market search
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2021 ◽  
W. A. V. Clark

Matteo Bobba ◽  
Luca Flabbi ◽  
Santiago Levy

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Taufiqurrahman Taufiqurrahman ◽  
Abdul Azis ◽  
Ades Sugita

Community empowerment in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, one of which is by introducing the use of digital marketing for MSME players. Digital marketing is a promotional activity and market search through online digital media by utilizing various means such as social networks and online product or service sales platforms. This research is a qualitative research with the aim of identifying the impact of digital marketing and the obstacles that occur in marketing products through digital marketing. The method of data collection is done by observation and interview techniques. The method of determining informants is carried out by snowball sampling to umkm entrepreneurs based on local food, handicraft, bumdes and maggot cultivation. The results show that MSME players are interested in using digital marketing and utilizing social media, but there are still some obstacles they experience such as low technology skills, they think that promoting products to digital marketing through social media and market places is something that is important. troublesome / complicated, the availability of internet access is limited, there are still many consumers who are worried about the security of transacting online.. Abstrak Pemberdayaan masyarakat di tengah pandemi covid-19 salah satunya dengan  memperkenalkan pemanfaatan digital marketing bagi pelaku UMKM. Digital marketing adalah kegiatan promosi dan pencarian pasar melalui media digital secara online dengan memanfaatkan berbagai sarana misalnya jejaring sosial dan platform penjualan produk atau jasa online. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi dampak digital marketing dan kendala yang terjadi dalam memasarkan produk melalui digital marketing. Metode pengambilan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara. Adapun metode penentuan informan dilakukan secara snowball sampling kepada pengusaha umkm berbasis pangan lokal , handycraft, bumdes dan budidaya maggot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  para pelaku UMKM tertarik untuk menggunakan digital marketing dan memanfaatkan media social, akan tetapi masih ada beberapa kendala yang mereka alami seperti kemampuan teknologi masih rendah, mereka menganggap bahwa untuk mempromosikan produk ke digital marketing melalui sosial media dan market place adalah hal yang menyusahkan/ribet, ketersediaan akses internet yang terbatas, masih banyak konsumen yang mengkhawatirkan keamanan bertransaksi secara online.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
Christian Hutter

AbstractThis paper exploits big data on online activity from the job exchange of the German Federal Employment Agency and its internal placement-software to generate measures for search activity of employers and job seekers and—as a novel feature—for placement activity of employment agencies. In addition, the average search perimeter in the job seekers’ search profiles can be measured. The data are used to estimate the behaviour of the search and placement activities during the business and labour market cycle and their seasonal patterns. The results show that the search activities of firms and employment agencies are procyclical. By contrast, job seekers’ search intensity shows a countercyclical pattern, at least before the COVID-19 crisis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 547-585 ◽  
Juan J. Dolado ◽  
Etienne Lalé ◽  
Nawid Siassi

Three features of real‐life reforms of dual employment protection legislation (EPL) systems are particularly hard to study through the lens of standard labor‐market search models: (i) the excess job turnover implied by dual EPL, (ii) the nonretroactive nature of EPL reforms, and (iii) the transition dynamics from dual to a unified EPL system. In this paper, we develop a computationally tractable model addressing these issues. Our main finding is that the welfare gains of reforming a dual EPL system are sizeable and achieved mostly through a decrease in turnover at short job tenures. This conclusion continues to hold in more general settings featuring wage rigidities, heterogeneity in productivity upon matching, and human capital accumulation. We also find substantial cross‐sectional heterogeneity in welfare effects along the transition to a unified EPL scheme. Given that the model is calibrated to data from Spain, often considered as the epitome of a labor market with dual EPL, our results should provide guidance for a wide range of reforms of dual EPL systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 327-344
Yi Chen ◽  
Zhehao Huang ◽  

<abstract> <p>The increasing abundance of information leads to the scarcity of investor attention, which has become an important factor affecting the financial market. Search engines play the role of information retrieval and record the search behavior of investors, which is a direct and accurate measure of investor attention. This paper investigates the relationship between investor attention and China's stock market. Considering the relationship with stock returns as the mainline, we take the Baidu index as a substitute variable of investor attention to deeply study the correlation and the time-varying nature between investor attention and China's stock returns. To this end, we used quantile regression to examine the relationship over the period 2006–2021 to capture its evolution during calm and turbulent times. We thus investigated the effect of investor attention on the mean and other quantiles. Our findings show that the relationship between investor attention and China's stock returns exhibits time-variation as investor attention significantly impacts the dynamics of China's stock returns, but its sign and effect vary per quantile: investor attention is negatively correlated with stock returns at low quantiles, but it turns positive at high quantiles. In addition, to test the model's robustness, variable replacement method and model replacement method are used to conduct significance tests, respectively. The results are equally significant.</p> </abstract>

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Garrison Hongyu Song ◽  
Ajeet Jain

Purpose This paper aims to explore the allocation of the exit value of a start-up company in market equilibrium between an angel investor and an entrepreneur in the very early-stage financing market. Design/methodology/approach The theoretical model is established based on the two-sided random search theory and the model’s ability to match the empirical data is evaluated via simulation. Findings The model indicates that the allocation of the final investment outcome is not proportional to the initial investments by the angel investor and the entrepreneur. The simulation results show that the continued investment by the entrepreneur and the private benefit acquired by the angel investor have a more profoundly negative influence on the angel investor’s share of the exit value of the start-up company. Moreover, the market search structure represented by the matching probability of an angel investor to an entrepreneur has a more significant impact on the angel investor’s share than the other model parameters. Originality/value The importance of market search friction in the very early-stage financing market is emphasized. The concepts of continued investments and private benefits are introduced and quantified for the first time under the framework of angel investment. The impacts of such model parameters as the matching probability of an angel investor to an entrepreneur, the success rate of a start-up company, the bargaining power of an angel investor and the discount rate on the allocation of the exit value of the start-up company are investigated as well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 128 (11) ◽  
pp. 4258-4336
Naoki Aizawa ◽  
Hanming Fang

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