technological rationality
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9A) ◽  

The Digital dependence in this study is not a dependency on the Internet in traditional contexts. The digital dependence of higher education evaluation has the following manifestations: The widespread penetration of "digit" exists everywhere in higher education evaluation; “Digit” takes up the priority within the coordinate system of higher education evaluation; Irrational "digit" becomes disciplinary force by alienation in higher education evaluation. Its roots in the fact that it derives from the long-term restriction by the evaluation views on rationalism under the control of technological rationality, the promotion of simplifying perception of the higher education field, and the resource black hole and benefit inducement that "digit" can be manifested. Therefore, the key to eliminate the digital dependence in higher education evaluation and breaking the utilitarian thinking should include the following three aspects: returning the meaning of digital criterion in higher education evaluation to be genuine, clarifying the reasonable boundaries of the digital application in the evaluation of higher education, and optimizing the structure of the higher education evaluation system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-63
Gilang Rizky Sampytho ◽  
Tutik Sulistyowati ◽  
Muhammad Hayat

The development of technology will be followed by the development of crime, one of which is the Grab online application mafia in the form of a fictional restaurant. Humans become objects so it must also be analyzed that the mafia experiences control by technology, it is an important subject when analyzing using the Herbert Mercuse theory. digitization. The research method used is qualitative, with a descriptive type of research. Descriptive is a type of qualitative research that describes problems that exist in society. The technique of determining the subject using purposive sampling. The analysis in this study uses Herbert Marcuse's theory of one dimension man and technological rationality. The findings of this study are the existence of a fictional restaurant by applying the mafia work system to take Grab promos with a crime system in the digitalization world. A fictional restaurant is a crime because stealing a Grab promo that is not carried out based on the system recommended by Grab. In fact, a fictitious order can be a profitable business between 3 parties. A number of drivers admit that the practice of fictitious orders is often deliberately carried out by the restaurant. According to them, Grab is not disadvantaged because the restaurant still does not pay taxes and sales traffic is high. Suggestions for the next writer related to this research are to focus on Grab bike drivers who often receive fictitious orders both in terms of receiving passenger orders, express and food delivery.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 379
Valdemir Pereira de Queiroz Neto ◽  
Maria de Fátima Vieira Severiano

This article has the objective of promoting reflections on the Technological Rationality and its implications to the production of science and the educational formation of scientists. With support on the theoretical reference of the Frankfurt School and other thinkers of the issue of technique and science, a critic is addressed to the existing disequilibrium between technical and humanitarian progress, denouncing the need of a redirection of scientific propositions to human needs and to the combat of the ever-increasing social inequality. Methodologically, this article is constituted of a theoretical discussion about the matter of the use of science as an instrument capable of enhancing the dominations directed to individuals, both scientists and consumers of science products. The findings reinforce the importance of the recovery of social and political values in science to the construction of a fairer and more balanced society.

Prism ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-243
Ban Wang

Abstract As a champion of May Fourth enlightenment and a critic of Chinese tradition, Lu Xun is less understood as a prescient critic of the myth of science and technological rationality. Walter Benjamin invoked the utopian reconciliation of humans and nature from premodern culture in critiques of modernity. Similarly, Lu Xun conjured up images of the ancient world where rural folks lived in reciprocity with nature, worshiped supernatural beings, and observed time-honored rituals. Lu Xun linked the myth of progress and technology to a destructive chorus of “malevolent voices” by a hypocritical gentry, a technocratic elite that sought power, status, and profit in the name of enlightenment and rationality. He proclaimed that it is urgent to “rid of ourselves of this hypocrite gentry; ‘superstition’ may remain.” Invoking Benjamin's insight and affinity with Lu Xun, this article explores the Chinese writer's recovery of the mythical and ecological images from the past in the critique of modernity. Confronted with the fetishism of progress and technology in China's early modernization, Lu Xun sought to uncover and redeem primordial images from archaic traditions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 547-572 ◽  
Matt Craven

Abstract In this article, I seek to develop the argument that the law of outer space, as it was to be developed during the 1960s and 1970s, configured outer space as a ‘commons’ in order to displace two prevailing ‘dystopic’ socio-technical imaginaries that were to be associated with the Cold War. One of these was that outer space might become a place of warfare – and, more specifically, a warfare of annihilatory proportions between the two main protagonists of the Cold War; the other, that it might be the object of ‘primitive accumulation’. Drawing upon the work of Herbert Marcuse, I argue that, whilst the nascent code of outer space visibly sought to repress both of these possibilities, it did so by bringing into play a particular ‘technological rationality’, in which each of these aversions were to reappear as sustaining configurations – as what might be called the rational irrationalities of a Cold War commons.

Bojing LUI

LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract in English only.An irreconcilable conflict between "humanistic rationality" and "technological rationality" is becoming increasingly evident. AI, as the representative of technological rationality today, is suffering from "moral overload." Therefore, who should define the ethical boundaries of AI and who should solve the problem of moral overload have become the most important questions. This paper analyzes an article entitled "The Promise and Perils of AI in Medicine" by Robert Sparrow and Joshua Hatherley, sharing with you some views on AI in the medical field.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 56 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.

2018 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-143
Martin Travers

The concern that Heidegger voiced in his later work for the plight of nature in a world dominated by technological rationality and commercial exploitation has often been seen as sign of his commitment to environmental ethics. This paper argues that the roots of Heidegger’s concern lay elsewhere, most notably in his identification with the beliefs and practices of Germanic paganism. Beginning with a discussion of Heidegger’s notion of the ‘Geviert’ (the ‘fourfold’), this paper examines how Heidegger drew upon the elemental tropes of the pagan mind, most noticeably those that celebrated water, land and forest, to ground his appropriation of nature in an ethos of spiritualized naturalism.

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