storage pond
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2152 (1) ◽  
pp. 012030
Ziru Zhang

Abstract To address the practical application of runoff reduction and control effects of sponge measures at the building plot scale, XP Drainage was applied to construct a hydrological-hydraulic model and systematically analyze the runoff reduction and control effects of three typical sponge measures, such as storage pond, recessed green space and permeable pavement, by setting up and simulating sponge modification scenarios [1]. The results show that the effect of flood peak reduction and control is recessed green area > storage pond > permeable pavement, the effect of runoff reduction and control is storage pond > recessed green area > permeable pavement, and the effect of various sponge measures on rainfall runoff reduction and delay is good for the recurrence period below 1 in 10 years, and when the rainfall recurrence period reaches 1 in 10 years and above, the proportion of runoff and flood peak reduction decreases to different degrees, and the effect of rainfall storage for high recurrence period is not The results of the study can provide important reference values for the transformation of sponge measures in Xi’an urban districts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 470-479
V. K. Khilchevskyi ◽  
N. P. Sherstiuk

The article presents the generalized results of chemical composition research of waters from Inhulets and Saksahan rivers on the territory adjacent to the Northern and Inhulets with pumping of underground waters (mine and quarry), which have an abnormal chemical composition, high mineralization and contain high concentrations of microcomponents. The following scheme of mine water utilization is used in the Kryvyi Rih iron ore basin: the mines of the northern part of Kryvbas discharge water into the tailings dam of Northern Iron Ore Dressing works (Northern GZK); mines of the southern part discharge mine waters into the storage pond of the Svistunov creek during the year, and in the winter its waters are discharged into the Inhulets River with subsequent washing of the river in the spring-summer period. Such treatment of mine and quarry waters has led to the formation of a hydrochemical anomaly on the territory of Northern GZK with the center in the tailings. The mineralization of water in the pond reaches 23 g / l (2020). There is a high content of microcomponents: lead, cadmium, vanadium, manganese, boron, bromine, nickel, mercury, thiocyanates. As a result, the mineralization of the Saksahan River water increases over time (up to 5.4 g / l), the content of microcomponents also increases and becomes quite high. Prolonged use of the Inhulets River for utilization of mine water from the Svistunov creek storage pond has led to a change in the type of water: instead of type II (river water), Inhulets water belongs to the type III (metamorphosed waters). There are no regularities in the change of chemical composition of water (hydrochemical regime) in Inhulets, which is a consequence of the introduction of the scheme "discharge – flushing" for the disposal of mine water. Among the microcomponents in the water of Inhulets there is an increased content of vanadium, boron and bromine (7–8 times), single excess of lead content. The analysis of equilibria in the carbonate-calcium system of the Inhulets and Saksahan rivers confirmed that the existing hydrochemical regime for the studied rivers is stationary, thus, the environmental measures implemented will not have rapid consequences.

2021 ◽  

Abstract Understanding how solar and terrestrial radiation fluxes interact with natural surfaces and impact water consumption is of wide interest. In eastern sub-humid Bahia, Brazil, scarce surface water stored in lined ponds is used to drip irrigate Sumatra tobacco plants grown under partial shading. This work aimed at monitoring, over two irrigation seasons (2015 and 2016), the water turbidity, the radiation balance (shortwave – SW and longwave – LW components), and the skin water temperature (Tw) in the center of a large storage pond to better understand the energy balance of the storage pond and its impact on evaporation. Auxiliary data from a collocated weather station were also collected. The water turbidity was very low (around 2.6 NTU on average) due to filtration and reverse osmosis of water prior to storage. The mean daily Tw (26.1°C) was nearly always higher than the mean air temperature Ta (21.8°C) due to near-surface absorption of solar radiation. Incoming (Sg) and net SW (Snet) fluxes decreased by 70% on average with cloud cover while downward LW flux increased by 14% due to increased net atmospheric temperature with the presence of clouds. A mean daily albedo of 0.05 was measured for the type of water stored in the irrigation tanks. The net LW flux (Lnet) was consistently negative (−55.1 W m−2 average). Two approaches are proposed for estimating daily net all-wave radiation Rn. The first is Rn = −27.357 + 0.832⋅Snet (r2 = 0.998 and SEE = 9.66 W m− 2) and the second is Rn = Snet – Lnet(MLR) where Snet = 0.95∙Sg for both approaches and MRL represents a multiple linear regression model (r2 = 0.721 and SEE = 6.87 W m− 2). Both approaches use data that are easily collected from a standard automatic weather station.

P. I. Kovalchuk ◽  
V. V. Stetsenko ◽  
Н. A. Balykhina ◽  
V. P. Kovalchuk ◽  
O. S. Demchuk

The balance method of determining the share of Kryvyi Rig Basin enterprises by the accumulated volume of mine water in the storage pond was considered. The balance method of participation of mining enterprises by the shares of mineral substances was formalized. An integrated approach of the control of water removal into the storage pond when using linear convolution of two balance equations by both the share of water volumes and the mineralization rate in the water discharges of enterprises was developed. It takes into account the choice of equity participation in mine water removal by economic and environmental criteria. The algorithm of equity participation of mining enterprises of Kryvyi Rih Basin on the principles of equality of two criteria was substantiated. The calculations of the share of discharge water accumulation in the storage pond of the Svistunov gully were carried out. The estimated price for water removal of one cubic meter of water into the storage pond by two criteria was considered. The estimation criteria are the volumes of pumped water and mineralization rate. Graphical dependences of the estimated price on the ratio of discharges concentration of different enterprises to the mixture concentration were built. Different estimation coefficients were used: paid water removal by water volumes; assessment of water removal only by mineralization rate; equal approach by the volumes (50%) and mineralization rate (50%). The calculations showed the efficiency of the algorithm, the applicability of its use by enterprises for integrated control of mine water removal by the criteria of volume and mineralization rate. The proposed balance method can be easily generalized when using other indicators of water quality (chlorides, sulfates, etc.), which are considered to be the most relevant for determining the equity participation of enterprises. In the future it is necessary to develop a theory of paid water use and water removal in conditions of unsatisfactory water quality, taking into account the integrated approach by different indicators that means multi-criteria assessment of water removal and accumulation of mine water.

2020 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 816-828
M. O. Al-Kazragy

 The Koya Directorate of Irrigation (KDI) has a plan to develop the agriculture and launch new agricultural projects in Chinarok area in particular for forestry and orchards plantation. This development requires quantifying the amount of irrigation water and evapotranspiration for the vegetated area. In this paper, these requirements were investigated and evaluated. Chinarok is a rural area located in Kurdistan region north of Iraq. The (KDI) classified the area into three major vegetation types; turfgrass, orchards and forests. Based on the metrological records and plants physical properties, an evapotranspiration (ET) has to be evaluated at the drought summer season, where maximum value is expected. The ET was evaluated for the three vegetation covers by using Penman-Monteith equation which was standardized by the American Society of Civil Engineers and known as ASCE- Penman-Monteith equation which is the most reliable method in estimating ET. It was found that ET values evaluated by Penman-Monteith method showed good agreement with experimental results of ET of a published data. Irrigation water requirement in terms of depth and irrigation frequency were evaluated for the three sectors of vegetation based on soil moisture deficit. In addition, irrigation requirements were calculated in terms of volume and daily water demand. The capacity of ground storage reservoir (or storage pond) was recommended as 5400 m3 to meet daily water demand. These findings provide a base for the design and operation of proposed irrigation systems in Chinarok.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Lynn Foster ◽  
Howbeer Muhamadali ◽  
Christopher Boothman ◽  
David Sigee ◽  
Jon K. Pittman ◽  

Agronomy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 208
Martire Angélica Terrero ◽  
María Ángeles Muñoz ◽  
Ángel Faz ◽  
María Dolores Gómez-López ◽  
Jose A. Acosta

The intensification of pig production is considered a risky activity for the environment when the generated pig slurry is not adequately treated. In addition, intensive agriculture practices where pig slurry is applied to the cropland could cause nitrate leaching, salinization, and soil pollution (heavy metals and pathogens), thus the development of an eco-friendly system for pig slurry treatment is essential to avoid undesirable environmental impacts. The main objective of this study was to assess the efficiency of an integrated purification system (IPS) for treating pig slurry. The system included a pretreatment module (raw pig slurry tank, phase separator, aeration tank, and settlement tank), constructed wetlands (CWs) that included an unplanted cell and a planted cell, and a storage pond (SP). Pig slurry samples from the pretreatment modules, CWs, and SP were collected in triplicate and physic-chemical and microbial analyses were performed. Results showed that the pretreatment modules decreased the total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in the liquid fraction. Higher total nitrogen removal was reported in the planted cell, which decreased from 4.0 g L−1 to 1.9 g L−1 in the inflow and outflow, respectively. Total efficiencies over 85% were found in the planted and unplanted cells for TSS, Kjeldahl nitrogen (KN), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and TP. Microbial parameters were eliminated after the treatment in the planted cell. Therefore, the results indicated that filtration (pretreatment), purification (constructed wetland), and bioremediation (storage pond) constituted an appropriate IPS for treating pig slurry.

Р.А. Тавасиев

К известному в Республике Северная Осетия-Алания источнику ми- неральной воды Хилак ведет грунтовая автодорога. Летом в безоблачную жаркую погоду в одном и том же месте ее смывает селевой поток. Этот селевой поток вызывает подпруду на реке и образование озера. При обследовании очага зарожде- ния селя был выявлен ранее неизвестный ледник нового морфологического типа – забронированный сложный кулуарово-долинный ледник. Его талые воды и явля- ются причиной схода селевого потока. There is a soil road that runs to the well-known in the Republic North Ossetia- Alania mineral water source Hilak mineral. In summer in cloudless hot weather at the same place, it is washed away by a mud stream. This mud stream causes a storage pond on the river and the formation of a lake. In inspecting the mudfl ow origination site previously unknown glacier of a new morphological type – armored complex valley-growing glacier was revealed. Its melt water is the very reason of a mudfl ows descent.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 272-287
Chang Bong Jang ◽  
Ji Yun Han ◽  
Gun-Sik Jeong ◽  
Ju-Hong Baek ◽  
Kwon-Young Choi ◽  

ICCD ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 646-652
Oki Setyandito ◽  
Irpan Hidayat ◽  
Putri Arumsari ◽  
Adelia D. Nataadmadja ◽  
Juliastuti Juliastuti

Pasir Mulya Tourism Village Sustainable Development in Bandung Regency is one of the programs of Binus Bangun Desa. Some developments have been conducted in this village such as the reconstruction of sanitation facilities of rented houses, the development of small/middle size entrepreneurship economics, and etc. This study was performed based on the discussion between the community, village officers, and the chief of the village and also the survey conducted by our team. The survey was conducted on the types of simple infrastructures and urgent needs of the village. Based on the survey it is shown that the needs of the community were trainings and assistance. The assistance were regarding the understanding of prevention acts during natural disasters such as earthquake and landslide. The trainings needed were regarding how to design a simple earthquake proof house, design and repair village roads and design water distribution system with a storage pond. This paper will present a future action plan to enhance the development and programs that have been conducted in Pasir Mulya village.

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