intention to adopt
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Wen-Jing Suo ◽  
Chai-Lee Goi ◽  
Mei-Teh Goi ◽  
Adriel K. S. Sim

This study aims to identify the factors which affect the consumers’ behavioural intention to adopt the Quick response code (QR-code) mobile payment. This study extends the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) with the personal innovativeness construct. This study reveals that performance expectancy, social influence, habit, price value, and personal innovativeness in information technology are significantly related to behavioural intention to adopt QR-code mobile payment. However, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation are found to be statistically insignificant. This study presents one of the few empirical works investigating the role of consumer innovativeness and thus validates the inclusion of personal innovativeness as constructed in mobile payment adoption research. Findings from this study provide valuable insights for mobile payment application developers and mobile payment marketing teams.

This study aims to identify the factors which affect the consumers’ behavioural intention to adopt the Quick response code (QR-code) mobile payment. This study extends the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) with the personal innovativeness construct. This study reveals that performance expectancy, social influence, habit, price value, and personal innovativeness in information technology are significantly related to behavioural intention to adopt QR-code mobile payment. However, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation are found to be statistically insignificant. This study presents one of the few empirical works investigating the role of consumer innovativeness and thus validates the inclusion of personal innovativeness as constructed in mobile payment adoption research. Findings from this study provide valuable insights for mobile payment application developers and mobile payment marketing teams.

2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Zhangxiang Zhu ◽  
Yongmei Liu ◽  
Xianye Cao ◽  
Wei Dong

The Mobile Chronic Disease Management Service (MCDMS) is an emerging medical service for chronic disease prevention and treatment, but limited attention has been paid to the factors that affect users’ intention to adopt the service. Based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 and the protection motivation theory, the authors built an MCDMS adoption model. The authors also verified the differentiating age effect on the service adoption intention from experiential distance perspective of the construal level theory. Empirical results showed that the young group focused more on the impact of effort expectancy, whereas the elderly group focused more on performance expectancy, imitating others, and perceived severity. Furthermore, the young group, however, focused more on the impact of perceived vulnerability, and offline medical habits showed no significant influence on either group’s intention to adopt, which were not consistent with the original hypotheses. The findings can aid MCDMS providers in selecting marketing strategies targeted toward different age groups.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Bahadur Ali Soomro ◽  
Naimatullah Shah ◽  
Nadia A. Abdelmegeed Abdelwahed

PurposeAt present, the adoption of cryptocurrency investment has brought consideration to the globe. The present paper attempts to investigate the intention to adopt cryptocurrency (IACR) among the potential investors of Pakistan.Design/methodology/approachThe theory of planned behavior (TPB) is applied to underpin the conceptual framework. The study uses a quantitative approach. The study collects cross-sectional data through an online survey questionnaire. In the last, the authors utilized 334 samples for outcomes.FindingsFindings of the SEM reveal a significant positive effect of attitude, subjective norms (SNs), perceived behavioral control (PBC) and trust on IACR.Practical implicationsThe outcomes of an investigation would develop further intention and trust towards cryptocurrency adoption. The results would support developing favorable policies regarding the reduction of the ban on cryptocurrency in Pakistan to make easier transactions of the investors further. Possibly, it brings several opportunities in all segments of society in making the digital transaction modes through cryptocurrency. Finally, the findings would further validate the TPB in the context of cryptocurrency.Originality/valueThe study provides a better understanding of cryptocurrency and investors IACR. The empirical evidence further develops the other individuals' intentions towards cryptocurrency usage.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Rabea Schrage ◽  
Lasse Meißner ◽  
Reinhard Schütte ◽  
Peter Kenning

PurposeDue to recent developments of indoor location-tracking technologies, brick-and-mortar retailers are now able to add location-based marketing capabilities to their existing retail apps, providing retailers with new opportunities to interact with customers inside of their stores. The aim of this study is to identify factors influencing the customers' adoption intention of location-based retail apps for stationary retailing.Design/methodology/approachBased on the technology acceptance model, a conceptual model was developed. A Web-based survey was conducted in Germany with a final sample of 501 cases. Structural equation modelling was performed to test the hypotheses.FindingsThe results confirmed the positive relationship between attitude and the customers' intention to use location-based retail apps. Perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment promote a positive attitude toward location-based retail apps, while privacy concerns and fear of spam hinder the formation of a favorable attitude. Subjective norms have a positive effect on customers' usage intention.Practical implicationsThe results help retailers who want to establish location-based retail apps at the point of sale (e.g. in the context of omni-channel strategies).Originality/valueAs previous research about location-based apps has mainly used empirical data from either Chinese or American samples, less is known about the perception of European customers. Research indicates that existing findings might not be transferable to European countries due to differences in values, social norms or regulations. Also, the failure of Shopkick in Germany illustrates the need for more research. Based on this, using a German sample to answer the research question, this study aims to provide a European perspective on location-based retail apps, and thereby extend existing research.

Marcus Rodrigues Peixoto ◽  
Jorge Brantes Ferreira ◽  
Laís Oliveira

ABSTRACT Context: teleconsultation can be a strategic technological tool for patients to access quality healthcare while dealing with resource challenges within health industry. It can be particularly relevant during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, when the social distancing world had to scramble for new technological solutions to offer quality healthcare services with reduced personal contact. Objective: our research proposes an integrative technology acceptance model to evaluate the drivers of teleconsultation adoption by patients, aligning constructs from the technology acceptance model with other drivers, such as technology readiness, trust, and self-efficacy. Methods: analyses included descriptive statistics and structural equations modeling based on survey’s data from a sample of 415 consumers. Results: results indicate significant relationships between the assessed constructs, with particular relevance on the effects of perceived usefulness, anteceded by trust and technology readiness, on attitude and intention to use teleconsultation. Conclusion: our findings provide helpful insights for health organizations and regulators associated with the diffusion of teleconsultation. The study findings also indicate that the challenging COVID-19 pandemic context may be affecting patients’ intention to adopt teleconsultation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Daniel Możdżyński ◽  
Wojciech Cellary

To be effectively deployed, a mobile payment (m-payment) system must be provided by e-merchants and accepted by e-consumers. Although the problem of acceptance of m-payment systems by e-consumers has been widely researched, there are few studies about what actually motivates e-merchants to adopt and deploy these systems in their businesses in the first place. The goal of this research was to discover the behavioral intentions of e-merchants to adopt and deploy an m-payment system. The interviews approach was applied to 347 e-merchants randomly selected from among the whole population of 47,457 independent business units selling goods on-line in Poland. The PLS-SEM method was applied to determine the relationship between variables. Unexpectedly, perceived risk was not a significant factor influencing e-merchants' intention to adopt an m-payment system. The e-merchants’ behavioral intention was significantly impacted by the expected usefulness, perceived ease of deployment and use, perceived cost and price, and hedonic motivation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Keng Boon Ooi ◽  
Siao Pin Yaw ◽  
Garry Wei Han Tan ◽  
Pik Yin Foo ◽  
Lai Ying Leong

Aquaculture ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 547 ◽  
pp. 737407 ◽  
Irfan Ulhaq ◽  
Ngoc Thi Anh Pham ◽  
Vu Le ◽  
Hiep-Cong Pham ◽  
Tru Cong Le

In this paper, we examined consumers’ intention to adopt and use mobile payment method in Ghana. Data for the study was obtained from a sample of 260 respondents through online and direct survey using structured questionnaire. Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyse the data through SPSS v.22 and SmartPLS v.3. Findings with regards to the determinants of mobile payment system adoption indicate that perceived security, attitude and perceived usefulness play active roles in consumers decision to adopt mobile payment method in Ghana. Also, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have a significant and positive influence on consumers’ attitude towards mobile payment adoption. Further, subjective norm was found to influence perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of mobile payment adoption in Ghana. The study contributes to literature on mobile payment system from developing country context. The study proffered some recommendations.

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