laser interferometry
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2022 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-55
Arnab Pal ◽  
Pradipta Panchadhyayee ◽  
Kriti R. Sahu ◽  
Debapriyo Syam

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 79-92
Igor Efimovich ◽  
Ivan Zolotukhin ◽  

Introduction. The efficiency of the metalworking processes highly depends on the performance of the implemented cutting tools that can be increased by studying its stress-strain state and temperature fields. Existing stress analysis methods either have a low accuracy or are inapplicable for research during the operation of the tools made of materials with high mechanical properties. In addition, the study of temperature fields using known methods is difficult due to the small size of the cutting zone, high temperatures, and a heavy temperature gradient appearing during metal cutting. The purpose of this study is to develop new experimental methods for measuring the stress-strain and temperature fields in the cutting tool during its operation using laser interferometry. The methods include: obtaining interference fringe patterns using an interferometer with the original design, obtaining the tool deformation field during the cutting process by recording the changes in interference fringe patterns using a high-speed camera, processing fringe patterns with the separation of deformations caused by heating and cutting forces, and calculating temperature fields and stress distributions using mechanical properties and the coefficient of thermal expansion of the tool material. The advantages of the developed methods include: applicability under real operating conditions of the cutting tool, ability to study the non-stationary stress-strain state and temperatures during an operation, and achievement of a high spatial resolution and a small field of view for the investigated surface. Results and Discussion. The experimental study confirmed the efficiency of the methods. The results of the study included the fields of stresses and temperatures obtained during the orthogonal cutting of heat-resistant steel with a tool made of cemented tungsten carbide WC-8Co. The developed methods can be used to study the cutting tool efficiency at close to real conditions and in obtaining boundary conditions for the study stress-strain state of a workpiece material near the cutting zone.

2021 ◽  
Guan Wang ◽  
Zhongwang Pang ◽  
Bohan Zhang ◽  
Fangmin Wang ◽  
Yufeng Chen ◽  

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (22) ◽  
pp. 7520
Jinbao Feng ◽  
Jinhui Wu ◽  
Yu Si ◽  
Yubin Gao ◽  
Ji Liu ◽  

To study the law that governs the complex movements of the mechanism in the process of automatic weapon operation, the velocity tracking test technology of photon Doppler velocimetry is introduced to accurately measure velocity, displacement and acceleration, on the condition that there are long displacement and rapid velocity change. In the traditional way, out of interference signal time-frequency (TF) transformation draws TF distribution, and then by modulus maxima frequency extraction, comes to the law of velocity change. Due to the influence resulting from the change of fundamental signal as well as that of light intensity signal in the test, based on the TF distribution obtained by TF transformation, the traditional modulus maxima frequency extraction can extract frequency signals, but they show abnormal sudden changes at some moments, making the velocity discontinuous, unsmooth and unreal, which brings obvious errors to the subsequent calculation of acceleration and accurate displacement. Addressing the above-mentioned problems, this paper proposes a ridge extracting correction algorithm based on modulus maxima frequency extraction; this method, based on a large number of experiments where rodless cylinders are used to simulate the motion of a gun automatic mechanism, conducts a detailed calculation and analysis of the experimental results. A comparison of the two algorithms’ processing results, in terms of the speed, displacement and acceleration, suggests that the ridge extracting correction algorithm successfully corrects the frequency selection error, which draws a more continuous and, therefore, effective curve of the velocity change, and by so doing, the error of the displacement test (within 1.36 m displacement) is reduced from more than 3.6% to less than 0.58%, and the uncertainty dropped 97.07%. All these show that the accurate measurement of velocity, displacement and acceleration, with sudden and rapid velocity changes considered, is realized successfully.

2021 ◽  
Mary Edmonds ◽  
Thaddeus Cox ◽  
John Markulin ◽  
Martin von Haartman

Abstract This paper presents a global die level sample preparation technique utilizing selective etch chemistry and laser interferometry to expose the entire die top-most metal layer surface for Ebeam electrical FI. A novel Ebeam based probing technique referred to as StaMPS is introduced alongside this prep technique to isolate logic structure failures observed through SEM image contrasts at different logic states. By landing SEM probe tips on exposed metal pads and controlling logic states via an applied bias, the varying states produce different contrast within SEM imaging highlighting structural failure locations. This global prep technique in combination with StaMPS Ebeam FI creates faster FI/FA turn-around time by delivering a globally delayered full die in under an hour and creating opportunity to locate several defect types within a single sample.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
Oleksandr G. Kesariiskyi ◽  
Andrii Marchenko ◽  
Igor Gritsuk ◽  
Vasyl Mateichyk ◽  
Volodymyr Pylyov ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 108
Luis Martins ◽  
Álvaro Ribeiro ◽  
Maria Do Céu Almeida ◽  
João Alves e Sousa

<p class="Abstract">Optical metrology has an increasing impact on observation and experimental activities in Civil Engineering, contributing to the Research and development of innovative, non-invasive techniques applied in testing and inspection of infrastructures and construction materials to ensure safety and quality of life. Advances in specific applications are presented in the paper, highlighting the application cases carried out by LNEC (the Portuguese National Laboratory for Civil Engineering). </p><p class="Abstract">The examples include: (i) structural monitoring of a long-span suspension bridge; (ii) use of close circuit television (CCTV) cameras in drain and sewer inspection; (iii) calibration of a large-scale seismic shaking table with laser interferometry; (iv) destructive mechanical testing of masonry specimens.</p><p class="Abstract">Current and future research work in this field is emphasized in the final section. Examples given are related to the use of Moiré techniques for digital modelling of reduced-scale hydraulic surfaces and to the use of laser interferometry for calibration of strain measurement standard for the geometrical evaluation of concrete testing machines.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (19) ◽  
pp. 195010
Min Ming ◽  
Yuanze Jiang ◽  
Jingyi Zhang ◽  
Zhizhao Wang ◽  
Qing Xiao ◽  

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