agent scheduling
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Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (22) ◽  
pp. 2955
Jesús Isaac Vázquez-Serrano ◽  
Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas-Barrón ◽  
Rodrigo E. Peimbert-García

Assignation-sequencing models have played a critical role in the competitiveness of manufacturing companies since the mid-1950s. The historic and constant evolution of these models, from simple assignations to complex constrained formulations, shows the need for, and increased interest in, more robust models. Thus, this paper presents a model to schedule agents in unrelated parallel machines that includes sequence and agent–machine-dependent setup times (ASUPM), considers an agent-to-machine relationship, and seeks to minimize the maximum makespan criteria. By depicting a more realistic scenario and to address this NP-hard problem, six mixed-integer linear formulations are proposed, and due to its ease of diversification and construct solutions, two multi-start heuristics, composed of seven algorithms, are divided into two categories: Construction of initial solution (designed algorithm) and improvement by intra (tabu search) and inter perturbation (insertions and interchanges). Three different solvers are used and compared, and heuristics algorithms are tested using randomly generated instances. It was found that models that linearizing the objective function by both job completion time and machine time is faster and related to the heuristics, and presents an outstanding level of performance in a small number of instances, since it can find the optimal value for almost every instance, has very good behavior in a medium level of instances, and decent performance in a large number of instances, where the relative deviations tend to increase concerning the small and medium instances. Additionally, two real-world applications of the problem are presented: scheduling in the automotive industry and healthcare.

Complexity ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Hongwei Li ◽  
Yuvraj Gajpal ◽  
Chirag Surti ◽  
Dongliang Cai ◽  
Amit Kumar Bhardwaj

This paper delves into a two-agent scheduling problem in which two agents are competing for a single resource. Each agent has a set of jobs to be processed by a single machine. The processing time, release time, weight, and the due dates of each job are known in advance. Both agents have their objectives, which are conflicting in nature. The first agent tries to minimize the total completion time, while the second agent tries to minimize the number of tardy jobs. The two agents’ scheduling problem, an NP-hard problem, has a wide variety of applications ranging from the manufacturing industry to the cloud computing service provider. Due to the wide applicability, each variation of the problem requires a different algorithm, adapted according to the user’s requirements. This paper provides mathematical models, heuristic algorithms, and two nature-based metaheuristic algorithms to solve the problem. The algorithm’s performance was gauged against the optimal solution obtained from the AMPL-CPLEX solver for both solution quality and computational time. The outlined metaheuristics produce a solution that is comparable with a short computational time. The proposed metaheuristics even have a better solution than the CPLEX solver for medium-size problems, whereas the computation times are much less than the CPLEX solvers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 67 (7) ◽  
pp. 573-591
Dujuan Wang ◽  
Yugang Yu ◽  
Huaxin Qiu ◽  
Yunqiang Yin ◽  
T. C. E. Cheng

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 68-88
Preethi Sheba Hepsiba ◽  
Grace Mary Kanaga E.

An intelligent system to efficiently provision resources in a hybrid cloud environment is necessary due to the high level of complexity. The semi-permeable agent for hybrid cloud scheduling (SPAH) is a bio-inspired agent that adapts the biological process of osmosis into cloud bursting. The primary objective of the agent is to minimize the makespan. The framework and algorithm for the two phases of SPAH, to recognize the state and decide on action are presented. A QoS (Quality of Service) deadline factor metric is proposed to study the indirect impact of SPAH in deadline satisfaction. SPAH shows significant improvement in deadline satisfaction of up to 85% as compared to other cloud bursting techniques. This is the result of a reduced makespan and a reduced cumulative waiting time. The analysis of SPAH shows that it works in quadratic time complexity.

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