fibril structure
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Thomas Heerde ◽  
Matthies Rennegarbe ◽  
Alexander Biedermann ◽  
Dilan Savran ◽  
Peter B. Pfeiffer ◽  

AbstractSeveral studies showed that seeding of solutions of monomeric fibril proteins with ex vivo amyloid fibrils accelerated the kinetics of fibril formation in vitro but did not necessarily replicate the seed structure. In this research we use cryo-electron microscopy and other methods to analyze the ability of serum amyloid A (SAA)1.1-derived amyloid fibrils, purified from systemic AA amyloidosis tissue, to seed solutions of recombinant SAA1.1 protein. We show that 98% of the seeded fibrils remodel the full fibril structure of the main ex vivo fibril morphology, which we used for seeding, while they are notably different from unseeded in vitro fibrils. The seeded fibrils show a similar proteinase K resistance as ex vivo fibrils and are substantially more stable to proteolytic digestion than unseeded in vitro fibrils. Our data support the view that the fibril morphology contributes to determining proteolytic stability and that pathogenic amyloid fibrils arise from proteolytic selection.

2022 ◽  
Robert Bücker ◽  
Carolin Seuring ◽  
Cornelia Cazey ◽  
Katharina Veith ◽  
Maria García-Alai ◽  

The amyloid-antimicrobial link hypothesis is based on antimicrobial properties found in human amyloids involved in neurodegenerative and systemic diseases, along with amyloidal structural properties found in antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) across kingdoms of life. Supporting this hypothesis, we here determined the fibril structure of two AMPs from amphibians, uperin 3.5 and aurein 3.3, by cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM), revealing amyloid cross-β fibrils of mated β-sheets at atomic resolution. Uperin 3.5 displayed substantial polymorphism with a protofilament of two mated β-sheets. The determined structure was a polymorph showing a 3-blade symmetrical propeller of nine peptides per fibril layer including tight β-sheet interfaces. This cross-β cryo-EM structure complements the cross-α fibril conformation previously determined by a crystal structure, substantiating a secondary structure switch mechanism of uperin 3.5. The aurein 3.3 arrangement consisted of six peptides per fibril layer, all showing kinked β-sheets allowing a rounded compactness of the fibril. The kinked β-sheets are similar to LARKS (Low-complexity, Amyloid-like, Reversible, Kinked segments) found in human functional amyloids. The amyloidal properties of antimicrobial peptides shed light on a mechanism of regulation of animicrobial activity involving self-assembly and fibril morphological variations. Moreover, the known endurance of amyloid structures can provide a template for the design of sturdy antimicrobials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
E. Srinivasan ◽  
G. Chandrasekhar ◽  
P. Chandrasekar ◽  
K. Anbarasu ◽  
AS Vickram ◽  

Protein misfolding occurs due to the loss of native protein structure and adopts an abnormal structure, wherein the misfolded proteins accumulate and form aggregates, which result in the formation of amyloid fibrils that are associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Amyloid beta (Aβ42) aggregation or amyloidosis is contemplated as a unique hallmark characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Due to aberrant accrual and aggregation of Aβ42 in extracellular space, the formation of senile plaques is found in AD patients. These senile plaques occur usually in the cognitive and memory region of the brain, enfeebles neurodegeneration, hinders the signaling between synapse, and disrupts neuronal functioning. In recent years, herbal compounds are identified and characterized for their potential as Aβ42 inhibitors. Thus, understanding their structure and molecular mechanics can provide an incredible finding in AD therapeutics. To describe the structure-based molecular studies in the rational designing of drugs against amyloid fibrils, we examined various herbal compounds that belong to prenylflavonoids. The present study characterizes the trends we identified at molecular docking studies and dynamics simulation where we observed stronger binding orientation of bavachalcone, bavachin, and neobavaisoflavone with the amyloid-beta (Aβ42) fibril structure. Hence, we could postulate that these herbal compounds could be potential inhibitors of Aβ42 fibrils; these anti-aggregation agents need to be considered in treating AD.

2021 ◽  
pp. 100099
Ryan J. Leiphart ◽  
Hai Pham ◽  
Tyler Harvey ◽  
Taishi Komori ◽  
Tina M. Kilts ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (48) ◽  
pp. e2112783118
Veronica Lattanzi ◽  
Ingemar André ◽  
Urs Gasser ◽  
Marija Dubackic ◽  
Ulf Olsson ◽  

Amyloid fibrils are associated with a number of neurodegenerative diseases, including fibrils of amyloid β42 peptide (Aβ42) in Alzheimer’s disease. These fibrils are a source of toxicity to neuronal cells through surface-catalyzed generation of toxic oligomers. Detailed knowledge of the fibril structure may thus facilitate therapeutic development. We use small-angle scattering to provide information on the fibril cross-section dimension and shape for Aβ42 fibrils prepared in aqueous phosphate buffer at pH = 7.4 and pH 8.0 under quiescent conditions at 37 °C from pure recombinant Aβ42 peptide. Fitting the data using a continuum model reveals an elliptical cross-section and a peptide mass-per-unit length compatible with two filaments of two monomers, four monomers per plane. To provide a more detailed atomistic model, the data were fitted using as a starting state a high-resolution structure of the two-monomer arrangement in filaments from solid-state NMR (Protein Data Bank ID 5kk3). First, a twofold symmetric model including residues 11 to 42 of two monomers in the filament was optimized in terms of twist angle and local packing using Rosetta. A two-filament model was then built and optimized through fitting to the scattering data allowing the two N-termini in each filament to take different conformations, with the same conformation in each of the two filaments. This provides an atomistic model of the fibril with twofold rotation symmetry around the fibril axis. Intriguingly, no polydispersity as regards the number of filaments was observed in our system over separate samples, suggesting that the two-filament arrangement represents a free energy minimum for the Aβ42 fibril.

PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e12381
Mantas Ziaunys ◽  
Kamile Mikalauskaite ◽  
Andrius Sakalauskas ◽  
Vytautas Smirnovas

The formation and accumulation of protein amyloid aggregates is linked with multiple amyloidoses, including neurodegenerative Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. The mechanism of such fibril formation is impacted by various environmental conditions, which greatly complicates the search for potential anti-amyloid compounds. One of these factors is solution ionic strength, which varies between different aggregation protocols during in vitro drug screenings. In this work, we examine the interplay between ionic strength and a well-known protein aggregation inhibitor—epigallocatechin-3-gallate. We show that changes in solution ionic strength have a major impact on the compound’s inhibitory effect, reflected in both aggregation times and final fibril structure. We also observe that this effect is unique to different amyloid-forming proteins, such as insulin, alpha-synuclein and amyloid-beta.

2021 ◽  
Henry S Pan ◽  
Michael J Lucas ◽  
Eric J Verbeke ◽  
Gina M Partipilo ◽  
Ethan C Helfman ◽  

Amyloid peptides nucleate from monomers to aggregate into fibrils through primary nucleation; pre-existing fibrils can then act as seeds for additional monomers to fibrillize through secondary nucleation. Both nucleation processes can occur simultaneously, yielding a distribution of fibril polymorphs that can generate a spectrum of neurodegenerative effects. Understanding the mechanisms driving polymorph structural distribution during both nucleation processes is important for uncovering fibril structure-function relationships, as well creating polymorph distributions in vitro that better match distributions found in vivo. Here, we explore how cross-seeding WT Aβ1-40 with Aβ1-40 mutants E22G (Arctic) and E22Δ (Osaka), as well as with WT Aβ1-42 affects the distribution of fibril structural polymorphs, and how changes in structural distribution impact toxicity. Transmission electron microscopy analysis reveals that fibril seeds derived from mutants of Aβ1-40 impart their structure to WT Aβ1-40 monomer during secondary nucleation, but WT Aβ1-40 fibril seeds do not affect the structure of fibrils assembled from mutant Aβ1-40 monomers, despite kinetics data indicating accelerated aggregation when cross-seeding of any combination of mutants. Additionally, WT Aβ1-40 fibrils seeded with mutant fibrils to produce similar structural distributions to the mutant seeds also produced similar cytotoxicity on neuroblastoma cell lines. This indicates that mutant fibril seeds not only impart their structure to growing WT Aβ1-40 aggregates, but they also impart cytotoxic properties. Our findings provide clear evidence that there is a relationship between fibril structure and phenotype on a polymorph population level, and that these properties can be passed on through secondary nucleation of succeeding generations of fibrils.

2021 ◽  
Sergey Nazarov ◽  
Anass Chiki ◽  
Driss Boudeffa ◽  
Hilal Lashuel

The lack of detailed insight into the structure of aggregates formed by the huntingtin protein has hampered efforts to develop therapeutics and diagnostics targeting pathology formation in the brain of patients with Huntington's disease. To address this knowledge gap, we investigated the structural properties of in vitro generated fibrils from exon1 of the huntingtin protein by electron cryo-microscopy and single- particle analysis. We show that wildtype and mutant exon1 of the huntingtin protein form non-helical fibrils with a polygultamine amyloid core composed of β-hairpins with unique characteristics that have not been previously observed with other amyloid filaments. The stacks of β-hairpins form long planar β- sheets (protofilaments) with variable stacking angle and occasional out-of-register state of individual β-hairpins. These features and the propensity of protofilament to undergo lateral association results in a high degree of fibril polymorphism, including fibrils composed of varying numbers of protofilaments. Our results also represent the first direct observation of how the flanking domains are organized around the polyglutamine core of the fibril and provide insight into how they might affect huntingtin fibril structure, polymorphism, and stacking of β-hairpins within its core structure. Removal of the first 17 amino acids at the N-terminus resulted in surprising intra-fibril structural heterogeneity and reduced fibril's propensity to lateral associations. Overall, this work provides valuable insights that could guide future mechanistic studies to elucidate the sequence and structural determinants of huntingtin aggregation, as well as cryo- EM and structural studies of fibrils derived from huntingtin proteins and other disease-associated polyglutamine-containing proteins.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (38) ◽  
pp. e2110995118
Yuechuan Xu ◽  
Kaitlin Knapp ◽  
Kyle N. Le ◽  
Nicholas P. Schafer ◽  
Mohammad S. Safari ◽  

Amyloid fibrillization is an exceedingly complex process in which incoming peptide chains bind to the fibril while concertedly folding. The coupling between folding and binding is not fully understood. We explore the molecular pathways of association of Aβ40 monomers to fibril tips by combining time-resolved in situ scanning probe microscopy with molecular modeling. The comparison between experimental and simulation results shows that a complex supported by nonnative contacts is present in the equilibrium structure of the fibril tip and impedes fibril growth in a supersaturated solution. The unraveling of this frustrated state determines the rate of fibril growth. The kinetics of growth of freshly cut fibrils, in which the bulk fibril structure persists at the tip, complemented by molecular simulations, indicate that this frustrated complex comprises three or four monomers in nonnative conformations and likely is contained on the top of a single stack of peptide chains in the fibril structure. This pathway of fibril growth strongly deviates from the common view that the conformational transformation of each captured peptide chain is templated by the previously arrived peptide. The insights into the ensemble structure of the frustrated complex may guide the search for suppressors of Aβ fibrillization. The uncovered dynamics of coupled structuring and assembly during fibril growth are more complex than during the folding of most globular proteins, as they involve the collective motions of several peptide chains that are not guided by a funneled energy landscape.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (37) ◽  
Li-Qiang Wang ◽  
Kun Zhao ◽  
Han-Ye Yuan ◽  
Xiang-Ning Li ◽  
Hai-Bin Dang ◽  

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