protostellar disks
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2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (8) ◽  
pp. 581-585
V. Yu. Zakharov ◽  
T. G. Chernova

2021 ◽  
Vol 916 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Hsi-Wei Yen ◽  
Bo Zhao ◽  
Patrick M. Koch ◽  
Aashish Gupta

N. S. Kargaltseva ◽  
A. E. Dudorov ◽  
S. A. Khaibrahmanov ◽  
S. Yu. Parfenov ◽  

We perform numerical MHD simulations of the isothermal collapse of magnetic rotating protostellar clouds to investigate initial conditions for protostellar disks formation. The simulations show that a hierarchical structure of the cloud is formed during the isothermal collapse: a flattened cloud envelope with a primary magnetostatic disk inside. The first core forms inside the primary disk further. We investigate the dependence of the characteristics (size, mass, angular momentum) of the envelope and primary disk on the initial thermal, magnetic, and rotational energies. Based on the results of numerical simulation the average brightness temperature in the NH3 line (2,2) is under construction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 904 (2) ◽  
pp. L27
Ahmad Nemer ◽  
Jeremy Goodman ◽  
Lile Wang

2020 ◽  
Vol 902 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Patrick D. Sheehan ◽  
John J. Tobin ◽  
Sam Federman ◽  
S. Thomas Megeath ◽  
Leslie W. Looney

2020 ◽  
Vol 641 ◽  
pp. A72
Eduard I. Vorobyov ◽  
Vardan G. Elbakyan ◽  
Kazuyuki Omukai ◽  
Takashi Hosokawa ◽  
Ryoki Matsukoba ◽  

Aims. The early evolution of protostellar disks with metallicities in the Z = 1.0 − 0.01 Z⊙ range was studied with a particular emphasis on the strength of gravitational instability and the nature of protostellar accretion in low-metallicity systems. Methods. Numerical hydrodynamics simulations in the thin-disk limit were employed that feature separate gas and dust temperatures, and disk mass-loading from the infalling parent cloud cores. Models with cloud cores of similar initial mass and rotation pattern but distinct metallicity were considered to distinguish the effect of metallicity from that of the initial conditions. Results. The early stages of disk evolution in low-metallicity models are characterized by vigorous gravitational instability and fragmentation. Disk instability is sustained by continual mass-loading from the collapsing core. The time period that is covered by this unstable stage is much shorter in the Z = 0.01 Z⊙ models than in their higher metallicity counterparts thanks to the higher rates of mass infall caused by higher gas temperatures (which decouple from lower dust temperatures) in the inner parts of collapsing cores. Protostellar accretion rates are highly variable in the low-metallicity models reflecting the highly dynamic nature of the corresponding protostellar disks. The low-metallicity systems feature short but energetic episodes of mass accretion caused by infall of inward-migrating gaseous clumps that form via gravitational fragmentation of protostellar disks. These bursts seem to be more numerous and last longer in the Z = 0.1 Z⊙ models than in the Z = 0.01 Z⊙ case. Conclusions. Variable protostellar accretion with episodic bursts is not a particular feature of solar metallicity disks. It is also inherent to gravitationally unstable disks with metallicities up to 100 times lower than solar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 898 (1) ◽  
pp. 79 ◽  
Brandt A. L. Gaches ◽  
Stefanie Walch ◽  
Stella S. R. Offner ◽  
Carsten Münker

2020 ◽  
Vol 120 (11) ◽  
pp. 4616-4659 ◽  
Scott A. Sandford ◽  
Michel Nuevo ◽  
Partha P. Bera ◽  
Timothy J. Lee

2020 ◽  
Vol 635 ◽  
pp. A196
Eduard I. Vorobyov ◽  
Alexandr M. Skliarevskii ◽  
Vardan G. Elbakyan ◽  
Michihiro Takami ◽  
Hauyu Baobab Liu ◽  

Aims. We study the origin of tail-like structures recently detected around the disk of SU Aurigae and several FU Orionis-type stars. Methods. Dynamic protostellar disks featuring ejections of gaseous clumps and quiescent protoplanetary disks experiencing a close encounter with an intruder star were modeled using the numerical hydrodynamics code FEOSAD. Both the gas and dust dynamics were taken into account, including dust growth and mutual friction between the gas and dust components. Only plane-of-the-disk encounters were considered. Results. Ejected clumps produce a unique type of tail that is characterized by a bow-shock shape. Such tails originate from the supersonic motion of ejected clumps through the dense envelope that often surrounds young gravitationally unstable protostellar disks. The ejected clumps either sit at the head of the tail-like structure or disperse if their mass is insufficient to withstand the head wind of the envelope. On the other hand, close encounters with quiescent protoplanetary disks produce three types of the tail-like structure; we define these as pre-collisional, post-collisional, and spiral tails. These tails can in principle be distinguished from one another by particular features of the gas and dust flow in and around them. We find that the brown-dwarf-mass intruders do not capture circumintruder disks during the encounter, while the subsolar-mass intruders can acquire appreciable circumintruder disks with elevated dust-to-gas ratios, which can ease their observational detection. However, this is true only for prograde collisions; the retrograde intruders fail to collect appreciable amounts of gas or dust from the disk of the target. The mass of gas in the tail varies in the range 0.85–11.8 MJup, while the total mass of dust lies in the 1.75–30.1 M⊕ range, with the spiral tails featuring the highest masses. The predicted mass of dust in the model tail-like structures is therefore higher than what was inferred for similar structures in SU Aur, FU Ori, and Z CMa, making their observational detection feasible. Conclusions. Tail-like structures around protostellar and protoplanetary disks can be used to infer interesting phenomena such as clump ejection or close encounters. In particular, the bow-shock morphology of the tails could point to clump ejections as a possible formation mechanism. Further numerical and observational studies are needed to better understand the detectability and properties of the tails.

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