subtractive clustering
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2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-145
Anisa Eka Haryati ◽  
Sugiyarto Surono

Clustering is a data analysis process which applied to classify the unlabeled data. Fuzzy clustering is a clustering method based on membership value which enclosing set of fuzzy as a measurement base for classification process. Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering (FSC) is included in one of fuzzy clustering method. This research applies Hamming distance and combined Minkowski Chebysev distance as a distance parameter in Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering. The objective of this research is to compare the output quality of the cluster from Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering by using Hamming distance and combine Minkowski Chebysev distance. The comparison of the two distances aims to see how well the clusters are produced from two different distances. The data used is data on hypertension. The variables used are age, gender, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, and body weight. This research shows that the Partition Coefficient value resulted on Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering by applying combined Minkowski Chebysev distance is higher than the application of Hamming distance. Based on this, it can be concluded that in this study the quality of the cluster output using the combined Minkowski Chebysev distance is better.

R. Salehi ◽  
S. Chaiprapat

Abstract A predictive model to estimate hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emission from sewers would offer engineers and asset managers the ability to evaluate the possible odor/corrosion problems during the design and operation of sewers to avoid in-sewer complications. This study aimed to model and forecast H2S emission from a gravity sewer, as a function of temperature and hydraulic conditions, without requiring prior knowledge of H2S emission mechanism. Two different adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) models using grid partitioning (GP) and subtractive clustering (SC) approaches were developed, validated, and tested. The ANFIS-GP model was constructed with two Gaussian membership functions for each input. For the development of the ANFIS-SC model, the MATLAB default values for clustering parameters were selected. Results clearly indicated that both the best ANFIS-GP and ANFIS-SC models produced smaller error compared with the multiple regression models and demonstrated a superior predictive performance on forecasting H2S emission with an excellent R2 value of >0.99. However, the ANFIS-GP model possessed fewer rules and parameters than the ANFIS-SC model. These findings validate the ANFIS-GP model as a potent tool for predicting H2S emission from gravity sewers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Jarosław Smoczek ◽  
Paweł Hyla ◽  
Tom Kusznir

Abstract In the presence of increasing demands for safety and efficiency of material handling systems, the development of advanced supervisory control, monitoring, data acquisition and diagnostic systems is involved, especially for large industrial cranes. The important part of such systems is the continuous monitoring of a crane load. The crane load monitoring system proposed in the paper is based on a fuzzy model that estimates a payload mass transferred by a crane based on measuring the crane girder deflection and trolley position. The model was identified using the fuzzy subtractive clustering and least mean square with the data collected during experiments carried out on the laboratory scaled overhead crane.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (11) ◽  
pp. 607-615
V. M. Grinyak ◽  
A. V. Shulenina ◽  

This paper is about maritime safety. The system of vessel traffic schemas is one of the key elements of sea traffic control at the arias with heavy traffic. Such system based on a set of rules and guidelines defined by traffic schemas for certain water areas. From the classic approach, vessels that are not following the guidelines do not necessarily create alarming situations at the moment, however, could lead to complex danger navigation situations with the time passed. The problem of ship route planning through the area with highly intensive traffic is considered in this paper. The importance of the problem becomes more significant these days when taking in account development of self-navigating autonomous vessels. It is expected to respect area navigation limitations while planning vessel path through the areas with identified traffic schema. One of the ways to identify navigation limitations could be trajectory pattern recognition at certain sea areas based on retrospective traffic analysis. Model representation for such task could be based on vessel moving parameters clustering. The presented model is based on solving the shortest path problem on weighted graph. There are several ways to create such weighted graphs are suggested in the paper: regular grid of vertices and edges, layer grid of vertices and edges, random grid of vertices and edges, vertices and edges identified based on retrospective data. All edges are defined as a weighted function of "desirability" of one or another vessel course for each location of sea area with consideration of identified trajectory patterns. For that the area is divided into sub areas where courses and velocity clustering is evaluated. Possible ways of clustering are discussed in the paper and the choice made in favor of subtractive clustering that does not require predefining of cluster count. Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) could be used as data source for the traffic at certain sea areas. The possibility of using AIS data available on specialized public Internet resources is shown in the paper. Although such data typically has low density, they still could well represent vessel traffic features at the certain sea area. In this paper are presenting samples of route panning for Tsugaru Straight ang Tokyo Bay.

Sameer Arora ◽  
Ashok K. Keshari

Abstract Dissolved oxygen is one of the prime parameters for assessing the water quality of any stream. Thus, the accurate estimation of dissolved oxygen is necessary to evolve measures for maintaining the riverine ecosystem and designing the appropriate water quality improvement plans. Machine learning techniques are becoming valuable tools for the prediction and simulation of water quality parameters. A study has been performed in the Delhi stretch of Yamuna River, India, and physiochemical parameters were examined for five years to simulate the dissolved oxygen using various machine learning techniques. Simulation and prediction competencies of adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system – grid partitioning (ANFIS-GP) and subtractive clustering (ANFIS-SC) were performed on high dimensional river characteristics. Four different models (M1, M2, M3 and M4) were developed using different combination of input parameters to predict dissolved oxygen. Results obtained from the models were evaluated using root mean square error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination (R2) to identify the appropriate combination of parameters to simulate the dissolved oxygen. Results suggest that both types of ANFIS models work adequately and accurately predict the DO; however, ANFIS-GP outperforms the ANFIS-SC. M4 generated R2 of 0.953 from ANFIS-GP compared to 0.911 from ANFIS-SC.

2021 ◽  
Saud K. Aldajani ◽  
Saud F. Alotaibi ◽  
Abdulazeez Abdulraheem

Abstract The discrimination of shale vs. non-shale layers significantly influences the quality of reservoir geological model. In this study, a novel approach was implemented to enhance the model by creating Pseudo Corrected Gamma Ray (CGR) logs using Artificial Intelligence methods to identify the thin shale beds within the reservoir. The lithology of the carbonate reservoir understudy is mostly composed of dolomite and limestone rock with minor amounts of anhydrite and thin shale layers. The identification of shale layers is challenging because of the nature of such reservoirs. The high organic content of the shales and the presence of dolomites, particularly the floatstones and rudstones, can adversely affect the log quality and interpretation and may result in inaccurate log correlations, overestimating/ underestimating Original Oil In Place (OOIP) and reservoir net pays. In such cases, Corrected Gamma Ray (CGR) curves are typically used to identify shale layers. The CGR curve response is due to the combination of thorium and potassium that is associated with the clay content. The difference between the total GR and the CGR is essentially the amount of uranium-associated organic matter. Because of the very limited number of CGR logs in this reservoir, Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach was used to identify shale volume across the entire reservoir. Synthetic CGR curves were generated for the wells lacking CGR logs using AI methods. Resistivity, Density, Neutron and total GR logs were used as inputs while CGR was set as the target. Five wells that have CGR logs were used to train the model. The created pseudo logs were then used to identify shale layers and could also be used to correct effective porosity logs. After statistical analysis of the data, two different Artificial Intelligence Techniques were tested to predict CGR logs; Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). A Sugeno-type FIS structure using subtractive clustering demonstrated the best prediction with correlation coefficient of 0.96 and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 20%. The resulting synthetic CGR curves helped identify shale layers that do not extend over the entire reservoir area and ultimately correct the effective porosity logs in the reservoir model. Porosity was primarily obtained from the neutron-density logs which results in very high porosity measurements across the shale layers. This study shows a new workflow to predict shale layers in Carbonate reservoirs. The created pseudo CGR logs would help predict shale and is an added-value data that could be incorporated into the Earth model.

2021 ◽  
Yousef Ghobadiha ◽  
Hamid Motieyan

Abstract Due to increasing urbanization, the rapid expansion of urban spaces has become a major environmental concern over the last few decades. Therefore, modeling the urban expansion as a complex system has been scrutinized in recent years; however, determining the rules that lead to the expansion of urban areas has always been a challenging factor in this field, especially for disaggregated models like cellular automata (CA). To overcome this issue, in this research, an Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is proposed to enhance the simulation of urban growth through the automatic production of transition rules. The ANFIS can be associated with several inputs division methods, such as ANFIS accompanied by grid partitioning (ANFIS-GP), subtractive clustering (ANFIS-SC), and fuzzy c-means clustering (ANFIS-FCM). Hence, twenty-two ANFIS models based on Landsat images for the time interval from 2000 to 2010 and using different division methods were trained to investigate their effect on the efficiency of ANFIS in urban growth modeling. To examine the efficiency, the Cellular Automata-based Markov Chain (CA-MC) as a popular method was developed, and the simulation accuracy of CA-MC and the most accurate ANFIS models were obtained through comparison with observed data. The most accurate ANFIS-SC model had a Kappa of 0.76 and an overall accuracy of 93.41% for the 2019 simulated map. The results from this study reveal that the ANFIS model is effective at simulating urban expansion and the ANFIS-SC is superior to CA-MC, ANFIS-GP, and ANFIS-FCM models in urban expansion modeling.

2021 ◽  
Yousef Ghobadiha ◽  
Hamid Motieyan

Abstract Due to increasing urbanization, the rapid expansion of urban spaces has become a major environmental concern over the last few decades. Therefore, modeling the urban expansion as a complex system has been scrutinized in recent years; however, determining the rules that lead to the expansion of urban areas has always been a challenging factor in this field, especially for disaggregated models like cellular automata (CA). To overcome this issue, in this research, an Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is proposed to enhance the simulation of urban growth through the automatic production of transition rules. The ANFIS can be associated with several inputs division methods, such as ANFIS accompanied by grid partitioning (ANFIS-GP), subtractive clustering (ANFIS-SC), and fuzzy c-means clustering (ANFIS-FCM). Hence, twenty-two ANFIS models based on Landsat images for the time interval from 2000 to 2010 and using different division methods were trained to investigate their effect on the efficiency of ANFIS in urban growth modeling. To examine the efficiency, the Cellular Automata-based Markov Chain (CA-MC) as a popular method was developed, and the simulation accuracy of CA-MC and the most accurate ANFIS models were obtained through comparison with observed data. The most accurate ANFIS-SC model had a Kappa of 0.76 and an overall accuracy of 93.41% for the 2019 simulated map. The results from this study reveal that the ANFIS model is effective at simulating urban expansion and the ANFIS-SC is superior to CA-MC, ANFIS-GP, and ANFIS-FCM models in urban expansion modeling.

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