360 degree feedback
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Yudi Ramdhani ◽  
Rizki Tri Prasetio ◽  
Doni Purnama Alamsyah

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (28_suppl) ◽  
pp. 30-30
David Lysecki ◽  
Daryl Bainbridge ◽  
Tracy Akitt ◽  
Georgia Georgiou ◽  
Ralph M. Meyer ◽  

30 Background: Up to 24% of adult oncology patients have minor children at home, who may experience negative short- and long-term health outcomes as a result. Typical support networks often fail to meet the needs of these families. To address this, an innovative Child Life Specialist (CLS) program was embedded within the psychosocial support team at a tertiary oncology center. The program provided direct consultation to families (adults and children) including guidance on talking with children, provision of resources, diagnostic teaching, end-of-life support, grief support, and emotional expression. Methods: To understand the feasibility of this program (including acceptability, demand, implementation, practicality, adaptation, integration, expansion, and preliminary measures of impact), we collected 360-degree feedback from impacted stakeholders. At least two months following an encounter with the CLS, families were offered participation in a semi-structured interview (via purposive selection to capture multiple perspectives, including patients, non-patient parents/family members, and children aged 10-17). At the end of the pilot, two focus groups were held consisting of clinicians who engaged with the program. A thematic analysis was completed from the interview/focus group discussion transcripts. Results: 15 interviews were completed with adults (ten with patients, five with non-patient parents/other family members). Emergent themes were: Establishing comfort, Allaying parent apprehension, Coaching and reassurance, Value added, Integration, Impact of Covid-19, and Areas for development. In three interviews with children, the emergent themes were: Building rapport, Developmentally appropriate approaches, Understanding and managing emotions, Improving communication, and Areas for development. The first focus group included the CLS and two clinical leads of the psychosocial support team. Emergent themes from this discussion were: Promotion of the program, Accessibility, Role of social work, Impact of Covid-19, and Adopting a virtual approach. The second focus group consisted of three inpatient social workers, and the emergent themes were: Expertise, Accessibility, Allaying parent apprehension, Value added, Impact of Covid-19, and Areas for development. Synthesis of data identified five overall key themes: Awareness, Integration, Value added, Family-centered care, and Impact of Covid-19. Conclusions: This study conducted qualitative analysis of 360-degree feedback on the CLS pilot program. The analysis demonstrated that program was felt to add value, integrate well with current systems, and represent high-quality, family-centered care. This pilot occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic, the impacts of which were represented in this study.

2021 ◽  
Vassilis C. Gerogiannis ◽  
Nikolaos K. Kitsis ◽  
Dimitrios Tzimos ◽  
Le Hoang Son

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-155
Ika Rachmawati

Abstrak: Akademi Komunitas Negeri Putra Sang Fajar Blitar (AKB) merupakan institusi perguruan tinggi negeri yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan vokasi. Pendidik pada AKB terdiri dari dosen dan instruktur. Penelitian ini menjelaskan fungsi dari sistem penilaian kinerja menggunakan 360-degree feedback untuk mengetahui kinerja dari pendidik dalam berbagai aktivitas pembelajaran yang meliputi aspek persiapan, implementasi dari aktivitas pembelajaran, dan evaluasi hasil pembelajaran. Penilaian kinerja dilakukan dengan pengisian formulir penilaian kinerja oleh beberapa pihak sebagai stakeholders, yaitu: mahasiswa sebagai konsumen, koordinator program studi sebagai atasan, tenaga pendidik sebagai teman sejawan dan bagian akademik sebagai rekan kerja. Formulir penilaian kinerja terdiri dari seperangkat pertanyaan yang mana penilai dapat memberikan penilaian berdasarkan skala 1-4 (graphic rating scale), yaitu: sangat baik, baik, cukup baik, dan tidak baik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja tenaga pendidik pada AKB berdasarkan kriteria waktu, kerapihan, komunikasi, proses pengajaran, persiapan materi pembelajaran dan evaluasi proses pembelajaran sangat baik, meskipun dalam beberapa aspek masih ada yang perlu ditingkatkan, seperti ketepatan waktu dalam penyerahan nilai dan ketegasan dalam menindak mahasiswa yang tidak disiplin.

2021 ◽  
Afaq Ali ◽  
Muhammad Hashir ◽  
Mumtaz Ali Memon ◽  
Muhammad Zahoor Mehdi

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 105
Dina Prasetyaningrum ◽  
Yudi Agus Setiawan

The 360 degree feedback method is one of the performance appraisal methods which implementation takes an assessment of the parties around the employee being assessed. The 360 degree feedback method performance appraisal system conducted at PT. Pertamina RU IV (Persero) Cilacap aims to determine the implementation of the performance appraisal system using the 360 degree feedback method, determine employee performance with what variables are used in performance appraisal, and obtain performance optimization. The research method used in this research uses qualitative methods with a quantitative approach. The 360 degree feedback method is used to find data from respondents, namely from superiors, colleagues, themselves and subordinates. Based on the research that had been done, it had succeeded in determining the best workers from each discipline and position based on the calculation of variables and indicators used. The 360 degree feedback performance assessment can help the company appropriately to provide rewards for workers with the highest percentage and provide punishment for workers with lowest percentage. The calculation of these variables and indicators helps the company to find the right solution in an effort to optimize the performance of its employees.Keywords: performance, performance appraisal, 360 degree feedback method

2020 ◽  
pp. 128-128
Anton Obholzer

Dr. S. Ramesha ◽  
Dr. Haniefuddin Shaik ◽  
Dr. Shaik Shamshuddin

The implication of this study is related to the impact of Compensation on HRM practices while HR is broadly understood to be an attractive option, its specific impact on performance and value that results not yet been well confirmed by research. HR function’s program is similar to all programs and policies, in that learning comes after implementation; therefore, evaluating and reviewing with 360-degree feedback will ensure a more holistic view and systematic evaluation of the success of the outsourcing HR service. The ultimate aim of this study is to unearth the impact of outsourcing on Human resources practices in selected Public sectors of Visakhapatnam like Visakhapatnam Port Trust, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Bharat Heavy Plates Limited, Hindustan Ship Yard, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited. Data was collected both from primary and secondary sources. The researcher has personally visited organisations and administered the questionnaire / schedule and collected first hand information through personal interviews. Secondary sources of the data were also used and they include records, reports, files and other published and unpublished materials of the organisations.

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