maruca testulalis
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V.P. Meena ◽  
S.K. Khinchi ◽  
D.K. Bairwa ◽  
Akhter Hussain ◽  
K.C. Kumawat ◽  

Background: Gram pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) and spotted pod borer, Maruca testulalis (Geyer) are important pod boring insects infesting the greengram, [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] throughout the India. A number of synthetic insecticides are known to be effective against these borers but most of them have been phased out as a result of high toxicity to the pollinators and other biotic fauna, therefore, a group of new chemical insecticides with biopesticides have been tested for bioefficacy against these insect pests. Method: A field experiment was conducted at S.K.N. College of Agriculture, Jobner, Rajasthan during kharif, 2018 in randomized block design (RBD) with 9 treatments and 3 replications. The observations were recorded of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) and spotted pod borer, Maruca testulalis (Geyer) borers one day before and 1, 3, 7 and 15 days after application of insecticides and biopesticides in each the spray from ten randomly selected and tagged plants/ plot. From the data recorded per cent reduction in population over control was calculated. The per cent pod damage was calculated by counting damaged pods out of healthy pods of greengram. Result: The spinosad 45 SC (0.01%) proved to be most effective, indoxacarb 14.5 SC (0.01%) followed by fipronil 5 SC (0.01%), whereas, treatments of neem leaf extract (10.00%), Beauveria bassiana 1.15 WP 1X108 spore/ l proved to be least effective. The maximum seed yield of 9.13 q ha–1 was obtained in the plots treated with spinosad 45 SC (0.01%) followed by indoxacarb 14.5 SC (0.01%) (8.89 q ha-1), fipronil 5 SC (0.01%) (8.60 q ha-1).

Sri W. Indiati ◽  
Ratri T. Hapsari ◽  
Yusmani Prayogo ◽  
Sholihin . ◽  
Titik Sundari ◽  

Background: Pod borer, Maruca testulalis is one of the harmful mung bean pests and cause substantial damage to the crop or failure to harvest. This study was carried out to identify the level of resistance to pod borer of mungbean accessions. Methods: Field research was conducted at Muneng Experimental Farm, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia in the 2018 dry season using the randomized block design and repeated two times. A total of 50 accessions of mungbeans were planted in two growing environments, namely: L1 = controlled environment (Maruca pest was controlled with NPV biopesticide 2 g/liter of water) and L2 = uncontrolled environment (Maruca pest was not controlled with any kind of pesticide). Observations were made on the intensity of borer attack and dry seed weight. Result: Eleven accessions gave a low resistant (LR) to moderately resistant (MR) categories responses against M. testulalis attacks. The pod damage from the eleven selected accessions was less than 15% under environmental conditions without control (L2). Control application (L1) reduced pod damage by 48.5% and increased mung bean seed yield by 25%, compared to without control (L2). The eleven accessions that were consistent or stable with low attack intensity under conditions with and without control gave dry seed weights above average, except for accessions (MLGV 0054, MLGV 0115 and MLGV 0320) which had dry seed weights lower than the average both in the growing environment with control (L1) or without control (L2).

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Laili Nisfuriah ◽  
Haperidah Nunilahwati

Kacang panjang sangat disukai hama.  Hama yang sering menyerang adalah ulat penggerek polong (Maruca testulalis), tungau merah (Tetranychus bimaculatus), dan kutu daun (Aphis spp.). Upaya menekan intensitas kerusakan akibat serangan hama pada pertanaman adalah dilakukannya pengendalian populasi hama. Penggunaan insektisida sintetik (pestisida) dalam pengendalian hama perlu dikurangi dengan cara beralih pada insektisida yang berbahan aktif jamur entomopatogen. Jamur Entompatogen merupakan jamur yang menginfeksi serangga dengan cara masuk ketubuh inang melalui kulit, saluran pencernaan, spirakel, dan lubang lainnya. Jamur Entomopatogen yang efektif mengendalikan hama penting tanaman adalah; Leucanicillium lecanii, Beuveria sp, Metarhizium anisoplae, Nomuraea rileyi, Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, Aspergilus parasiticus dan Vericillium lecanii. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti adanya pertumbuhan koloni jamur entomopatogen pada serangga umpan dari pertanaman kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis L.) di Desa Bukit Batu Jalur 30 Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Palembang.  Penelitiaan ini dilakukan selama 3 bulan yaitu pada bulan Februari 2019 sampai dengan April 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan pengambilan sampel tanah dilakukan dengan menentukan lokasi dan lima titik sampel secara diagonal. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa di lahan pertanaman kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis L.)  desa Bukit Baru Jalur 30 Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir terdapat jamur Entomopatogen dan terdapat tiga gejala yang terdapat pada serangga umpan yang terinfeksi jamur Entomopatogen.  Mortalitas serangga umpan maksimum adalah 4 ekor (40%) dan minimum 1 ekor (10%) untuk masing-masing sampel.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-33
Devita Hardiyanti ◽  
Sigit Prafiadi ◽  
Revisika R

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the fruit filtrate of the Phaleria macro as bioinsecticide for the larvae of Maruca testulalis in long bean plants Vigna unguiculata. This research was conducted at the Integrated Science Laboratory of STKIP Muhammadiyah Manokwari in June 2019. The population used in this study was 150 larvae of Maruca testulalis. 7 treatment groups were consisting of 4 replications. The P0 treatment group was given 0.1 ml of reagent solution, then for treatment P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, and P6 each was given the filtrate from the Phaleria macro with a concentration of 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%. The results of data analysis using the Kruskal-Wallis test 5.708 <12.591 so that there was no effect of the bioinsecticide of the crown of gods on the larvae of Phaleria macro these results are influenced by the dose concentration that is not quite right. However, if it is seen from the results of the research data, it can be seen that there is an effect of giving the Phaleria macro fruit filtrate on the mortality of Maruca testulalis larvae. This effect is due to the presence of saponin compounds found in the Phaleria macro.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 70
Yusmani Prayogo ◽  
Marida Santi Yudha Ika Bayu

<p>Pests are one of the main obstacles in improving mungbean production in Indonesia. Currently, conventional control by using synthetic pesticides is less successful because the population and damage due to the organism are still high. This study aims to evaluate the mungbean pest control technology by using biopesticide. The experiment was conducted using randomized block design, five treatments and five replicates. The treatments were P1: preventive of neem seed powder (NSP), entompothogenic virus which contain <em>Spodoptera litura</em> nuclear polyhedrosis virus (Virgra), and conidia of entomopathogenic fungi <em>Beauveria bassiana</em> (BeBas) application; P2: SBM, Virgra, and BeBas application based on economic threshold (ET); P3: application of synthetic pesticides based on schedule; P4: application of synthetic pesticides based on ET; and P5: without control. The results showed that the pests were armyworm (<em>Spodoptera litura </em>(Fabricius)), whitefly (<em>Bemisia tabaci </em>(Gennadius)), <em>Empoasca</em> sp., <em>Megalurothrips</em> <em>usitatus</em> (Bagnall), brown stink bug (<em>Riptortus</em> <em>linearis </em>(Fabricius)), green stink bug (<em>Nezara viridula </em>(Linnaeus)), and pod borer (<em>Maruca testulalis </em>(Geyer)). The application of NSP, Virgra, and BeBas, as preventive measures and the application of synthetic pesticides based on schedule effectively were suppressed pest population. In contrast, the application of biopesticides and synthetic pesticides based on ET did not suppress the development of major pests. The application of biopesticide based on ET are safe for the survival of natural enemies. Meanwhile, the application of synthetic pesticides can destroy existing natural enemies. Integrated management of NSP, Virgra, and BeBas, that are applied preventively are potential to be innovative technology for controlling the major mungbean pest to replace synthetic pesticides.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-88
Alwasilah Yofita Ilham ◽  
Nurhadi ◽  
Elza Safitri

The population of Maruca testulalis in the long bean (Vigna sinensis) can lower the yield productions. Maruca testulalis attack the part of the pods long bean that left little holes in the pod. In that regard, so the research has been done about population density Maruca testulalis on the long bean plant (Vigna sinensis) in Celebacy Gunung Sarik Seedlings Kuranji Padang City. This research has been done, in January-February 2019 by using Survey Descriptive method which is a direct collector of pods long beans. Purposive Random Sampling technique sample. Sample were taken at 60 days and 70 days. Measured environmental conditions thats temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed, and pH. Based on the research being done, population density Maruca testulalis on the long bean plant (Vigna sinensis) in Celebacy Gunung Sarik Seedlings Kuranji Padang City 1,3 individual/plant (age 60 days) and 0,95 individual/plant (age 70 days). Population density Maruca testulalis 1,12 individuals/plants and fall in the category of light attack.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-30
Sagar Dahal ◽  
Bhola Gautam ◽  
Bala Sharma ◽  
Kamal Neupane ◽  
Santosh Kandel ◽  

The efficacy of different management practices comprising cowpea/sorghum intercropping, microbial insecticide: Spinosad, neem-based botanical pesticide: neemix and synthetic insecticide: Chlorpyriphos 50 + Cypermethrin 5 were evaluated against pod borer and pod sucking bugs of cowpea. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized block design at Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Nepal. All the treatments except cowpea/sorghum intercropping significantly reduced the flower infestation of pod borer larvae. The lowest number of infected flower and number of larvae per flower was observed in Spinosad treated plot. Also, the highest percentage of reduction in flower infestation was observed in Spinosad treated plots. Similarly, Chlorpyriphos 50 + Cypermethrin 5 treated plots showed the least number of pod bug infestation followed by Spinosad. The highest yield and lowest weight of damaged pod was recorded in Spinosad treated plots along with the lowest percentage infestation of pods by weight. The highest net income per hectare of land was recorded in Spinosad followed by Chlorpyriphos 50 + Cypermethrin 5 treatment. The marginal benefit cost ratio showed that the highest profit per unit rupee spent over control was obtained in Chlorpyriphos 50 + Cypermethrin 5 treatment followed by Spinosad. Considering the results obtained, Spinosad an eco-friendly, safe and less hazardous bio-pesticide has been recommended as a good approach for the management of cowpea pod borer and pod sucking bug.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Minal Faizin ◽  
Nadrawati Nadrawati ◽  
Edhi Turmudi

[THE INCIDENCE OF POD-BORER, Maruca testulalis Geyer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) IN EIGHT MUNG BEAN VARIETIES (Vigna radiata L.) AND ITS EFFECT ON YIELD]. Mung beans are an essential food crop in Indonesia, whose production is still increasing to meet domestic needs. However, the high attack of plant pests Maruca testulalis Geyer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is one of the leading causes of the low production of green beans. The use of superior varieties is one solution to controlling these pests. This study was conducted to test seven superior varieties of green beans, namely Vima 1, Vima 2, Vima 3, Murai, Kenari, Kutilang and Seriti and one local variety against M. testulalis. The study used a completely randomized block design and was repeated three times. The results showed that the mungbean varieties Vima 1, Vima 2, and Vima 3 had M. testulalis attack with the lowest level of seed damage in sequence, namely 5.84%, 7.94%, and 6.39%. Even though the percentage of pod borers attack did not significantly affect the growth of all Balitkabi superior varieties and one local variety of mungbean planted, the Kutilang variety was the highest yield with seed yield rates that were as low as other low-attack varieties.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Yuliantoro Baliadi ◽  
Yusmani Prayogo

<p>Tingkat keragaman artropoda sangat menentukan dinamika jenis dan populasi hama, musuh alami dan artropoda berguna pada pertanaman kacang hijau (<em>Vigna radiata</em> L.). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kelimpahan populasi artropoda dan dampaknya terhadap kerusakan polong kacang hijau. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Ngale, Kabupaten Ngawi, Jawa Timur pada musim kemarau (MK) II 2015, menggunakan varietas Vima 1, rancangan acak kelompok dengan ulangan lima kali. Lima perlakuan waktu aplikasi pestisida kimia yang diuji adalah; P1 (aplikasi insektisida kimia mulai umur 14 hari setelah tanam (HST) hingga panen); P2 (aplikasi insektisida kimia mulai umur 8 dan 35 HST hingga panen); P3 (aplikasi insektisida kimia mulai umur 8, 14, 21, 28, dan 35 HST); P4 (tanpa aplikasi insektisida kimia); dan P5 (aplikasi insektisida kimia mulai awal pertumbuhan hingga panen). Pengamatan jenis dan populasi artropoda dilakukan melalui pengamatan langsung, pitfall trap, sticky trap dan sweep net mulai umur 14 HST hingga panen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis dan populasi artropoda di pertanaman kacang hijau sangat beragam tergantung fase pertumbuhan kacang hijau dan aplikasi insektisida kimia. Lima ordo sebagai musuh alami potensial di lahan kacang hijau yaitu: Araneida, Collembola, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera dan Diptera, sedangkan empat ordo yang berfungsi sebagai hama adalah: Diptera, Homoptera, Hemiptera, dan Orthoptera. Artropoda hama utama di fase awal pertumbuhan adalah <em>Ophiomyia phaseoli</em>, di fase vegetatif adalah <em>Bemisia tabaci</em> dan <em>Aphis</em> sp., sedangkan di fase pembentukan polong adalah <em>Riptortus linearis</em>, <em>Nezara viridula</em>, <em>Piezodorus hybneri</em>, dan <em>Maruca testulalis</em> yang dapat menyebabkan penurunan hasil 9,35-26,03%.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-130
Benyamin Dendang ◽  
Endah Suhaendah ◽  

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