criminal activity
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 730
Funmilola Ikeolu Fagbola ◽  
Hein Venter

Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects for communication and data sharing. However, these devices can become shadow IoT devices when they connect to an existing network without the knowledge of the organization’s Information Technology team. More often than not, when shadow devices connect to a network, their inherent vulnerabilities are easily exploited by an adversary and all traces are removed after the attack or criminal activity. Hence, shadow connections pose a challenge for both security and forensic investigations. In this respect, a forensic readiness model for shadow device-inclusive networks is sorely needed for the purposes of forensic evidence gathering and preparedness, should a security or privacy breach occur. However, the hidden nature of shadow IoT devices does not facilitate the effective adoption of the most conventional digital and IoT forensic methods for capturing and preserving potential forensic evidence that might emanate from shadow devices in a network. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a conceptual model for smart digital forensic readiness of organizations with shadow IoT devices. This model will serve as a prototype for IoT device identification, IoT device monitoring, as well as digital potential evidence capturing and preservation for forensic readiness.

2022 ◽  
pp. 147737082110724
Juste Abramovaite ◽  
Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay ◽  
Samrat Bhattacharya ◽  
Nick Cowen

The severity, certainty and celerity (swiftness) of punishment are theorised to influence offending through deterrence. Yet celerity is rarely included in empirical studies of criminal activity and the three deterrence factors have never been analysed in one empirical model. We address this gap with an analysis using unique panel data of recorded theft, burglary and violence against the person for 41 Police Force Areas in England and Wales using variables that capture these three theorised factors of deterrence. We find that the three factors affect crime in different ways. Increased detection by the police (certainty) is associated with reduced theft and burglary but not violence. We find that variation in the celerity of sanction has a significant impact on theft offences but not on burglary or violence offences. Increased average prison sentences (severity) reduce burglary only. We account for these results in terms of data challenges and the likely different motivations underlying violent and acquisitive crime.

Katarína Vanková

The aim of social work in social services in the treatment of a prisoner is the mitigation of social problems or the elimination of their possible causes, and the preparation of a prisoner for release from prison. Social work, social services and social counselling are the specialised forms of care for an individual, the enhancement of his individual potentials, the optimisation of behaviour in the specific moments of his life. A relationship between a prisoner and a social worker is an important milestone which affects the quality of the counselling activity. However, the relationship develops step by step, and the social worker gradually gains trust and authority. However, in the development of such a relationship, the social worker in the helping profession must have certain principles to be followed. Social work in serving custody and serving an imprisonment sentence is a professional activity focused on clarifying the social problems of the prisoners which influenced their criminal activity, or whose existence is a risk factor for the resocialisation prognosis, so-called information assistance, support and counselling focused on limiting the negative effects of the prison environment and eliminating or minimising the causes of social problems. Social work in helping professions with prisoners belongs to a science area of social work. According to the place of work, we can divide social work with the punished persons into two subgroups: social work in the prison – i.e. penitentiary social work; and social work following the imprisonment sentence – post-penitentiary social work.

P. Borovik

The results of a forensic analysis of typical methods of committing crimes involving the use of electronic payment methods are presented. It is shown that the basis of this criminal activity are the methods of social engineering based on the application of the achievements of modern information and communication technologies, as well as on actions and approaches through which offenders gain unauthorized access to the personal data of the victim. Taking into account the study of the stages of the mechanism of the considered criminal acts, the sources of trace information are formulated, reflecting the processes of interaction of participants in a criminal event with each other and with the environment.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Emilia Alaverdov ◽  
Aytekin Demircioğlu

The chapter deals with the chaotic situation of 1990 when the struggle for independence was intermingled with the religious revival in the acute form of radical Islamism and the process was gradually shifting to the revival and activities of political organizations. At the same time, religion was intertwined with politics and criminal activity. In investigating the conflicts in which Islamic radicals were involved, it was very difficult to distinguish the ideology of religious fundamentalism from criminal activities related to drug and arms business, people trafficking, and kidnapping. Crime, in its turn, was directly in the political and power groups that were closely linked to radicals. Thus, the North Caucasus republic, called Chechnya by Russians, appeared directly in the center of Russia's recent history, threatening its state and social security.

2022 ◽  
pp. 53-70
Christopher A. Mallett

Having police officers in schools (school resource officers – SROs) is controversial with a growing debate as their presence has proliferated nationally over the past 20 years. A majority of high schools and middle schools today have police on campus providing a variety of services, though primarily law enforcement. While the intent is to provide improved school safety and protection to students, unexpectedly this has not been the outcome for many school campuses when reviewing most criminal activity and school shootings. While the presence of SROs is complicated, the unintended impact has harmed more students than anticipated by criminalizing misbehaviors and disorderly conduct, making the learning environment less conducive by negatively changing school climates and disproportionately impacting many already at-risk young people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-92
Muhammad Asif Safdar ◽  
Dr. Rashida Zahoor ◽  
Khurram Baig ◽  
Rao Imran Habib

Islam propounds a culture where everybody follows the rules. Islam aims to preserve peace and tranquillity within the society and thus takes all required legal action to ensure the community against disruptive elements. The notion of retribution in Islam is not the primary law of Islam. They are only imposed as a requirement or series and a vindication of the primary structure of Islamic society. Criminal activity within the revered Islamic order of society is not condoned. Islam aims to change the world by changing its human adherents. Shariah law is focused on the individual rights of persons, but those rights only exist within a framework that stresses the rights of other people. Islam is not against the relative culpability of offenders and how circumstances regulate illegal conduct. Islam is the only religion where its laws and regulations are enforced according to a particular set of laws and regulations. Islam uses a system of proportional punishment. Islamic punishments are entirely justified because Islam takes complete steps to deter crime and inculcates offenders' moral conduct. The Islamic Criminal law has accepted several crimes by offering deterrence, reformative, retaliate and other kinds of punishments to uphold harmony in the community and rehabilitate the offenders. This paper focuses on the Islamic penology and the concept of crime and their punishment and explores its social, historical, and current value

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Monika Czechowska

Confiscation of property, understood as depriving the perpetrator of a crime (as well as third parties not involved in criminal practice) of all or part of their property, regardless of whether it was derived from criminal activity or was collected legally, is one of the most painful means of criminal law response in history. From the perspective of today’s standards of human rights protection, it appears unacceptable and contrary to the guarantee function of criminal law. As the analysis of past regulations shows, this measure was used with pleasure in totalitarian states (for example in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union) as an instrument of fighting political opponents, which was to occur through economic repression, often leading to material annihilation. Confiscation of property was also in force under the Criminal Code of the Polish People’s Republic. The official ratio legis of this institution was seen in the fight against crime against social property. However, an analysis of the practical application of this institution leads to the conclusion that it was not the only goal of the then legislator. The aim of this article is therefore to analyze the institution of confiscation of property in force under the 1969 Criminal Code, and in the longer term to find an answer to the question of whether this regulation was an instrument of the totalitarian system of the communist dictatorship.

Anatoliy Osipenko ◽  
Vladislav Solovev

The digitalization of society, associated with a large-scale introduction of digital technologies in all socially relevant spheres, not only brough about positive changes, but also had a powerful effect on the transformation of crime and criminogenic factors. This has created an urgent need for understanding the prospects of criminological science in the new conditions, for strengthening its role in ensuring national security, for improving its methodology in new ways. The authors define key criminal threats to the security of the digital space: a rapid increase of its criminalization due to the features attractive for criminals (trans-national character of cyberspace, widespread anonymization and encryption, digital means of committing crimes and concealing their traces, etc.); the emergence and widening of criminogenic zones of cyberspace, with DarkNet holding a special place; the use of «digital» methods of resisting law enforcement, including cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence. It is concluded that the abovementioned circumstances make it necessary to change the methodology of criminological research and the practice of law enforcement. The collection and generalization of information from publicly available digital sources, its analysis with the use of big data acquire a special research potential connected with the possibility of finding hidden regularities and obtaining criminological knowledge that cannot be found elsewhere. The digitalization of society creates conditions for the introduction of a preventive model of law enforcement based on predictive analysis methods. It becomes possible to quickly detect signs of criminal activity that require both a specific reaction of law enforcement and systemic managerial decisions. It also opens broad prospects for predicting individual criminal behavior by analyzing the Internet activity of specific individuals. The authors then highlight the most relevant directions for the development of criminological theory and the practice of crime prevention in the conditions of the digitalization of society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-43
Anastasia K. Yakubenko

The subject of the presented research is the criminal law on punishment and other measures of criminal law applied in Great Britain and the United States to persons who have been found guilty of committing economic crimes. Purpose of the study: to present scientifically grounded proposals on the advisability of including in the Russian criminal law certain measures of criminal law that are applied to persons convicted of economic crimes, as an effective means of preventing white-collar crime. List of methods and objects of research. In the course of the research, dialectical, comparative-legal, formal-logical, as well as other methods of cognition used in theoretical and legal research were used in aggregate. Conclusions of the study: in the UK and the US, the practice of attracting persons convicted of many economic crimes is characterized by a high degree of severity. Punishments and other measures of criminal law, as a rule, involve the imposition of imprisonment for long periods. In addition, the perpetrator is subject to penalties aimed at the seizure of illegally obtained material values, as well as compensation for harm caused to the victim as a result of criminal activity. Such methods of combating economic crime have a high effect of private prevention of the commission of new crimes. But a significant number of people held in places of deprivation of liberty has an extremely negative effect on the financial and other interests of the state. Therefore, the Russian policy of humanizing criminal responsibility is seen as more promising in terms of countering modern economic crime. At the same time, the rule on the application of property-related punishments should be considered as a priority in the fight against economic crimes.

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