valles marineris
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Icarus ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 114886
A. Rajaneesh ◽  
C.L. Vishnu ◽  
T. Oommen ◽  
V.J. Rajesh ◽  
K.S. Sajinkumar

Icarus ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 114805
I. Mitrofanov ◽  
A. Malakhov ◽  
M. Djachkova ◽  
D. Golovin ◽  
M. Litvak ◽  

2021 ◽  
Isabel Herreros ◽  
Antonio Molina ◽  
Teresa Martínez-Pérez ◽  
Adrián Bacallado ◽  
Susana Mata ◽  

Geology ◽  
2021 ◽  
J.M. Davis ◽  
P.M. Grindrod ◽  
S.G. Banham ◽  
N.H. Warner ◽  
S.J. Conway ◽  

On Mars, basins formed by tectonic processes are rare and mostly have unconstrained subsidence histories. One method for understanding this record of subsidence is through associated alluvial fans, which are sourced from uplifted areas and accumulate in downthrown basins. The source, morphology, and superposition of fan deposits can be used to reconstruct fault kinematics, the relative timing of accommodation space formation, and, in turn, the influence tectonic processes had on Martian fan formation. Here we use high-resolution orbital data sets to characterize sediment fan deposits associated with syn-tectonic sedimentation in two regions of the Valles Marineris canyons: Coprates Chasma and Juventae Chasma. These deposits comprise sediment fans on the current canyon floor and low-gradient surfaces perched several kilometers above the canyon floor. We interpret the low-gradient surfaces as remnant sediment fan deposits, which originally formed at the former canyon floor and have since been offset due to normal faulting. The preservation of vertically offset generations of sediment fan deposits supports a progressive, basinward migration of fault activity into the original hanging wall or repeat activity along a fault zone. Each episode of faulting was followed by a basinward shift in drainages, which led to fault-scarp degradation and formation of a new generation of fans. Multiple episodes of syn-tectonic sedimentation occurred during the evolution of the basins, with fluvial activity sporadically active. Our results demonstrate, for the first time on Mars, that depositional cyclicity was linked to tectonic deformation, possibly representative of regional processes throughout Valles Marineris.

2021 ◽  
Joel Davis ◽  
et al.

Figures S1–S8, Table S1 (fan characteristics), and Table S2 (instrument and image ID numbers).<br>

2021 ◽  
Joel Davis ◽  
et al.

Figures S1–S8, Table S1 (fan characteristics), and Table S2 (instrument and image ID numbers).<br>

Icarus ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 114599
Pragya Singh ◽  
Ranjan Sarkar ◽  
Alok Porwal

Daniel Bodmer ◽  
Michael Krenmayr ◽  
Florian Holzapfel

AbstractThe Valles Marineris Explorer Cooperative Swarm navigation, Mission and Control research project aims to explore the Valles Marineris canyon system on Mars with, among others, multibody rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) comprising of a hexrotor system and a helium-filled balloon being attached to it by means of a rope. In this paper, we develop a high-fidelity closed-loop control system in MATLAB® and Simulink™ to present the application of an adequate flight controller guaranteeing (1) asymptotic tracking position control of the multibody flight system, (2) suppression of the balloon’s swinging motion in forward flight case, and (3) stabilization of the rope angle around its equilibrium for steady-state conditions. Applying feedback linearization for the outer loop and analytical backstepping for the inner loop of a nonlinear cascaded control design model of the hexrotor system, we propose an extension of the baseline flight controller by two artificial augmentation approaches to cope with the balloon dynamics. Basically, by utilizing oscillation damping feedbacks of the uncertain plant which are applied as additional commands to either the inner or the outer loop’s reference model. Simulation results are presented for an eight-shaped flight maneuver at the bottom of Valles Marineris proving that the augmentation units increase the flight controller capabilities to suppress modeling errors artificially—without changing the baseline control laws. The augmentation units actively damp the balloon motion in the forward flight case for non-steady-state conditions to counteract the rope oscillations and finally stabilize the rope angle around its equilibrium, so that the Mars vehicle is able to reach a steady-state in position when its extraterrestrial mission profile is successfully completed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 1385
Yu Tao ◽  
Greg Michael ◽  
Jan-Peter Muller ◽  
Susan J. Conway ◽  
Alfiah R. D. Putri

A seamless mosaic has been constructed including a 3D terrain model at 50 m grid-spacing and a corresponding terrain-corrected orthoimage at 12.5 m using a novel approach applied to ESA Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera orbital (HRSC) images of Mars. This method consists of blending and harmonising 3D models and normalising reflectance to a global albedo map. Eleven HRSC image sets were processed to Digital Terrain Models (DTM) based on an opensource stereo photogrammetric package called CASP-GO and merged with 71 published DTMs from the HRSC team. In order to achieve high quality and complete DTM coverage, a new method was developed to combine data derived from different stereo matching approaches to achieve a uniform outcome. This new approach was developed for high-accuracy data fusion of different DTMs at dissimilar grid-spacing and provenance which employs joint 3D and image co-registration, and B-spline fitting against the global Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) standard reference. Each HRSC strip is normalised against a global albedo map to ensure that the very different lighting conditions could be corrected and resulting in a tiled set of seamless mosaics. The final 3D terrain model is compared against the MOLA height reference and the results shown of this intercomparison both in altitude and planum. Visualisation and access mechanisms to the final open access products are described.

2021 ◽  
Alexey Malakhov ◽  
Igor Mitrofanov ◽  
Maxim Litvak ◽  
Anton Sanin ◽  
Dmitry Golovin ◽  

&lt;p&gt;FREND is a neutron telescope installed onboard Russian-European ExoMars mission Trace Gas Orbiter. Neutron measurements from orbit are a good characteristic of water content in the subsurface of Mars down to 1 meter in depth. The instrument&amp;#8217;s major characteristic is its neutron collimator that narrows significantly the field of view allowing for mapping with high spatial resolution of 60-200 km.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Previous missions (e.g. HEND experiment on NASA&amp;#8217;s Mars Odyssey) showed that water content is enhanced mainly in Martian polar regions and at Arabia area, however spatial resolution of these instruments only allowed to map the surface with a resolution of several hundreds of kilometers. A study performed on FREND data accumulated during its science mission between May 2018 and January 2021 was targeted on equatorial band of &amp;#177;40&amp;#176; latitude. We identified several local areas with enhanced mass fraction of water and performed a thorough analysis of each of them to identify the water content and estimate statistical significance of such wet spots.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The locations found are associated with major Martian relief formations, e.g. Olympus Mons, Ascraeus Mons, Xanthe Terra, Valles Marineris and others, each showing water content of tens of weight percent (wt%), with good statistical certainty above 3&amp;#963; relative to the immediate dry surroundings.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In this talk we will present the areas identified as well as explain the search algorithm and water content estimation techniques.&lt;/p&gt;

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