natural range
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2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-39
V. V. Adamova ◽  
P. A. Ukrainskiy ◽  
O. V. Krymskaya

Studying of the demographic characteristics of populations of alien species at the stage of expansion makes it possible to assess their invasive potential. Field studies of alien terrestrial gastropods Xeropicta derbentina (Gastropoda,Stylommatophora, Hygromiidae), Brephulopsis cylindrica (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Enidae) and Harmozica ravergiensis (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Hygromiidae) have been carried out in Belgorod city, the southern part of the Central Russian Upland (Russia). All studied species are native to the Black Sea region and the Caucasus; in the southern part of the Central Russian Upland, they have been registered over the past ten years. The population density, demographic structure, and spatial structure have been analyzed for three years of observations (2017, 2019, 2020). During this period, the changes in the population density have been noted for all studied species. The most pronounced changes have been observed in X. derbentina, whose population density has significantly decreased, and the spatial structure has changed from clustered type to random distribution. In addition, the age structure of X. derbentina population had a pronounced change at the beginning of the snail activity season of 2020. The expansion of the other two invaders, B. cylindrica and H. ravergiensis, is proved as more successful. At the same time, H. ravergiensis is distributed throughout the city. This species has stable population density and random type of spatial population structure on most sites. B. cylindrica has the highest population density: in 2020, it has reached 406 ind./m2 on average, with the maximum of 1215 ind./m2.Meantime, the species keeps the clustered spatial structure, which is explained by both high population density and adaptation to the arid conditions of its natural range.

2022 ◽  
Matthew Joshua Hall ◽  
John Martin ◽  
Alicia Burns ◽  
Dieter Fritz Hochuli

Abstract ContextThe process of urbanisation results in dramatic landscape changes with long-lasting and sometimes irreversible consequences for the biota. Urban sensitive species can be eliminated from the landscape, while urban tolerant species can persist in or colonise the changed environment. ObjectivesHere we used historical atlas data to examine the changing distribution of the Australian Brush-turkey, a recent urban colonising species, at continental and city scales, and the changing land use in urban areas occupied by the species. MethodsWe assessed changes at the continental scale from 1839-2019. We then assessed colonisation of the cities of Sydney and Brisbane, located 900 km apart, over the period 1960-2019. At the city scale, we quantified the changing land use within Brush-turkey occupied areas over time using classification of satellite imagery. ResultsThe Brush-turkey range has shifted over the last century, with the species receding from the western and southwestern proportions of their range, while expanding in the northwest. Areas occupied in both cities have expanded, with recently colonised areas containing less vegetation and more developed land. ConclusionsOur results confirm that Brush-turkeys are successfully colonising urban areas, including major cities, and are likely to continue moving into urban areas, despite declines elsewhere in their natural range. This study highlights that species which were locally extirpated from urban areas and thought to be an unlikely candidate for recolonisation can adapt to human modified habitats; successful expansion is likely to be associated with urban greening and legal protection from human persecution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-183
Łukasz Piechnik ◽  
Przemysław Kurek ◽  
Tomasz Wójcik

This paper presents the current distribution range of the protected shrub European bladdernut Staphylea pinnata in Poland. The study was based on a literature review, multidisciplinary search methods and field visits. The paper presents 211 sites considered as natural (including 48 new) and 143 sites considered as sites of anthropogenic origin (including 116 new). The data included in this paper extend the natural range of the species mainly in the Sudety Mts & Sudety Foreland, Rożnów Foothills, and the Tarnogród Plateau. It has been confirmed that the areas of Przemyśl Foothills (54 sites) and Dynów Foothills (49 sites) are the sites most abundant in bladdernut considered as natural. A few sites of anthropogenic origin have been found in the area of northern Poland, several hundred kilometres from the border of the bladdernut continual distribution range. In the case of sites of anthropogenic origin, knowledge of their distribution has increased significantly. This paper provides a basis for further research on the bladdernut in Poland and Europe and may be useful in population management of this protected species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Guy Woodward ◽  
Olivia Morris ◽  
José Barquín ◽  
Andrea Belgrano ◽  
Colin Bull ◽  

Populations of Atlantic salmon are crashing across most of its natural range: understanding the underlying causes and predicting these collapses in time to intervene effectively are urgent ecological and socioeconomic priorities. Current management techniques rely on phenomenological analyses of demographic population time-series and thus lack a mechanistic understanding of how and why populations may be declining. New multidisciplinary approaches are thus needed to capitalize on the long-term, large-scale population data that are currently scattered across various repositories in multiple countries, as well as marshaling additional data to understand the constraints on the life cycle and how salmon operate within the wider food web. Here, we explore how we might combine data and theory to develop the mechanistic models that we need to predict and manage responses to future change. Although we focus on Atlantic salmon—given the huge data resources that already exist for this species—the general principles developed here could be applied and extended to many other species and ecosystems.

2021 ◽  
Juliene dos Reis Moreira ◽  
Bruno Luan Rosa ◽  
Bruno S. Lira ◽  
Joni E. Lima ◽  
Ludmila N. Souza ◽  

The study of crop diversification has focussed mainly on the genetic changes underlying traits favoured by humans. However, the passage from natural habitats to agronomic settings probably operated changes beyond those comprising the classical domestication syndrome. A deeper understanding of these traits and their genetic signature would be valuable to inform conventional crop breeding and de novo domestication of crop wild relatives. Heterobaric leaves have bundle sheath extensions (BSEs) that compartmentalise the sub-stomatal cavity whereas homobaric leaves do not; BSE development is known to be controlled by the OBSCURAVENOSA (OBV) locus and the obv mutant lacks BSEs whereas leaves carrying the wild type allele have BSEs. Here we identify a non-synonymous amino acid change in the OBV gene that exists as a rare balanced polymorphism in the natural range of wild tomatoes, but has increased in frequency in domesticated tomatoes, suggesting that the latter diversified into heterobaric and homobaric leaf types. The mutation disrupts a C2H2 zinc finger motif in the OBV protein, resulting in the absence of BSEs in leaves and here we show that this and other pleiotropic effects, including changes in leaf insertion angle, leaf margin serration, minor vein density and fruit shape, are controlled by OBV via changes in auxin signalling. Loss of function of the transcriptional regulator AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR (ARF4) also results in defective BSE development, revealing an additional component of a novel genetic module controlling aspects of leaf development important for ecological adaptation and subject to breeding selections.

М.В. Воробьева ◽  
Н.П. Бунькова ◽  
П.Н. Сураев ◽  
И.А. Фефелова

На основе литературных материалов и результатов собственных исследований авторов проанализированы короеды рода Ips. Отмечается, что в мировой фауне зарегистрировано 37 видов коро- едов данного рода, в том числе восемь распространено на территории Российской Федерации. короеды данного рода повреждают флоэму и камбий, как правило, у ослабленных и отмирающих деревьев. Не- редко они заселяют поваленные ветром деревья и неокоренную лесопродукцию. В то же время в экстре- мальные по погодным условиям годы или после стихийных бедствий (засуха, штормовой ветер и др.) численность короедов резко возрастает, и они приводят к гибели не только отдельные жизнеспособные деревья, но и древостои. кроме того, короеды являются переносчиками спор грибов, приводящих к де- струкции древесины. В работе приведен перечень видов короедов рода Ips, дано описание биологии не- которых видов и рекомендации по недопущению их распространения за пределы естественного ареала. Ключевые слова: короеды, Ips, биологические особенности, виды, карантин, вредоносность. Финансирование. Работа выполнена в рамках темы FEUG – 2020 – 0013 «Экологические аспекты рационального природопользования». Bark beetles of the Ips genus were analyzed on the barks of literature materials and the results of the authors own research. It is noted that 37 species of bark beetles of this genus have been recorded in the wored fauna, including 8 common on the territory of the Russian Federation. Bark beetles of this genus damage their cambium, as a rule in weakened and dying trees. Often they inhabit trees felled by the wind and forest product uncovered with bark. However, in extreme weather years or after natural disasters (drought, storm, wind and other) number of bark beetles increases shar ply and they this results in the death not only individual viable trees, but also the whole stand. In addition, bark beetles are carriers of fungal spores, leading to the destruction of wood. The work provides a list of bark beetles species of Ips genus, the description of the biology of some species is given, as well as recommendations for preventing their spreading outside the natural range.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Holly Root-Gutteridge ◽  
Victoria F. Ratcliffe ◽  
Justine Neumann ◽  
Lucia Timarchi ◽  
Chloe Yeung ◽  

AbstractDistress cries are emitted by many mammal species to elicit caregiving attention. Across taxa, these calls tend to share similar acoustic structures, but not necessarily frequency range, raising the question of their interspecific communicative potential. As domestic dogs are highly responsive to human emotional cues and experience stress when hearing human cries, we explore whether their responses to distress cries from human infants and puppies depend upon sharing conspecific frequency range or species-specific call characteristics. We recorded adult dogs’ responses to distress cries from puppies and human babies, emitted from a loudspeaker in a basket. The frequency of the cries was presented in both their natural range and also shifted to match the other species. Crucially, regardless of species origin, calls falling into the dog call-frequency range elicited more attention. Thus, domestic dogs’ responses depended strongly on the frequency range. Females responded both faster and more strongly than males, potentially reflecting asymmetries in parental care investment. Our results suggest that, despite domestication leading to an increased overall responsiveness to human cues, dogs still respond considerably less to calls in the natural human infant range than puppy range. Dogs appear to use a fast but inaccurate decision-making process to determine their response to distress-like vocalisations.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 521 (4) ◽  
pp. 289-300

Aloe ×selmarii (Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae), a hybrid between A. davyana var. davyana and A. parvibracteata, is described. Although the natural distribution ranges of the parent species do not overlap, this nothospecies is often encountered as a result of the cultivation of A. parvibracteata outside its natural range, in areas where A. davyana var. davyana occurs naturally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-118
Boychuk S.V. ◽  
Budzhak V.V.

The ontogenetic and vitality structure of eight Muscari botryoides populations from Ukraine have been studied. M. botryoides is a rare, endemic species of the Asparagaceae family, distributed on northeastern limit of its natural range and listed in the 3rd edition of the Red Data Book of Ukraine with conservation status "endangered". The characteristics of the species main ontogenetic states have been given. Age spectra of populations have been constructed. Ontogenetic indices have been calculated according to I.M. Kovalenko. Individuals of eight age states have been identified: seeds (se), seedlings (p), juvenile (j), immature (im), virginal (v), young generative (g1), mature generative (g2) and old generative (g3). Subsenile (ss) and senile (s) individuals were not registered. The populations are normal, noncomplete with left-biased age spectra. Juveniles prevail in all age spectra. . According to A.A. Uranov and O.V. Smirnova all populations are normal young, according to the Delta-Omega classification proposed by L.A. Zhivotovskij, they are young, and according to L.A. Zhukova and T.A. Polyanskaya – perspective. Innovation indices of all populations are very high, and generative, senilis, age indices are low. A factor analysis based on 17 morphological parameters of M. botryoides have been made. The results of the analysis showed, that the following parameters determine vitality of M. botryoides individuals: first leaf length, bulb width, inflorescence length and number of flowers in the inflorescence. Medium vitality individuals dominate in most populations. According to the vitality structure, six populations are prosperous, and two – depressed. Key words: endemic species, age spectrum, ontogenetic indices, vitality, natural population. Досліджено онтогенетичну та віталітетну структуру восьми популяцій Muscari botryoides з території України. M. botryoides – це рідкісний, ендемічний вид з родини Аsparagaceae, який перебуває на північно-східній межі ареалу та занесений до третього видання «Червоної книги України» зі статусом «зникаючий». Подано характеристику основних онтогенетичних станів виду. Побудовано вікові спектри популяцій. Розраховано онтогнетичні індекси за І.М. Коваленко. У складі досліджуваних популяцій M. botryoides виявлено особини восьми вікових станів: насіння (sm), проростки (p), ювенільні (j), іматурні (im), віргінільні (v), молоді генеративні (g1), зрілі генеративні (g2) та старі генеративні (g3). Субсенільні (ss) та сенільні (s) особини не зареєстровані. Вікові спектри всіх досліджуваних популяцій лівосторонні з переважанням рослин ювенільного онтогенетичного стану. За ознаками онтогенетичної структури усі досліджувані популяції – нормальні, неповночленні. Згідно з класифікацією популяцій О.О. Уранова та О.В. Смірнової вони є нормальними молодими, згідно з класифікацією «Дельта-Омега», запропонованою Л.А. Животовським – молодими, згідно з Л.О. Жуковою та Т.А. Полянською – перспективними. Індекси відновлення популяцій дуже високі, а індекси генеративності, старіння та віковості – низькі. Проведено факторний аналіз з урахуванням 17 морфопараметрів M. botryoides, встановлено, що ознаками, які детермінують життєвість особин є: довжина першого листка, ширина цибулини, довжина суцвіття та кількість квіток у суцвітті. Віталітетний аналіз засвідчив, що у більшості досліджуваних популяцій домінують особин середнього рівня життєвості. За віталітетною структурою шість з восьми популяцій відповідають процвітаючому якісному типу, дві популяції перебувають у депресивному стані. Ключові слова: ендемічний вид, віковий спектр, онтогенетичні індекси, життєвість, природна популяція.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 75-91
Nina Gural-Sverlova ◽  
Roman Egorov ◽  
Oksana Kruglova ◽  
Natalia Kovalevich ◽  
Roman Gural

The available data on the present distribution of Cepaea nemoralis in Ukraine, Belarus and the European part of Russia, the history and possible ways of penetration of this species into various parts of Eastern Europe, as well as the colour and banding polymorphism of its shells are analyzed. It has been suggested that the process of rapid spreading of C. nemoralis in the three compared Eastern European countries began at approximately the same time (late 20th – early 21st centuries) and that it may be caused by active and practically uncontrolled importation of seedlings from other European countries, as well as by global climate change, which can contribute to better survival of snails outside their natural range. Despite the possible initial limitation of the phenotypic and genetic diversity associated with the accidental transfer of a limited number of individuals, in the Eastern European colonies, in general, a fairly large variety of the inherited traits of the shell colouration remains. This concerns, first of all, the polymorphism in the shell ground colour (yellow, pink, less often brown) and the main variants of the shell banding (unbanded, mid-banded, five-banded, less often three-banded).

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