capra aegagrus
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2021 ◽  
pp. 17-23
Jaime Antonio Landero Amaya ◽  
Paola Marcela Carrasco Ruiz

La presente investigación se realizó en la Universidad Católica del Trópico Seco, ubicada en Estelí, Nicaragua. El objetivo fue evaluar dos métodos de sincronización de estro con dispositivos hormonales CIDR nuevos y reutilizados, para inseminación artificial transcervical en cabras (Capra aegagrus hircus). Se utilizó un diseño cuasi experimental comparativo. Dentro de los tratamientos utilizados están: T1 sincronización de estro con dispositivos hormonales CIDR nuevos para la inseminación artificial con semen fresco, T2 con CIDR reutilizados para la inseminación artificial. En la variable Efectividad de los métodos de sincronización de estro, se aplicó una prueba T de Student, donde los resultados obtenidos no tuvieron diferencias estadísticas. En la variable porcentaje de preñez, no se presentó diferencia estadística. En la variable beneficio/costo el T1 resalta la confiabilidad en el componente rentabilidad obteniendo un 1.04 con el análisis RCB. Los resultados del análisis de la variable: Propuesta de plan de manejo reproductivo en UCATSE, se concluye que se deben reestablecer ámbitos de manejo nutricional y de instalaciones para la implementación en la reproducción caprina utilizando los métodos de sincronización del estro e inseminación artificial, para la obtención del incremento en la producción caprina.

2021 ◽  
Stephen D. White ◽  
Verena K. Affolter ◽  
Annette M. Molinaro ◽  
Sarah M. Depenbrock ◽  
Munashe Chigerwe ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Ga-In Son ◽  
Eui-Ju Hong ◽  
Hyun-Jin Shin

One Saanen dairy goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) farm in Korea reported that some goats showed clinical signs such as arthritis, paralysis, carpal joint swelling, and even death. We monitored clinical signs and pathological lesions. In the laboratory, we confirmed caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) infection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We examined all the dairy goats on the farm and found that many of them were positive. In conclusion, CAEV infection was detected in the majority of the goats in this farm, and it induced severe clinical signs impacting productivity and causing important economic shortfalls. We need to regularly investigate all dairy goat farms, and, more importantly, inspection of the quarantine stage should be required before importation. Interestingly, we found all negative results in Korean native black goats (Capra hircus linnaeus).

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Jefferson Bruno Soares Oliveira ◽  
José Vicente Ferreira Neto ◽  
José Allan Soares de Araujo

Anomalias de intersexo são relatadas em diversas espécies animais. Tal fato resulta de falhas durante o desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal, originando animais hermafroditas verdadeiros e pseudo-hermafroditas. Com este trabalho objetivou-se relatar um caso de pseudo- hermafroditismo masculino em caprino ocorrido no município de Manaus – AM. Devido ao crescimento da pecuária no relacionada ao segmento correspondente a criação de caprinos, torna-se essencial para o sucesso da atividade que falhas no manejo reprodutivo sejam corrigidas haja visto que a ocorrência de intersexualidade em caprinos está relacionada principalmente ao caráter mocho dos animais ligados a fatores hereditários. O presente trabalho relata o caso de um caprino mocho, que apresentava- se ao exame clínico, morfologicamente como sendo do sexo feminino, com presença de estrutura vulvar anormal. Ao realizar o estudo anatômico, através da dissecação das estruturas, observou-se órgãos que se assemelhavam tanto aos femininos quanto aos masculinos, com presença de testículos intra-abdominal e órgão apresentando-se semelhante ao útero. Para a correta identificação destes órgãos efetuaram-se estudos histológicos, com a identificação correta e características de cada segmento analisado. De acordo com as estruturas encontradas foi possível diagnosticar o animal como tratando-se de um caso de pseudo-hermafroditismo masculino.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (6) ◽  
pp. 1287-1293
A.C. Santos ◽  
A. Gradela ◽  
M.D. Faria

ABSTRACT The social and economic roles of goat farming in Northeastern Brazil, allied to the fact that the use of goat middle ear ossicles for research and human ear surgery training has not yet been proposed, justify the study of their applicability as an experimental model. The middle ears of 19 goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) from the bone collection of the Laboratory and Didactic Anatomy Museum of Domestic and Wild Animals of the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF) were dissected. The malleus, incus, and stapes were evaluated regarding their macroscopic morphology and biometry (length, width, and height). Ossicle morphology was similar to sheep, human, and bovine morphology. The malleus was 1.3 times heavier and 2.2 times longer than the incus, and 9.0 times heavier and 3.7 times longer than the stapes. The size relationship was positive between the stapes and the malleus and negative between the stapes and the incus. It is concluded that the middle ear size and the anatomical similarities with human ossicles make goats a useful model for experimental scientific studies, reconstructive surgery practice of the ossicular chain, and human ear surgery training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 109442-109448
Pablo Luiz Marins Mota ◽  
Felipe de Paula Sá ◽  
Lucas Cavalcante De Moura ◽  
Lara Nunes De Araújo ◽  
Nathália Sampaio Zelkovicz Cohen ◽  

R. Mythili ◽  
P. Srinivasan ◽  
L. Praburaman ◽  
Mysoon M. Al-Ansari ◽  
Latifah Al-Humaid ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (14) ◽  
pp. 7490
Maria Skrzyszowska ◽  
Marcin Samiec

The domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus), a mammalian species with high genetic merit for production of milk and meat, can be a tremendously valuable tool for transgenic research. This research is focused on the production and multiplication of genetically engineered or genome-edited cloned specimens by applying somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), which is a dynamically developing assisted reproductive technology (ART). The efficiency of generating the SCNT-derived embryos, conceptuses, and progeny in goats was found to be determined by a variety of factors controlling the biological, molecular, and epigenetic events. On the one hand, the pivotal objective of our paper was to demonstrate the progress and the state-of-the-art achievements related to the innovative and highly efficient solutions used for the creation of transgenic cloned does and bucks. On the other hand, this review seeks to highlight not only current goals and obstacles but also future challenges to be faced by the approaches applied to propagate genetically modified SCNT-derived goats for the purposes of pharmacology, biomedicine, nutritional biotechnology, the agri-food industry, and modern livestock breeding.

2021 ◽  
pp. 106488
Wasseem Khattab ◽  
Ahmed Hamad ◽  
Ahmed H. Khalil ◽  
Saad Shousha ◽  
Abdelrahman M. Abdelgawad ◽  

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