cavity nesters
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Forests ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 103
Łukasz Piechnik ◽  
Jan Holeksa ◽  
Mateusz Ledwoń ◽  
Przemysław Kurek ◽  
Grażyna Szarek-Łukaszewska ◽  

Forest ecosystems contain many tree-related microhabitats (TreMs), which are used by various groups of organisms. Birds use TreMs for shelter, foraging and breeding. The abundance and variability of TreMs is related to tree stand composition and age. Over the last few centuries there has been a drastic decline in the structural and biological diversity of temperate forests over large areas of the Northern Hemisphere. These changes have reduced the diversity and quantity of TreMs. In this study we showed the relationships between stand composition, the abundance of TreMs, and the species richness of birds in a managed forest. We focused on TreMs that are important to birds: woodpecker breeding cavities, rot holes, dead branches, broken treetops, and perennial polypores. Our study was performed in a managed lowland temperate forest. In 94 plots (10 ha each) we made bird surveys and inventoried the stand composition and TreMs. Our results show that the tree stand composition of a managed forest affects the abundance of TreMs. The share of deciduous trees in the stand favors the occurrence of such TreMs as dead branches, rot holes and perennial polypores. The overall richness of bird species and the species richness of primary cavity nesters depended on the total basal area of oak, hornbeam and birch, whereas the species richness of secondary cavity nesters increased with the total basal area of birch and oak.

2021 ◽  
Joanna Sudyka ◽  
Irene Di Lecce ◽  
Lucyna Wojas ◽  
Patryk Rowiński ◽  
Marta Szulkin

To mitigate the shortage of natural breeding sites in cities, nest-boxes are provided for cavity-nesters. However, these are not the breeding sites these animals originally evolved in and optimised their breeding performance to. It thus remains inconclusive if nest-boxes can provide adequate substitutes, ensuring equivalent fitness returns for breeding animals. Additionally, the majority of knowledge on the ecology of urban birds comes from nest-box populations, but no study to date directly compared fitness consequences of breeding inside nest-boxes in relation to natural-cavities in an urban context. This limits our understanding of the urban ecology of cavity-nesters and addressing its functional meaning. We investigate fitness consequences and life-history trait variation according to the nesting site type to provide a comprehensive understanding of conservation potential of nest-boxes in cities and to support/question generalisations stemming from nest-box studies on urbanization. We directly compare the reproductive performance of two small passerines, blue tits and great tits, breeding in nest-boxes as opposed to natural-cavities in a seminatural forest of a capital city using a quasi-experimental setting. We show that the effects of nest type vary between species: in blue tits, fitness proxies were negatively affected by nest-boxes (lower fledging success and fledgling numbers, longer time spent in nest and later fledging date in comparison to natural-cavities), while great tit performance appeared to be unaffected by nest type. We detected that both species breeding in nest-boxes accelerated incubation onset, but since there were no major differences in pre-hatching traits (lay date, clutch size, hatching rates) between the nest types, we attribute the fitness deterioration to post-hatching effects. Interestingly, overall breeding density of tits in urban natural-cavities was higher than observed in a primeval habitat. Nest-boxes may become an ecological trap for some species and the unaffected species can consequently outcompete them, decreasing overall biodiversity in cities. We highlight the ecological importance of old-growth tree stands, providing natural tree cavities for city-breeding animals. Due to the detected nest type-dependent variation in reproductive performance, we support the criticism regarding the unconditional extrapolation of evolutionary and ecological interpretations of nest-box studies to general populations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 277-292
Andrew M. Rogers ◽  
Salit Kark

2021 ◽  
Vol 224 (7) ◽  
Wesley I. Payette ◽  
Brett L. Hodinka ◽  
Keelee B. Pullum ◽  
Melanie M. Richter ◽  
Noah T. Ashley

ABSTRACT Sleep loss impairs cognitive function, immunological responses and general well-being in humans. However, sleep requirements in mammals and birds vary dramatically. In circumpolar regions with continuous summer light, daily sleep duration is reduced, particularly in breeding birds. The effect of an anti-narcolepsy drug (modafinil) to putatively extend wakefulness was examined in two species of closely related arctic-breeding passerine birds: Lapland longspurs (Calcarius lapponicus) and snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis). Free-living adult males were implanted during the nestling phase on day 4 (D4; 4 days post-hatching) with osmotic pumps containing either vehicle or modafinil to extend the active period for 72 h. Nestlings were weighed on D2 and D7 to measure growth rates. Additionally, focal observations were conducted on D6. Male longspurs receiving modafinil made fewer feeding visits and spent less time at the nest but tended to spend more time near the nest than controls. We observed no change in longspur nestling growth rates, but fledging occurred significantly later when males received modafinil, suggesting a fitness cost. In contrast, modafinil had no measurable impact on male or female snow bunting behavior, nestling growth rates or time to fledging. We suggest male longspurs compromise and maintain vigilance at their nests in lieu of sleeping because of the increased predation risk that is characteristic of their tundra nesting habitat. Snow buntings are cavity nesters, and their nests do not require the same vigilance, allowing males to presumably rest following provisioning. These life-history differences between species highlight the role of predation risk in mediating behavioral modifications to prolonged wakefulness in arctic-breeding songbirds.

H. Navalpotro ◽  
D. Mazzoni ◽  
J. C. Senar

Several devices have been designed to prevent predation in nest boxes by mammals and birds. Although snakes are one of the most common predators in cavity–nesters, they have always been difficult to deter. Here we tested a method originally designed to avoid predation by tree–climbing mammals. To prevent snakes from climbing trees and predating on nest boxes, we wrapped a transparent acetate sheet of 80 cm high around tree trunks below a sample of 40 nest boxes used by tits. The acetate sheets were secured with duct tape. The remaining nest boxes (N = 74) in the study area were left as controls. The predation rate in the experimental nest boxes was 20 % and 2 % in control boxes. This method can be useful to increase bird breeding success, improving both the effectiveness of resources to obtain scientific data and the breeding success of endangered species.

2021 ◽  
pp. 103-108
H. Navalpotro ◽  
D. Mazzoni ◽  
J. C. Senar

Several devices have been designed to prevent predation in nest boxes by mammals and birds. Although snakes are one of the most common predators in cavity–nesters, they have always been difficult to deter. Here we tested a method originally designed to avoid predation by tree–climbing mammals. To prevent snakes from climbing trees and predating on nest boxes, we wrapped a transparent acetate sheet of 80 cm high around tree trunks below a sample of 40 nest boxes used by tits. The acetate sheets were secured with duct tape. The remaining nest boxes (N = 74) in the study area were left as controls. The predation rate in the experimental nest boxes was 20 % and 2 % in control boxes. This method can be useful to increase bird breeding success, improving both the effectiveness of resources to obtain scientific data and the breeding success of endangered species.

The Condor ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 122 (3) ◽  
Joshua M Diamond ◽  
Michael S Ross

Abstract Multiple invasive cavity-nesting bird species can be present in a nest web, the network linking birds using cavities. We investigated the nest preferences and breeding phenologies of the cavity-nesting guild in the region surrounding Miami, Florida, USA, where invasive starlings, mynas, and parrots potentially usurp cavities from native woodpeckers and secondary cavity-nesters. We asked if the timing of reproduction determines which invasive species will usurp cavities from native birds with similar nest preferences. Nest usurpations between European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and the woodpecker species present in Miami is well documented, but we predicted that a recently arrived sturnid species and introduced psittacids would also usurp nests. European Starlings had the largest breeding population of any species in our nest web, breeding during the peak of nesting season, and usurped the largest number of active nest cavities. We found that a small population of Common Mynas (Acridotheres tristis) usurped nests, sharing the peak-season nesting period with starlings and native woodpeckers. Parrots bred later than we expected, avoiding nest-site overlap with similarly large native birds that use cavities with similar characteristics. Parrots did not usurp any active nest cavities from native birds. Our results demonstrate how to use analysis of cavity characteristics and reproductive timing to evaluate threats to a cavity nest web posed by multiple invasive species. Common Myna currently usurp few nests; if they increase greatly in population, they could pose a problem for native cavity-nesters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 146 (2) ◽  
Corrado Battisti ◽  
Giuseppe Dodaro

We assessed the structure of the breeding bird assemblage in a Mediterranean urban park in 2012, and compared it with data gathered in the same area in 1986. Since 1986, Wryneck (Jynx torquilla) territories have disappeared from the study area, while breeding pairs of Green Woodpecker (Picus viridis) and the introduced Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) have colonized the park. We observed a significant decrease in density of the Italian Sparrow (Passer italiae) and a significant increase in Starling (Sturnus vulgaris). At the assemblage level, overall bird densities decreased but total bird biomass increased due to the increase in density of (often cavity-nesting) medium to large body sized species (such as woodpeckers, Rose-ringed Parakeet and Starling). A presumed increase in mature tree availability and in predation by synanthropic species (e.g. crows) may explain the high density and biomass of primary and secondary cavity nesters characterized by medium-to-large body sizes. The decline of Sparrows and Wryneck may reflect the decreasing trend at the continental scale.

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