control objective
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Sezgin Eser ◽  
Sevda Telli Çetin

This paper presents a stable control for a single link flexible manipulator. The flexible manipulator is considered as Euler–Bernoulli beam, and its dynamic model is developed based on assumed mode method. Position and vibration control are realised with a single controller as motor torque. The controller has three parameters that must be selected. In this paper, the main motivation is to find the suitable parameter values to generate optimum torque values in every sampling time. In order to achieve this goal, Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm is performed, and the controller parameters are optimised simultaneously in every sampling period. Simulations verify that the manipulator achieves the position control objective, and the vibration is suppressed simultaneously even with different payloads with the proposed optimisation method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 12114
Yuanjing Zeng ◽  
Xiangjun Quan ◽  
Qinran Hu ◽  
Zhixiang Zou ◽  
Fujin Deng

With the wide application of distributed generations (DGs) and microgrids (MGs), the inverter control becomes a hot research topic. For the inverter control in MG applications, first, a complex variable state-feedback-based switch control frame is proposed. In the proposed control frame, the state feedback leads to a generalized control objective (GCO), and then the instantaneous voltage and current controls are designed based on the GCO. Finally, a complex variable frequency-locked loop (FLL) is adopted to realize the voltage and current reference computation. The control system is integrated by complex variables to alleviate the seamless switch. The effectiveness of the proposed control method is validated by experimental results.

Sebatik ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 426-433
Joy Nashar Utamajaya ◽  
Gita Aprilianur ◽  
Nurhalisa Sakir

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Balikpapan adalah sebuah lembaga keuangan yang memiliki pelayanan serta memfasilitasi perihal keuangan masyarakat dalam skala mikro. Pada Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Balikpapan teknologi informasi yang ada sudah memiliki SOP (Standar Operasional Prosedur), namun masih banyak terdapat masalah dalam sistem pengelolaan maupun human error. Hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan sebuah risiko yang tinggi apabila telah dibiarkan terus-menerus sehingga akan berakibat fatal pada perusahaan dan menghambat proses bisnis. Mobile banking yaitu sebuah fasilitas atau layanan perbankan menggunakan alat komunikasi bergerak seperti  handphone, dengan penyediaan fasilitas untuk bertransaksi perbankan melalui aplikasi handphone. COBIT (Control Objective for Information and related Technology) 5 merupakan salah satu framework tata kelola TI yang terdiri proses tata kelola yang dimuat dalam empati domain tata kelola TI yaitu Evaluate Direct Monitori (EDM), Align Plain Organise (APO), Build Acquire Implemention (BAI) dan Monitor Evaluate Assess (MEI). Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah pengelolaan risiko TI dalam framework COBIT (Control Objective for Information and related Technology) 5. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui tingkat kapabilitas serta strategi perbaikan untuk proses pengelolaan risiko. Dari hasil analisis tersebut penghitungan tingkat kapabilitas berada pada Level 1 Performed Process dengan perolehan nilai sebesar 82,04% dengan demikian status tersebut telah memiliki bukti dan juga pendekatan secara sistematis dan pada pencapaian ini secara signifikan yang diperoleh melalui penilaian terhadapi proses atribut.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-201
Udaya M Kabadi

Background: Inclusion of sucrose in diabetic diets is not recommended in subjects with diabetes since effects of such diets on glycemic indices are not established. Some studies have documented lapse in metabolic control on consumption of these diets type 2 diabetes. However, most studies examined plasma glucose only for a few hours after ingestion of a single meal containing sucrose after an overnight fast whereas others recommended increasing insulin dose prior to the meal. None of these studies examined influence of inclusion of sucrose in daily meals in subjects with new onset diabetes at diagnosis and again after achieving desirable glycemic control. Objective : Study was conducted to assess glycemic responses to ingestion of all meals containing sucrose constituting 50% of carbohydrate calories. Methods: 12 subjects with new onset type 2 diabetes participated. They were administered the following isocaloric diets for 4 days each prior to and after achieving desirable glycemic control; Diet 1- Diabetic diet recommended by American Diabetes Association (ADA), diet 2- test diet containing sucrose, diet 3- ADA diet. Glycemic control was assessed by diurnal glycemia (average of pre-prandial, postprandial and bedtime blood glucose), fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c and fructosamine on 4th day of each dietary period. Results: All glycemic indices deteriorated after consumption of sucrose containing meals prior to initiation of treatment and remained worsened on return to ingestion of ADA diet. Glycemic responses after all meals improved markedly on achieving desirable glycemic control. Moreover, glycemic indices remained unaltered on consumption of sucrose containing meals after attaining and maintaining desirable glycemic control. Conclusion: Diurnal glycemic responses deteriorate on ingestion of daily meals containing sucrose in subjects with new onset uncontrolled type 2 diabetes. In contrast, diurnal glycemic pattern is unaltered following consumption of daily meals containing sucrose after attaining and maintaining desirable glycemic control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (10) ◽  
pp. 132-140
Wael Rasheed Obaead Alfatlawi ◽  
Jwan Ahmed Ali Ahmed

In the present investigate the mean differences of biomarkers concentrations between study groups including patients suffering from corona virus with severe symptoms compared with control group were studied, it was found that, they were highly significant increase D-dimer, CRP, LDH, IL-6 and ferritin concentrations in patients with severe symptoms compared with healthy control. Objective: This study aims to evaluation of main biomarkers in patients with corona virus such as Lactate Dehydrogenase, D-dimer, and C-reactive protein are all illustrations of enzymatic reactions are all examples of enzymes, IL-6 and ferritin concentrations.

Hamed Farivarnejad ◽  
Spring Berman

One potential application of multirobot systems is collective transport, a task in which multiple robots collaboratively move a payload that is too large or heavy for a single robot. In this review, we highlight a variety of control strategies for collective transport that have been developed over the past three decades. We characterize the problem scenarios that have been addressed in terms of the control objective, the robot platform and its interaction with the payload, and the robots’ capabilities and information about the payload and environment. We categorize the control strategies according to whether their sensing, computation, and communication functions are performed by a centralized supervisor or specialized robot or autonomously by the robots. We provide an overview of progress toward control strategies that can be implemented on robots with expanded autonomous functionality in uncertain environments using limited information, and we suggest directions for future work on developing such controllers. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, Volume 5 is May 2022. Please see for revised estimates.

Actuators ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 288
Xin Cheng ◽  
Huashan Liu ◽  
Wenke Lu

In this paper, sliding mode tracking control and its chattering suppression method are investigated for flexible-joint robot manipulators with only state measurements of joint actuators. First, within the framework of singular perturbation theory, the control objective of the system is decoupled into two typical tracking aims of a slow subsystem and a fast subsystem. Then, considering lumped uncertainties (including dynamics uncertainties and external disturbances), a composite chattering-suppressed sliding mode controller is proposed, where a smooth-saturation-function-contained reaching law with adjustable saturation factor is designed to alleviate the inherent chattering phenomenon, and a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN)-based soft computing strategy is applied to avoid the high switching gain that leads to chattering amplification. Simultaneously, an efficient extended Kalman filter (EKF) with respect to a new state variable is presented to enable the closed-loop tracking control with neither position nor velocity measurements of links. In addition, an overall analysis on the asymptotic stability of the whole control system is given. Finally, numerical examples verify the superiority of the dynamic performance of the proposed control approach, which is well qualified to suppress the chattering and can effectively eliminate the undesirable effects of the lumped uncertainties with a smaller switching gain reduced by 80% in comparison to that in the controller without RBFNN. The computational efficiency of the proposed EKF increased by about 26%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-197
Taufik Hidayat ◽  
Cahyani Budihartanti

Beiersdorf Indonesia merupakan perushaan FMCG multi nasional yang bergerak dalam kategori perawatan kulit. Dalam operasional perusahaan dalam rangka mengakselerasi dan memonitor penjualan menggunakan aplikasi DAR & BFAST. DAR & BFAST adalah sistem aplikasi yang mendukung proses bisnis dengan fungsinya memonitor aktifitas SPG & Salesman. Masalah yang dihadapi adalah perlunya evaluasi dengan melakukan penilaian tata kelola dan manajemen TI untuk mengetahui kondisi TI saat ini dan pemahaman mengenai kemampuan untuk mencapai tujuan bisnisnya. Penelitian ini akan berfokus pada penilaian kapabilitas proses tata kelola dan manajemen TI pada domain BAI COBIT versi 5 dengan berfokus pada domain proses BAI02 dalam rangka untuk menilai kapabilitas proses terkait pengelolaan pendefinisian kebutuhan dari implementasi DAR & BFAST. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah memakai framework penilaian yang mengacu pada COBIT (Control Objective for Information and Related Technology) versi 5. Terdapat Process Assessment Model (PAM) pada framework ini untuk menentukan tingkat efektifitas dan efisiensi dari sekumpulan proses, dengan cara mengevaluasi tingkat kematangan kapabilitasnya. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dan wawancara ke pihak penanggung jawab proses-proses yang ada. Hasil penilaian implementasi TI berbasis COBIT versi 5 di PT Beiersdorf Indonesia Indonesia menunjukkan tingkat kapabilitas proses TI domain proses BAI02 berada pada level 1 (Performed) dengan skala 24% dengan tingkat pencapaian P (partially achieved). Rekomendasi perbaikan disusun untuk mencapai target tingkat kapabilitas yang diharapkan.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 1867
Ioan Ştefan Haplea ◽  
Lorand Gabriel Parajdi ◽  
Radu Precup

In this paper, two control problems for a symmetric model of cell dynamics related to leukemia are considered. The first one, in connection with classical chemotherapy, is that the evolution of the disease under treatment should follow a prescribed trajectory assuming that the drug works by increasing the cell death rates of both malignant and normal cells. In the case of the second control problem, as for targeted therapies, the drug is assumed to work by decreasing the multiplication rate of leukemic cells only, and the control objective is that the disease state reaches a desired endpoint. The solvability of the two problems as well as their stability are proved by using a general method of analysis. Some numerical simulations are included to illustrate the theoretical results and prove their applicability. The results can possibly be used to design therapeutic scenarios such that an expected clinical evolution can be achieved.

Daniel McClement ◽  
Nathan P. Lawrence ◽  
Philip Loewen ◽  
Michael Forbes ◽  
Johan Backstrom ◽  

Fixed structure controllers (such as proportional-integral-derivative controllers) are used extensively in industry. Finding a practical and versatile method to tune these controllers, particularly with imprecise process models and limited online computational resources, is an industrially relevant problem which could improve the efficiency of many plants. In this paper, we present two flexible neural network-based approaches capable of tuning any fixed structure controller for any control objective and process model and compare their advantages and disadvantages. The first approach is derived from supervised learning and classical optimization techniques, while the second approach applies techniques used in deep reinforcement learning. Both approaches incorporate model uncertainties when selecting controller parameters, reducing the need for costly experiments to precisely estimate model parameters in a plant. Both methods are also computationally efficient online, enabling their widespread usage.

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