modified gravity theory
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2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Pritam Banerjee ◽  
Debojyoti Garain ◽  
Suvankar Paul ◽  
Rajibul Shaikh ◽  
Tapobrata Sarkar

Abstract Eddington-inspired Born–Infeld gravity is an important modification of Einstein’s general relativity, which can give rise to nonsingular cosmologies at the classical level, and avoid the end-stage singularity in a gravitational collapse process. In the Newtonian limit, this theory gives rise to a modified Poisson’s equation, as a consequence of which stellar observables acquire model dependent corrections, compared to the ones computed in the low energy limit of general relativity. This can in turn be used to establish astrophysical constraints on the theory. Here, we obtain such a constraint using observational data from cataclysmic variable binaries. In particular, we consider the tidal disruption limit of the secondary star by a white dwarf primary. The Roche lobe filling condition of this secondary star is used to compute stellar observables in the modified gravity theory in a numerical scheme. These are then contrasted with the values obtained by using available data on these objects, via a Monte Carlo error progression method. This way, we are able to constrain the theory within the 5σ confidence level.

M. Z. Bhatti ◽  
Z. Yousaf ◽  
M. Yousaf

This paper aims to investigate the stability constraints under the influence of particular modified gravity theory [Formula: see text], i.e. [Formula: see text] gravity in which the Lagrangian is a varying function of [Formula: see text] and trace of energy momentum tensor ([Formula: see text]). We examine stable behavior for compact cylindrical star having anisotropic symmetric configuration. We establish dynamical equations as well as equations of continuity in the background of this particular non-minimal coupled [Formula: see text]. We utilize perturbation technique which will be applied on geometrical as well as material physical quantities to constitute collapse equation. We continue this significant investigation to understand the dynamical behavior of considered cylindrical system under non-minimal coupled [Formula: see text] functional, i.e. [Formula: see text]. This gravitational function gives compatible findings only for [Formula: see text], also [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] considered in this astrophysical model as coupling entity. This model contains [Formula: see text] which is constant entity, having the values of order of the effective Ricci scalar [Formula: see text]. Furthermore, we impose some physical constraints to determine and maintain the stability criteria by establishing the expression of adiabatic index, i.e. [Formula: see text] for cylindrical anisotropic configuration, in Newtonian [Formula: see text] and post-Newtonian ([Formula: see text]) eras.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
pp. 043
Chad Briddon ◽  
Clare Burrage ◽  
Adam Moss ◽  
Andrius Tamosiunas

Abstract The chameleon model is a modified gravity theory that introduces an additional scalar field that couples to matter through a conformal coupling. This `chameleon field' possesses a screening mechanism through a nonlinear self-interaction term which allows the field to affect cosmological observables in diffuse environments whilst still being consistent with current local experimental constraints. Due to the self-interaction term the equations of motion of the field are nonlinear and therefore difficult to solve analytically. The analytic solutions that do exist in the literature are either approximate solutions and or only apply to highly symmetric systems. In this work we introduce the software package SELCIE ( This package equips the user with tools to construct an arbitrary system of mass distributions and then to calculate the corresponding solution to the chameleon field equation. It accomplishes this by using the finite element method and either the Picard or Newton nonlinear solving methods. We compared the results produced by SELCIE with analytic results from the literature including discrete and continuous density distributions. We found strong (sub-percentage) agreement between the solutions calculated by SELCIE and the analytic solutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
pp. 017
Rong-Gen Cai ◽  
Tao Yang

Abstract Atom interferometers (AIs) as gravitational-wave (GW) detectors have been proposed a decade ago. Both ground and space-based projects will be in construction and preparation in the near future. In this paper, for the first time, we investigate the potential of the space-borne AIs on detecting GW standard sirens and hence the applications on cosmology. We consider AEDGE as our fiducial AI GW detector and estimate the number of bright sirens that would be obtained within a 5-years data-taking period of GW and with the follow-up observation of electromagnetic (EM) counterparts. We then construct the mock catalogue of bright sirens and predict their ability on constraining cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant, dynamics of dark energy, and modified gravity theory. Our preliminary results show around order 𝒪 (30) bright sirens can be obtained from a 5-years operation time of AEDGE and the follow-up observation of EM counterparts. The bright sirens alone can measure H 0 with a precision 2.1%, which is sufficient to arbitrate the Hubble tension. Combining current most precise electromagnetic experiments, the inclusion of AEDGE bright sirens can improve the measurement of the equation of state of dark energy, though marginally. Moreover, by modifying GW propagation on cosmological scales, the deviations from general relativity (modified gravity theory effects) can be constrained at 5.7% precision level.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 428
Sarfraz Ali ◽  
Muhammad Hummad Waheed ◽  
Muhammad Imran Asjad ◽  
Khuram Ali Khan ◽  
Thanin Sitthiwirattham ◽  

The Sharma–Mittal holographic dark energy model is investigated in this paper using the Chern–Simons modified gravity theory. We investigate several cosmic parameters, including the deceleration, equation of state, square of sound speed, and energy density. According to the deceleration parameter, the universe is in an decelerating and expanding phase known as de Sitter expansion. The Sharma–Mittal HDE model supports a deceleration to acceleration transition that is compatible with the observational data. The EoS depicts the universe’s dominance era through a number of components, such as ω=0, 13, 1, which indicate that the universe is influenced by dust, radiation, and stiff fluid, while −1<ω<13, ω=−1, and ω<−1 are conditions for quintessence DE, ΛCDM, and Phantom era dominance. Our findings indicate that the universe is in an accelerated expansion phase, and this is similar to the observational data.

Physics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 689-714
Zahra Haghani ◽  
Tiberiu Harko

In this paper, the effects of the quantum metric fluctuations on the background cosmological dynamics of the universe are considered. To describe the quantum effects, the metric is assumed to be given by the sum of a classical component and a fluctuating component of quantum origin . At the classical level, the Einstein gravitational field equations are equivalent to a modified gravity theory, containing a non-minimal coupling between matter and geometry. The gravitational dynamics is determined by the expectation value of the fluctuating quantum correction term, which can be expressed in terms of an arbitrary tensor Kμν. To fix the functional form of the fluctuation tensor, the Newtonian limit of the theory is considered, from which the generalized Poisson equation is derived. The compatibility of the Newtonian limit with the Solar System tests allows us to fix the form of Kμν. Using these observationally consistent forms of Kμν, the generalized Friedmann equations are obtained in the presence of quantum fluctuations of the metric for the case of a flat homogeneous and isotropic geometry. The corresponding cosmological models are analyzed using both analytical and numerical method. One finds that a large variety of cosmological models can be formulated. Depending on the numerical values of the model parameters, both accelerating and decelerating behaviors can be obtained. The obtained results are compared with the standard ΛCDM (Λ Cold Dark Matter) model.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150082
A. H. Ziaie ◽  
H. Shabani ◽  
S. Ghaffari

In recent years, Rastall gravity is undergoing a considerable surge in popularity. This theory purports to be a modified gravity theory with a non-conserved energy–momentum tensor (EMT) and an unusual non-minimal coupling between matter and geometry. This work looks for the evolution of homogeneous spherical perturbations within the Universe in the context of Rastall gravity. Using the spherical Top-Hat collapse model, we seek for exact solutions in linear regime for density contrast of dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE). We find that the Rastall parameter affects crucially the dynamics of density contrasts for DM and DE and the fate of spherical collapse is different in comparison to the case of general relativity (GR). Numerical solutions for perturbation equations in nonlinear regime reveal that DE perturbations could amplify the rate of growth of DM perturbations depending on the values of Rastall parameter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (3) ◽  
Fateme Rajabi ◽  
Kourosh Nozari

AbstractWe study an interesting alternative of modified gravity theory, namely, the unimodular f(R, T) gravity in which R is the Ricci scalar and T is the trace of the stress–energy tensor. We study the viability of the model by using the energy conditions. We discuss the strong, weak, null and dominant energy conditions in terms of deceleration, jerk and snap parameters. We investigate energy conditions for reconstructed unimodular f(R, T) models and give some constraints on the parametric space of the model. We observe that by setting appropriately free parameters, energy conditions can be satisfied. Furthermore, we study the stability of the solutions in perturbations framework. In this case, we investigate stability conditions for de Sitter and power law solutions and we examine viability of cosmological evolution of these perturbations. The results show that for some values of the input parameters, for which energy conditions are satisfied, de Sitter and power-law solutions may be stable.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150024
Bikram Ghosh ◽  
Saugata Mitra ◽  
Subenoy Chakraborty

The paper deals with the static spherically symmetric wormhole solutions in [Formula: see text]-modified gravity theory with anisotropic matter field and for some particular choices for the shape functions. This work may be considered as an extension of the general formalism in [S. Halder, S. Bhattacharya and S. Chakraborty, Phys. Lett. B 791, 270 (2019)] for finding wormhole solutions. For isotropic matter distribution it has been shown that wormhole solutions are possible for zero tidal force and it modifies the claim in [M. Cataldo, L. Leimpi and P. Rodriguez, Phys. Lett. B 757, 130 (2016)]. Finally, energy conditions are examined and it is found that all energy conditions are satisfied in a particular domain with a particular choice of the shape function.

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