reference theory
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-24
Luis Fernandez Moreno ◽  
Paula Atencia Conde-Pumpido

In some of his writings, Kuhn criticized Putnam’s causal theory of reference for natural kind terms put forward in his classic paper “The Meaning of ‘Meaning’” claiming that Putnam’s theory cannot explain the reference changes of natural kind terms. After looking into Kuhn’s objections to Putnam’s reference theory, some of the main features of Kuhn’s incommensurability thesis and some traits of Putnam’s later version of his theory, we will argue, on the one hand, that Putnam’s later reference theory contains some components that enhance the explanation of the reference change of natural kind terms, and on the other hand, that Kuhn’s and Putnam’s views on reference do no differ that much, especially in virtue ofcertain similarities between Kuhn’s incommensurability thesis and Putnam’s thesis of conceptual relativity.

Валерий Александрович Суровцев

Рассматривается источник логических парадоксов, выявленных Б. Расселом в системе обоснования математики, предложенной Г. Фреге. Самореферентность выражений, предложенная Б. Расселом как объяснение возникновения парадоксов, рассматривается с точки зрения разработанной им простой и разветвленной теории типов. Обосновывается, что теория типов, предложенная Б. Расселом, основана на онтологических предпосылках. Онтологические предпосылки зависят от предпочтения семантическому перед синтаксическим подходом, который принимается Б. Расселом. Рассмотрены синтаксические подходы к логическому символизму, которые позволяют устранить парадоксы с точки зрения языка современной символической логики. Анализируется подход к решению парадоксов Л. Витгенштейна, который основан на синтаксическом подходе. Показано, что этот подход отличается от способов построения языка, принятых в современной логике. The article analyzes the source of logical paradoxes Bertrand Russell identified in the foundations of mathematics proposed by Gottlob Frege. Russell proposed self-reference of expressions as the source of paradoxes. To solve paradoxes, he developed the simple and ramified theory of types. Ontological presuppositions are well substantiated for his theory; they depend on semantic, but not syntactic, preference. Contemporary approaches in symbolical logic prefer syntactic methods. But Wittgenstein’s approach in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is more interesting, especially from the perspective of his picture theory of statements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Hadiid Hideo Nusantara ◽  
Nandang Rachmat ◽  
Riza Lupi Ardiati

This article discusses the Mora disspation process in Japanese language mainly exposed by looking at the mora in literature point of view. The object that being used is a novel called “Narcissu” by the Japanese Author, Tomo Kataoka. The purpose of writing this article is to describe the disipation in Mora in Japanese language written in the form of literature. The research method used in this research is descriptive method. In analyzing the data, the author use the reference theory based on Morphology byIori Isao. The use of theories help the author to get to the conclusion that in Japan’s daily conversation, the use of proper full mora in term of verb seldom been mention. The result of this studies show that the reason of the Mora dissipation in conversation is because of the implicitory in term of talking. In other words, it can be seen that Japanese language speaker often not using the proper word on their conversation mainly because there’s a mutual understandment in term of implicitory word that keep them talk with less word.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026839622110160
David Arnott ◽  
Shijia Gao

Theories of decision-making have long been important foundations for information systems (IS) research and much of IS is concerned with information processing for decision making. The discipline of behavioral economics (BE) provides the dominant contemporary approach for understanding human decision-making. Therefore, it is logical that IS research that involves decision making should consider BE as foundation or reference theory. Surprisingly, and despite calls for greater use of BE in IS research, it seems that IS has been slow to adopt contemporary BE as reference theory. This paper reports a critical analysis of BE in all fields of IS based on an intensive investigation of quality IS research using bibliometric content analysis. The analysis shows that IS researchers have a general understanding of BE, but their use of the theories has an ad hoc feel where only a narrow range of BE concepts and theories tend to form the foundation of IS research. The factors constraining the adoption of BE theories in IS are discussed and strategies for the use of this influential foundation theory are proposed. Guidance is provided on how BE could be used in various aspects of IS. The paper concludes with the view that BE reference theory has the potential to transform significant areas of IS research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Kristanti Purnami ◽  
Dedi Pramono

The background of this research is the significance of women’s awareness in the construction of women’s existence including the existence of women characters in a novel. This research is aimed to discover the types of women’s marginalization in Seno Gumira Ajidarma’s Kitab Omong Kosongand to find the model of women’s resistance as the manifestation of existence. The reference theory of women’s existance is a feminist theory proposed by France feminist, Simone de Beauvoir. In this research, Ajidarma’s Kitab Omong Kosongis used as the data source, while the Beauvoir’s theory is adopted as the object. This is a descriptive-qualitative research using documentation method. In analyzing the data, the techniques used were reading and writing notes, which, then the results of analyzing process were presented descriptively. Those results show that the type of women’s marginalization appeared in Ajidarma’s novel is in the form of women’s position considered low and subordinate, which, then, issues numbers of different forms of violence against women. Then, the resistances of women characters found as the forms of women’s existence in this research are women’s struggle for intellectuality, women’s refusal to be the victim of society, and women’s decision for their own fate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 497
Dzikrillah Thoriqur Rahman ◽  
Retno Sunu Astuti

This study tries to analyze the concept of inter-regency in the fulfillment of the national production of Madura shredded tobacco and study the factors that cause the decline in Madura sliced tobacco production. Problems that arise at the time of production as well as the area of agricultural tobacco in each district besides the instability of tobacco prices which causes anxiety for farmers. To discuss this problem, reference theory from Wright (1974) in Irawanto et al. 2015: 20) there are five key elements in the implementation of intergovernmental relations, i.e. 1) the role of government, 2) interaction of public officials, 3) sustainability communication, 4) the role of administrators, and 5) focus of attention on policy. Data collected through observation, interviews (FGD) and literature study and analyzed qualitatively descriptive. This study represents collaboration between districts which has shown good collaboration by dividing the roles of each region. Interaction of public officials has proven participation in interactions, beliefs, perceptions and preferences. With regard to communication developed from four regions looking for ways and solutions to increase Madura tobacco production and avoid the volatility of Madura shredded tobacco prices in the harvest season. This collaboration has a target of achieving fulfillment of Madura Chopped Tobacco Production, increasing thirty percent from Madura Tobacco Production annually targeting eighty tons.

2020 ◽  
pp. 147612702097904
Richard J Arend

We discuss the impediments to theorizing about entrepreneurial activity, why these exist, and what to do about them. We do so because we believe that the evolution of theory in entrepreneurship has been frustratingly slow. We approach the relevant issues from an appropriate but narrow perspective—through the analysis of two pairs of recent articles published in the generalist top theory outlet—the Academy of Management Review. We consider these as exemplars of high-quality, high-visibility, likely-to-be-highly-cited, and new entrepreneurship theorizing. All four articles focus on original partial theory-building in the entrepreneurial process. These articles address different challenges facing different individual entrepreneurs, with many similarities in approach. However, each work argues its new propositions or insights from a non-entrepreneurial reference theory, which may well be one of the sacrifices that must be made to get published in top mainstream journals. We focus on the similarities of these articles to argue our points about why theorizing in our field is unlikely to improve in the near future and to identify the main impediments to such improvements. We explore the negative implications for our field’s future, and then we suggest five bold steps to better the prognostication.

Kit Fine

Paolo Bonardi has written extensively and illuminatingly on direct reference theory, and I am grateful for his present comments on the conceptual foundations of semantic relationism. Central to the doctrine of semantic relationism is the relation of coordination. This is the relation that normally holds between two tokens of the name “Cicero” though not between a token of “Cicero” and a token of “Tully,” even though there is co-reference in both cases. Although the concept of coordination is central to semantic relationism I do not think of the doctrine as having exclusive claim on the concept. As I mention in ...

2020 ◽  
Vol 114 (4) ◽  
pp. 1297-1315 ◽  

Eliciting honest answers to sensitive questions is frustrated if subjects withhold the truth for fear that others will judge or punish them. The resulting bias is commonly referred to as social desirability bias, a subset of what we label sensitivity bias. We make three contributions. First, we propose a social reference theory of sensitivity bias to structure expectations about survey responses on sensitive topics. Second, we explore the bias-variance trade-off inherent in the choice between direct and indirect measurement technologies. Third, to estimate the extent of sensitivity bias, we meta-analyze the set of published and unpublished list experiments (a.k.a., the item count technique) conducted to date and compare the results with direct questions. We find that sensitivity biases are typically smaller than 10 percentage points and in some domains are approximately zero.

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