perceived playfulness
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Christian Haposan Pangaribuan ◽  
Johan Setiawan ◽  
Desman Hidayat ◽  
Okta Prihatma Bayu Putra ◽  
Muhril Ardiansyah ◽  

Information ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 426
Yue Wu ◽  
Qianling Jiang ◽  
Shiyu Ni ◽  
Hui’e Liang

Digital museums that use modern technology are gradually replacing traditional museums to stimulate personal growth and promote cultural exchange and social enrichment. With the development and popularization of the mobile Internet, user experience has become a concern in this field. From the perspective of the dynamic stage of user experience, in this study, we expand ECM and TAM by combining the characteristics of users and systems, thereby, constructing the theoretical model and 12 hypotheses about the influencing factors of users’ continuance intentions toward digital museums. A total of 262 valid questionnaires were collected, and the structural equation model tested the model. This study identifies variables that play a role and influence online behavior in a specific experiential environment: (1) Perceived playfulness, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction are the critical variables that affect users’ continuance intentions. (2) Expectation confirmation has a significant influence on perceived playfulness, perceived ease of use, and satisfaction. (3) Media richness is an essential driver of confirmation, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness. The conclusions can be used as a reference for managers to promote the construction and innovation of digital museums and provide a better experience to meet users’ needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 605-615
Yuliana Kartikasari ◽  
Sunaryo Sunaryo ◽  
Agung Yuniarinto ◽  

The quantitative research examines factors affecting the intention to use e-commerce by employing a modified UTAUT2 model. The sample is 263 e-commerce users in Surabaya, Malang, and Kediri who have e-commerce account and know about Sensatia Botanicals. The Data was analyzed using PLS (Partial Least Square) in SmartPLS 3.0. The results of the analysis indicate that performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, social influence, habit, perceived playfulness and price value have a significant positive influence on the behavior intention to use e-commerce, and that effort expectancy and hedonic motivation do not have any significant positive influence. Gender difference in this study can increase the intention of individuals to use e-commerce on the price value factors, while age and income difference in this study neither increase nor decrease the intention of individuals to use e-commerce to purchase the products of Sensatia Botanicals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 69-83
Anissa Negra ◽  
Wafa M'sallem ◽  
Mohamed Nabil Mzoughi

The technological spread has brought business schools in Arab countries into the m-learning age. Teachers represent one of the most important pillars of the ubiquitous learning implementation. This research aims to examine educators' intention of m-learning adoption based on the TAM, dispositional resistance to change (RTC), and perceived playfulness. One hundred seventy-nine educators from business schools in Tunisia and Saudi Arabia answered the survey. Results revealed that playfulness is the most predictor of the educators' intention adoption of m-learning in both cultures. Cluster analysis has revealed three different profiles of educators in business schools: opposing, averse, and pioneers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 097215092110195
Sardar Mohammadi ◽  
Geoff Dickson

Websites are a highly effective instrument for marketing and purchasing sporting goods. The purpose of this article is to propose and test a model of hedonism, perceived ease use and perceived usefulness, website quality, flow experience, e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. Data were collected from users of the largest online sporting goods retailer in Iran. Participants completed a seven-item scale for e-loyalty ( Gremler & Brown, 1996 ), three-item scale for e-satisfaction ( Janda et al., 2002 ); four-item scale for flow ( O’Cass & Carlson, 2010 ), five-item scale for website quality ( Hur et al., 2011 ), four-item scales for both perceived ease use and perceived usefulness ( Venkatesh & Davis, 1996 ) and four-item scale for hedonism ( Mohammadi & Isanejad, 2018 ). The results of structural equation model show that user beliefs and website quality have a positive effect on the flow experience. Hedonism also affected e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. Although the findings have shown meaningful relationships, there are other influential factors such as skill/challenge, perceived playfulness and interactivity that may play a fundamental role in the flow experience and thus satisfaction and loyalty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Chih-Wei Lin ◽  
Yu-Sheng Lin ◽  
Chia-Chi Liao ◽  
Chih-Cheng Chen

The purpose of this study was to establish a behavioural model of students’ smartphone usage based on the perception of new advanced information technology, perceived playfulness, and smartphone addiction (SA). Undergraduate students were chosen to be the participants from a university in Taiwan. There were 814 valid questionnaires and the valid response rate was 81.4%. Firstly, SA positively and significantly affected perceived playfulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness. Secondly, perceived usefulness did not significantly influence behavioural intention. However, there was an unforeseen result; the effect of SA on perceived usefulness was barely significant. It can be concluded that the participants in the present study were undergraduate students and they might not intend to use smartphones for their academic performance. The findings indicated that undergraduate students experienced perceived playfulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness of smartphone from their addiction perception, which further implied that smartphone usage was interesting, easy, and useful. It was inferred that the undergraduate students were already under a high technology addiction (TA) condition. Suggestions indicate that the conjunction of teaching and mobile application should be extensively applied. It should be based on students’ dependence on smartphone and smartphone’s enjoyment to helpfully improve teaching via smartphones.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Isolde Lubbe ◽  
Nonhlanhla Ngoma

Background: Chatbots have revolutionised marketing and specifically customer services by delivering 24/7 customer care. This technology saves resources and time, whilst enhancing customer experience that has become a critical differentiating factor in an increasing competitive and hyperconnected landscape.Objectives: This research examined how perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived playfulness (PP) and perceived usefulness (PU) of chatbots influence customer experience and how these experiences influence users’ satisfaction in an emerging market context.Method: A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 333 South African millennials and subjected to exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis to test the proposed hypotheses.Results: The results indicate that all the hypotheses suggested have been positive and significant. Whilst experience significantly predicted satisfaction, it is worth noting that PU was the strongest predictor of experience.Conclusion: Marketers should devote time, money and recourses in developing and incorporating self-service technologies, such as chatbots, that are useful for their marketing strategies that will enhance customer experience.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Manjari Soni ◽  
Kokil Jain ◽  
Isha Jajodia

Purpose The emergence of mHealth applications has led to the rise of health-based services delivered over smartphones. Younger people are often found to be more innovative toward technology, especially related to smartphones (Rai et al., 2013). Most mHealth application downloaders are continually shifting between applications because of the hyper-competition making achieving loyal consumers challenging (Racherla et al., 2012). The purpose of this paper is to study the determinants that help increase young consumers mHealth application loyalty. This study integrates self-determination theory (SDT), gamification elements and engagement to examine loyalty. Design/methodology/approach A valid sample of 263 college student’s data was obtained for data analysis from a survey conducted in multiple campuses of the Delhi University in India. Findings The three psychological needs: need for autonomy, need for competence and need for relatedness, showed a positive impact on intrinsic motivation. From the gamification factors; perceived playfulness, the level of challenge and social interaction, only the first two showed a positive impact on extrinsic motivation. Both motivation factors influence engagement, showing a frequent interaction with the application, leading to loyalty. Originality/value Previous studies examined the adoption of mHealth services, this study is one of the first to examine young consumers’ loyalty in using mhealth apps. It sheds light on the existing literature and contributes to research on mHealth applications by determining the factors that lead to loyalty by the young consumers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Hehai Liu ◽  
Mingming Shao ◽  
Xiaohong Liu ◽  
Li Zhao

With the rapid development of mobile devices, users can now read on the screen. Electronic reading (e-reading) has become a common reading style with the growth in online learning or electronic learning (e-learning). E-book applications (APPs) are widely developed and applied for reading on a screen. However, it is difficult for readers to change their reading habits or preference from paper-printed books to digital devices. The study of readers' continuance intention to use e-book APPs is the first step to improving e-reading. This study focuses on the influential factors on undergraduates' continuance intention of e-book APPs, which analyzed and summarized the literature related to the electronic book (e-book) applications (APPs) and undergraduates' continuous intention, combined with the characteristics of the e-book APPs, introduced relevant theories and variables, and established the factors that influence undergraduates' continuous intention of using e-book APPs. On this basis, the paper analyzed the relationship between various influencing factors and their influence on continuous intention. A model composed of five hypotheses was constructed to test the factors influencing undergraduates' continuous intention in e-book APPs. The results indicated that of all research variables, satisfaction is the most important factor that affects continuous intention; Perceived usefulness and perceived playfulness have an indirect effect on continuous intention through satisfaction; personalization has direct effects on perceived usefulness and perceived playfulness, so it also has an indirect effect on continuous intention. The findings of the study will be helpful for designers and developers of e-book APPs and provide e-book APP suggestions for readers as well.

Webology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (SI03) ◽  
pp. 92-111
Amirudd in ◽  
Grace T. Pontoh ◽  
Endang Sriningsih

This work desires to observe and analyze (1) the computer anxiety consequence, self-adequacy of technology, perceived playfulness and understood ease of use the approach of using computers; (2) the consequence of computer anxiety, computer self-adequacy, and perceived playfulness, on the attitude of using computers mediated by. This study is a significant research and uses survey methods with data collection techniques using questionnaires and data analyzed using AMOS statistical software. The outcomes demonstrated that (1) computer self-adequacy, perceived playfulness and had a serious influence on the mentality of utilizing computers; (2) computer anxiety doesn’t have a straight influence on the attitude of using a computer; and (3) computer self-efficacy, computer anxiety and perceived playfulness have a serious influence on the potential of using computers across whole variable anticipated usability. This research can give to the development of science and technology with the Technology Acceptance Model and Social Cognitive Theory which theoretically can provide evidence and support for the progress of research in the scope of behavioral accounting, can form a positive attitude of students in the learning process so as to produce outstanding graduates who are able to accept technological developments.

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