catholic priests
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Andy Gunardi ◽  
Bernadette N. Setiadi ◽  
Lidia Laksana Hidajat ◽  
Simon Petrus Lili Tjahjadi

Oleksandr Dudnik

The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of illuminate in reference and bibliographic publicationsof the first educational associations of the Ukrainian national revival in Przemyśl at the beginning of the XIXcentury. Methodology: during the writing of the work the principles of historicism, objectivity, systematics,and comprehensiveness were applied, as well as – general methods of scientific research – analysis, synthesis,comparison. Scientific novelty: for the first time the coverage in the reference literature of church andsecular cultural and educational associations in Przemyśl at the beginning of the XIX century is considered.Conclusions. There are no articles in scientific reference books directly devoted to the Society of GalicianGreek Catholic Priests and the Peremyshl Cultural and Educational Circle. They are mentioned in the articlesof reference publications on the history of western Ukrainian lands, in articles devoted to famous figures ofthe Ukrainian cultural and national-state revival, sometimes – from the history of Przemyśl. Information aboutthem is incomplete, short, vague, even contradictory, in particular, regarding their names and participants. Thereference publications mention either only the society or the club, sometimes – both organizations. There is noinformation that their activities were identical, and that many of their figures were among the main members ofboth organizations. It is not reported that the church society was founded by the Peremyshl Council of Rusianpriests in 1816, which was actively opposed by both the Catholic Church and the Polish administration inGalicia. It is not reported that after losing the right to act in accordance with its statute, church society wastransformed into a cultural and educational club – a public association. The club also included church andsecular figures who not only contributed to the introduction of teaching in the Ukrainian language but werealso participants in the so-called «alphabet war».Keywords: national revival, Przemyśl, society of Galician priests, Przemyśl cultural and educationalclub, alphabetical war.

Oleg Kazak

The article analyzes various aspects of the relationship between the largest confessional groups of the Belarusian provinces of the Russian Empire (Orthodox and Catholics) in the late 19th – early 20th centuries in the context of the implementation of the models of self-identification «our – other» and «our – alien». Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of the activities of Catholic clergy and fanatical parishioners to incite interfaith hostility (insults to representatives of another confession, unfounded calls for conversion to Catholicism, erroneous interpretation of the Decree «On strengthening the principles of religious tolerance» and the Manifesto of October 17, 1905, and etc.). The authority that Catholic priests had among the parishioners often caused the latter to be hostile to their neighbors of other faiths. The article provides many examples of the fact that the appearance of fanatical priests in a certain area often disrupted the peaceful, conflict-free course of religious life. At the same time, there were cases when the erroneous actions of Orthodox priests and ordinary parishioners became a catalyst for the exacerbation of interfaith relations. The article provides factual evidence of the propaganda activities of Catholic priests in the Polish national spirit, analyzes the reaction of the authorities to it. The most resonant conflict between Catholics and Orthodox at the beginning of the twentieth century is described in detail – an episode in the town of Zelva, Volkovysk district, Grodno province. The basis of the source base of the article was made up of documents of the National Historical Archives of Belarus and the National Historical Archives of Belarus in Grodno. This article can be useful for specialists in history, students, everyone interested in the problems of religious and national relations in European countries. We see prospects for further research in this area in a comparative analysis of the situation in Belarus and other regions of Central and Eastern Europe of the 20th – 21th centuries, mixed in confessional and ethnic terms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Dorota Żygadło-Czopnik

Catholic priests who were practicing artistic creativity, mostly poets, in the Czech lands, formed a group called the Catholic Modern in the nineteenth century. Jakub Deml, a Czech priest, poet, and writer from Moravia, was in close contact with the group. His works were not always positively received by concurrent readers, but today he is considered a precursor of contemporary literary trends, especially surrealism. Thisarticle presents a portrait of one of the most original Czech writers of the first half of the twentieth century. The text also takes into account the issue of the Polish translation of his work Zapomenuté svĕtlo (Forgotten Light) by Andrzej Czcibor-Piotrowski and published in Wołów in 2000 by the Czarne Publishing House.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 472-477
Youngmi Eun ◽  
Sun Myeong Ock ◽  
Se-Hong Kim ◽  
Ju Hye Chung ◽  
Se Jin Park ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
Oguejiofo C. P. Ezeanya ◽  
Benjamin O. Ajah

Some of the Nigerian Roman-Catholic priests had been murdered by armed criminals in the presbyteries on account of their witnessing to the gospel truth. Others have continued to receive threats of molestation and death for the same reason. This necessitated the current study that adopted an etymological approach and secondary sources of data, such as journal articles, newspaper publications and policy briefs, to discuss on how to address the biblical and ecclesial obligation of Nigerian Roman-Catholic priests in promotion of peace and social justice.Contribution: The article provides that the target of the Nigerian Roman-Catholic priests was not just to console the dejected of the society over the neglect of the leaders but include the thrust of actions that would get both the leaders in the government and the populace to know their respective duties and be compelled to do them.

2021 ◽  
pp. 019685992110622
Chad Painter ◽  
Alexandra Scherb

Communitarians argue that social identity is formed through the connection between individuals and their communities. The purpose of this study is to examine how the institution of journalism functions as part of a larger community. Media influence and are influenced by the larger social, cultural, legal, political, and economic systems in which they operate. This textual analysis focused on the breakdown of four Boston institutions—the Catholic Church, the police force, the justice system, and the daily newspaper—depicted in the film Spotlight. These institutions failed their community, allowing decades of sexual abuse to go unrecognized and unpunished—at least until the Spotlight team investigated allegations against Catholic priests. Through the lens of communitarian ethics, the researchers argue that stakeholders must recognize the need for a strong community from which the press can report, explain, correct, and connect.

2021 ◽  
Jonathan Alexander

What happens when the defining moment of your life might be a figment of your imagination? How do you understand — and live with — definitive feelings of having been abused when the origin of those feelings won’t adhere to a singular event but are rather diffused across years of experience? In Bullied: The Story of an Abuse, Jonathan Alexander meditates on how, as a young man, he struggled with the realization that the story he’d been telling himself about being abused by a favorite uncle as a child might actually just have been a “story” — a story he told himself and others to justify both his lifelong struggle with anxiety and to explain his attraction to other men. Story though it was, Alexander maintains that some form of abuse did occur. In writing that is at turns reflective, analytic, and hallucinatory, Alexander traces what it means to suffer homophobic abuse when such is diffused across multiple actors and locales, implicating a family, a school, a culture, and a politics — as opposed to a singular individual who just happened to be the only openly gay man in young Alexander’s life. Along the way, Alexander reflects on Jussie Smollett, drug abuse, MAGA-capped boys, sadomasochism, Catholic priests, cruising, teaching young adult fiction about rape, and a host of other oddly but intimately related topics.

2021 ◽  
pp. 009164712110494
Amanda Edwards-Stewart ◽  
Tim Hoyt ◽  
Sam Rennebohm ◽  
Fiona B. Kurtz ◽  
John S. Charleson ◽  

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) is often utilized to assess the suitability of ordination candidates by a religious organization. Published MMPI-2 scale scores for Roman Catholic priest, Episcopal, Presbyterians, and United Methodist ministry samples exist. However, previous research has not provided MMPI-2 scale scores for Free Methodist ordination candidates and has not provided a statistical comparison of scale scores between religious groups. The this study reports on MMPI-2 scale scores for Free Methodist ordination candidates and compares this group’s scores to Roman Catholic priests, Episcopal and Presbyterian ordination candidates, and a United Methodist sample. We found statistically significant differences between Free Methodist and Catholic Priests, Episcopal, Presbyterian ordination candidates on MMPI-2 Hs, Pd, Pt, and Sc scales and L, Pd, Mf, Pa, Pt, Sc, and Ma differences between Free and United Methodist groups. These results seem to indicate that Free Methodist candidates have fewer non-organic health concerns, less obsessive thoughts, positive social relationships, and more readily submit to authority when contracted with other comparative ordination candidates or ministry sample.

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