addition theorem
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Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 126
Sidra Batool ◽  
Mehwish Nisar ◽  
Lorenzo Dinia ◽  
Fabio Mangini ◽  
Fabrizio Frezza

An analysis of multiple scattering by two Perfect Electric Conducting (PEC) spheres using translation Addition Theorem (AT) for spherical vector wave functions is presented. Specifically, the Cruzan formalism is used to represent the AT for spherical harmonics, which introduces the translation coefficients for transformation of spherical harmonics from one coordinate to another. The adoption of these coefficients with the use of two PEC spheres in a near zone region makes the calculation of multiple scattering electric fields very efficient. As an illustration, the mathematical formation using advanced computational approaches was inspected. Then, the generic truncation criteria in the scattered electric field by two PEC spheres was deeply investigated using translation AT. However, the numerical validation was obtained using Comsol simulation software. This approach will allow to evaluate the scattering from macro-structures composed of spherical particles, i.e., biological molecules, clouds of airborne particles, etc. An original and fully general solution to the problem using vector quantities is introduced, and the convergence of the solution in several numerical examples is also demonstrated. This approach takes into account the effect of multiple scattering by two PEC spheres for spherical vector function.

Elefterija Zlatanović ◽  
Dragan Č. Lukić ◽  
Vlatko Šešov ◽  
Zoran Bonić

Contemporary life streams, more often than ever, impose the necessity for construction of new underground structures in the vicinity of existing tunnels, with an aim to accommodate transportation systems and utility networks. A previously uninvestigated case, in which a newly-constructed tunnel opening is closely positioned behind an existing tunnel, referred to as the tunnel–cavity configuration, has been considered in this study. An exact analytical solution is derived considering a pair of parallel circular cylindrical structures of infinite length, with the horizontal alignment, embedded in a boundless homogeneous, isotropic, elastic medium and excited by time-harmonic plane SV-waves under the plane-strain conditions. The Helmholtz decomposition theorem, the wave functions expansion method, the translational addition theorem for bi-cylindrical coordinates, and the pertinent boundary conditions are jointly employed in order to develop a closed-form solution of the corresponding boundary value problem. The primary goal of the present study is to examine the increase in dynamic stresses at an existing tunnel structure due to the presence of a closely driven unlined cavity, as well as in a localized region around the tunnel (at the position of the cavity in close proximity), under incident SV-waves. A new quantity called dynamic stress alteration factor is introduced and the aspect of the minimum seismically safe distance between the two structures is particularly considered.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
pp. 1876
Zhenfeng Zhai ◽  
Weifeng Ye ◽  
Fei Xia ◽  
Lele Yang

In this study, a semi-analytical model was developed to study wave diffraction around a concentric three-cylinder system near a wall based on linear potential theory. As a critical element, the target problem is transformed into bidirectional incident wave diffraction around two concentric structures based on the image principle and an analytical solution is obtained through eigenfunction expansion combined with a matching technique and Graf’s addition theorem. The validity of the proposed model was verified by comparing its results to known values. Parametric studies on porosity, annular spacing, incident angle, space between the structure and wall, and water depth were performed. The hydrodynamic loads and free-surface elevations in the system were calculated and compared to those reported in existing works on impermeable and permeable cylinders near a wall. The results indicate that the wave loads and run-ups on the exterior cylinder increase significantly based on the existence of the wall. However, based on the presence of an exterior porous protective structure, a significantly reduced influence of the wall on the interior cylinder can be observed. Considering the widespread use of concentric circular structures in ocean engineering, it is essential to conduct study on the hydrodynamic performance of concentric systems near walls, which can provide useful information for the design of marine structures.

Electronics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 1926
Dal-jae Yun ◽  
Haewon Jung ◽  
Hoon Kang ◽  
Woo-Yong Yang ◽  
Dong-Wook Seo

The multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) using K-means clustering to accelerate electromagnetic scattering analysis for large complex targets is presented. By replacing the regular cube grouping with the K-means clustering, the addition theorem is more accurately approximated. The convergence rate of an iterative solver is thus improved significantly. However, irregular centroid locations as a result of the K-means clustering increase the amount of explicit transfer function calculations, compared with the regular cubes. In the MLFMA, a multilevel hierarchical structure is applied to the finite multipole method (FMM) to reduce transfer function calculations. Therefore, the MLFMA is suitable for applying K-means clustering. Simulation results with both canonical and realistic targets show an improvement in the computation time of the proposed algorithm.

Jung Yoog Kang

Nowadays, many mathematicians have great concern about p q -numbers, which are various applications, and have studied these numbers in many different research areas. We know that p q -numbers are different to q -numbers because of the symmetric property. We find the addition theorem, recurrence formula, and p q -derivative about sigmoid polynomials including p q -numbers. Also, we derive the relevant symmetric relations between p q -sigmoid polynomials and p q -Euler polynomials. Moreover, we observe the structures of appreciative roots and fixed points about p q -sigmoid polynomials. By using the fixed points of p q -sigmoid polynomials and Newton’s algorithm, we show self-similarity and conjectures about p q -sigmoid polynomials.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 473-483
R. Kumar ◽  
S. N. Singh

Electronic states of a single electron in doubly eccentric cylindrical quantum wire are theoretically investigated in this paper. The motion of electron in quantum wire is free along axial direction in a cylindrical quantum wire and restricted in annular regions by three different parallel finite cylindrical barriers as soft wall confinement. The effective mass Schrödinger equation with effective mass boundary conditions is used to find energy eigenvalues and   corresponding wavefunctions. Addition theorem for cylindrical Bessel functions is used to shift the origin for applying boundary conditions at different circular boundaries. Fourier expansion is applied after addition theorem to get wavefunctions in analytical form. A determinant equation is obtained as a result of applications of effective mass boundary conditions which roots gives energy of various electronic states. The lowest root gives ground state energy. The variation in ground state energy with eccentricity is obtained numerically and presented graphically. Electronic states in massive wall confinement and hard wall confinement is further obtained as limiting behavior of the states obtained in soft wall confinement. The knowledge of electronic states in such cylindrical hetrostructures semiconductor material can lead to improve the efficiency of many quantum devices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-37
S.O. Gladkov ◽  
S.B. Bogdanova ◽  

The problem of interacting metal pendulums oscillating in parallel planes, the distance $b$ between the suspension points of which is fixed and equally, has been solved. The principle possibility of their synchronization is provided by taking into account two physical factors: 1. Effect of electromagnetic interaction between them and 2. Accounting for EM radiation of each pendulum, leading to non-linear attenuation. The system of nonlinear dynamic motion equations obtained by a strict mathematical path is analyzed, and their numerical solution is given. The article offers a new method for constructing the pairs of function which are holomorphic on the whole complex plane and satisfy functional equations such as the addition theorem for theta functions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 900-905
Shi-Chun Mao ◽  
Zhen-Sen Wu ◽  
Zhaohui Zhang ◽  
Jiansen Gao ◽  
Lijuan Yang

AbstractA solution to the problem of Gaussian beam scattering by a circular perfect electric conductor coated with eccentrically anisotropic media is presented. The incident Gaussian beam source is expanded as an approximate expression in the simple form with Taylor's series. The transmitted field in the anisotropically coated region is expressed as an infinite summation of Eigen plane waves with different polar angles. The unknown coefficients of the scattered fields are obtained with the aid of the boundary conditions. The addition theorem for cylindrical functions is applied to transfer from the local coordinates to the global ones. The infinite series can be truncated under the prerequisite of achieving the solution convergence. Only the case of transverse-electric polarization is discussed. The similar formulation of transverse-magnetic polarization can be obtained by adopting a similar method. Some numerical results are presented and discussed. The result is in agreement with that available as expected when the eccentric geometry comes to the concentric one.

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