This article is a response to the continued assumption, cited even in reports and reviews of recent experimental breakthroughs and advances in theoretical methods, that the antiJaynes-Cummings (AJC)interaction is an intractable energy non-conserving component of the quantum Rabi model (QRM). We present three key features of QRM dynamics : (a) the AJC interaction component has a conserved excitation number operator and is exactly solvable (b) QRM dynamical space consists of a rotating frame (RF) dominated by an exactly solved Jaynes-Cummings (JC) interaction specied by a conserved JC excitation number operator which generates the U(1) symmetry of RF and a correlated counter-rotating frame (CRF) dominated by an exactly solved antiJaynes-Cummings (AJC) interaction specied by a conserved AJC excitation number operator which generates the U(1) symmetry of CRF (c) for QRM dynamical evolution in RF, the initial atom-eld state je0i is an eigenstate of the effective AJC Hamiltonian HAJC, while the effective JC Hamiltonian HJC drives this initial state je0i into a time evolving entangled state, and, in a corresponding process for QRM dynamical evolution in CRF, the initial atom-eld state jg0i is an eigenstate of the effective JC Hamiltonian, while the effective AJC Hamiltonian drives this initial state jg0i into a time evolving entangled state, thus addressing one of the long-standing challenges of theoretical and experimental QRM dynamics; consistent generalizations of the initial states je0i , jg0i to corresponding n 0 entangled eigenstates j+en i , j g ni of the AJC in RF and JC in CRF, respectively, provides general dynamical evolution of QRM characterized by collapses and revivals in the time evolution of the atomic, eld mode, JC and AJC excitation numbers for large initial photon numbers ; the JC and AJC excitation numbers are conserved in the respective frames RF, CRF, but each evolves with time in the alternate frame.