetic hyperbolic $3$ -manifold $M_0$ , the topological behavior of a geodesic plane in $M^*$ is governed by that of the corresponding plane in $M_0$ . We construct a counterexample of this phenomenon when $M_0$ is non-arithmetic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (760) ◽  
pp. 213-227 ◽  
Mladen Bestvina ◽  
Kenneth Bromberg ◽  
Autumn E. Kent ◽  
Christopher J. Leininger

AbstractIn this paper we prove that groups as in the title are convex cocompact in the mapping class group.

Olivier Glorieux ◽  
Daniel Monclair

AbstractThe aim of this article is to understand the geometry of limit sets in pseudo-Riemannian hyperbolic geometry. We focus on a class of subgroups of $\textrm{PO}(p,q+1)$ introduced by Danciger, Guéritaud, and Kassel, called ${\mathbb{H}}^{p,q}$-convex cocompact. We define a pseudo-Riemannian analogue of critical exponent and Hausdorff dimension of the limit set. We show that they are equal and bounded from above by the usual Hausdorff dimension of the limit set. We also prove a rigidity result in ${\mathbb{H}}^{2,1}={\mathbb{A}}\textrm{d}{\mathbb{S}}^3$, which can be understood as a Lorentzian version of a famous Theorem of R. Bowen in $3$D hyperbolic geometry.

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