master narratives
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Brian James Baer

Abstract The ideological incommensurability of the worldviews or master narratives represented by the two opposing superpowers during the Cold War and embodied in the image of an impenetrable iron curtain gave particular salience to translation theory while also questioning the very possibility of translation. At the same time, the neoimperialist projects of the two superpowers produced startlingly similar approaches to the instrumentalization of translation as a vehicle for propaganda and diplomacy. Presenting polarization as a distinct state of semiosis, the effects of which are highly unpredictable, this article explores the various ways in which the radical polarization of the Cold War shaped the theory and practice of translation both within and across the ideological divide. Plotting the entanglements of the light and dark sides of translation during this time challenges traditional histories of the field that construe the period as one of progress and liberation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-205
Imre Tarafás

The study offers a comparative analysis of historical grand récits written during the period of the Austro–Hungarian Empire in the imperial center, Hungary and Bohemia. On the one hand, the study focuses on different strategies of legitimizing the existence of the empire from Austro-German historians and, on the other, on how compatible these historical visions were with those of Hungarian and Czech scholars. Rather than seeing “imperial” and “national” histories as isolated, by genre different narratives, our aim is to study them as community histories which have serious implications for each other: smaller (national) community histories for the larger (imperial) community, and vice versa. The study does not only rely on the analysis of these community histories, but aims to situate them in the larger context of the historical argumentation of the contemporary political discourse, as well as the central notions with which loyalty to Austria could be expressed. According to the conclusion of the study, there is no discernible common ground for Austro-German historians in terms of defining the mission and essence of Austria or even for basic notions describing the empire’s past. Also, their definitions of crucial notions such as the “nation” significantly contradicted the major Hungarian master narratives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (6) ◽  
pp. 717-746
James G. Hillman ◽  
David J. Hauser

People hold narrative expectations for how humans generally change over the course of their lives. In some areas, people expect growth (e.g., wisdom), while in others, people expect stability (e.g., extroversion). However, do people apply those same expectations to the self? In five studies (total N = 1,372), participants rated selves as improving modestly over time in domains where stability should be expected (e.g., extroversion, quick-wittedness). Reported improvement was significantly larger in domains where growth should be expected (e.g., wisdom, rationality) than domains where stability should be expected. Further, in domains where growth should be expected participants reported improvement for selves and others. However, in domains where stability should be expected, participants reported improvement for selves but not others. Hence, participants used narrative expectations to inform projections of change. We discuss implications for future temporal self-appraisal research, heterogeneity of effect sizes in self-appraisal research, and between-culture differences in narratives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Sheryl Prentice ◽  
Paul J. Taylor

Within studies of extremism, extremist and non-extremist messages are generally treated as two sets of competing constructed narratives. However, some research has argued that these message forms are not dichotomous and that non-extremist narratives demonstrate overlap with extremist master narratives. The aim of this paper is to test this hypothesis empirically by comparing 250 extremist, 250 mainstream and 250 counter-extremist messages. The paper finds considerable overlap between extremist and non-extremist material. However, an analysis of underlying content suggests that this overlap may not be so much due to the extensive adoption of an extremist master narrative by non-extremist authors, but rather a question of resistance and positioning, specifically, who are authors resisting and why? The findings have implications for counter-extremism policy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 101-132
Luis Roniger

This chapter analyzes how master narratives of sinister foreign plans behind international wars have developed transnationally in Latin America. It reconstructs two cases of transnational diffusion of conspiracy theories, contrasting them with a case in which other master narratives prevailed. In the War of the Triple Alliance (1864–70) and the Chaco War (1932–35), conspiratorial interpretations of foreign designs gained momentum, reinforcing the image of victimization by external enemies. Such narratives downplayed the role of local political forces, as documented by historical research. Contrastingly, in the aftermath of the Pacific War (1879–83), conspiracy theories did not become the master narratives. The chapter discusses this variance in the transnational diffusion of conspiracy theories over Latin American wars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-207
Jason T. Roche

Abstract The introductory article proposes the hypothesis, which informed the decision making and editorial work in the present volume, that appropriations and weaponisations of the crusades in the modern era rely on culturally embedded master narratives of the past that are often thought to encompass public or cultural memories. Crucially, medievalism, communicated through metonyms, metaphors, symbols and motifs frequently acts as a placeholder instead of the master narratives themselves. The article addresses differences between medievalists’ and modernists’ conceptions of crusades, especially highlighting how the very meaning of words – such as crusade – differ in the respective fields. But the matter at hand goes beyond semantics, for the notion that the act of crusading is a live and potent issue is hard to ignore. There exists a complex and multifaceted crusading present. That people can appeal to master narratives of the crusades via mutable medievalism, which embodies zero-sum, Manichaean-type “clash of civilisations” scenarios, helps explain the continued appeal of the crusades to those who seek to weaponise them. It is hoped that the contributions to the special issue, introduced towards the end of the article, further a better understanding of the ways this has happened in the modern era.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107780042110483
Andy Kai-chun Chuang

In this essay, I utilize autoethnographic storytelling to interrogate the notion of searching for an im/possible “home” as a foreign-born, yet U.S. post-graduate educated scholar in the U.S. academy and extend the discussion of theorizing academic home to demonstrate how I am labeled as an Other within the academic arena, and to examine the constant silencing and scrutiny of my teaching, service, and research in my professional life. This essay responds to the call of using autoethnography as a legitimizing space to re-center transnational scholars’ voices and to resist master narratives of being a professional in academia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 75 (3/4) ◽  
pp. 310-336 ◽  
David Martin

Abstract After a critical examination of western master narratives of modernization and secularization, David Martin focuses, first, on one of the variants of Christian modernity, Anglican modernity. The Anglican Church provides a simulacrum of the universal church as it ranges from the Catholic to the Evangelical and Pentecostal and is, hence, rigged also by many of the problems confronting the church in the contemporary world. Next, Martin considers some examples of unanchored spirituality and free-floating faith that have, in his opinion, no serious future as major expressions of Christianity—he discusses, in particular, Schumann’s paradigm of Romantic music. Though inevitably fallible, churches are to be regarded as pointers to transcendence, opening, in the words of William Blake, “the doors of perception.” Without the institutional church to protect and perpetuate the Christian language of transcendence and provide ritual re-enactment of the Christian story of ruin and restoration, the Anglican/Christian vision would be as vulnerable and ephemeral as most contemporary forms of non-institutional, un-anchored “spirituality” [the editors].

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