intensity condition
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2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. e57163
Lucena Rocha Virgilio ◽  
Fabricia da Silva Lima ◽  
Luciano Negreiros ◽  
Ricardo Massato Takemoto ◽  
Luís Marcelo Aranha Camargo ◽  

Prochilodus nigricans is extensively exploited in fishing and aquaculture activities in the Brazilian Amazon, it is the definitive host for Neoechinorhynchus curemai Noronha, 1973. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of N. curemai in P. nigricans and the parasite-host relationship in three rivers (Juruá, Crôa and Môa) in the municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul, state of Acre, Brazil. Fish were caught, weighed, measured, and subjected to necropsy, and the gastrointestinal tract and viscera were analyzed. A total of 178 specimens of N. curemai were found in 61 infected fish, with the (p= 58.62%). The prevalence, mean intensity, and mean abundance were higher in hosts from the Môa River, and lower from the Juruá River. Regarding the length-weight relationship, the b-value did not differ statistically from three (b=3) for fish species in the three locations, nor in parasitized and non-parasitized species. In addition, growth was considered isometric, and in the case of the relative condition factor, there was no difference in fish hosts between the three rivers. The correlation between parasite intensity, condition factor, length, and weight of P. nigricans was not significant. Thus, this parasite infestation varied between the habitats. However, this did not influence the growth and development of the hosts.

2020 ◽  
Felicia Manocchio ◽  
Cassandra J. Lowe ◽  
Peter A. Hall

AbstractBackgroundThe beneficial effects of both single-session bouts of aerobic exercise and therapeutic exercise interventions on the cortical regions associated with executive functions (i.e., prefrontal cortex (PFC)) have been well documented. However, it remains unclear whether aerobic exercise can be used to offset temporary fluctuations in cortical activity.ObjectiveThe current study sought to determine whether a single session of moderate intensity aerobic exercise can offset the attenuating effects of continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) targeting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC).MethodsTwenty-two right-handed participants between 18-30 years completed a 20 minute session of light intensity (10% heart rate reserve (HRR)) and moderate intensity (50% HRR) exercise in a counterbalanced order. Following each exercise session, participants received active cTBS to the left dlPFC. Changes in executive functions were quantified using a flanker paradigm employed at baseline, post-exercise and post-cTBS time points. Additionally, EEG methodologies were used to measure changes in inhibitory control specific event-related potential components (i.e., P3 and N2) in response to the flanker task.ResultsBehavioural results from the flanker task revealed a significant improvement in task performance following an acute bout of moderate intensity exercise. Furthermore, the effect of cTBS in both light and moderate intensity conditions were non significant Similarly, EEG data from P3 and N2 ERP components revealed no changes to amplitude across time and condition. P3 latency data revealed a significant effect of time in the light intensity condition, such that latency was faster following cTBS. Similarly, latency data within the N2 ERP component revealed a significant effect of time on congruent trials in the light intensity condition; N2 latency was faster following cTBS.ConclusionThe current study revealed that light and moderate intensity exercise may provide a buffer to cTBS-induced attenuation of the dlPFC. This study provides empirical and theoretical implications on the potential for exercise to promote cognitive control.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the number of repetitions and the MEF of the Biceps brachii for the 3 sets of maximal repetitive barbell curls with 3intensity. The subjects which were selected as men in their 20s who had more than 2 years of resistance exercise experience. The subjects also conducted a bar-cull experiment at each 7-day interval with a randoml assignment (50%1RM, 70%1RM, 90%1RM). In every one of the sets, the number of repetitions and the MEF of the Biceps brachii were measured. The measured two-way ANOVA was used, and the statistical significance was noted at the result of a = .05. The higher the intensity condition, the fewer the number of repetitions performed by the subject. The decrease of the number of repetitions was larger with a lower intensity condition. The lower the intensity, the higher the level of muscle fatigue was noted in the subject. In conclusion, it seems that the maximum repetitive exercise is seen to increase the muscle fatigue as the intensity is lower in those instances. Therefore, it is necessary to write a program considering the degree of muscle fatigue at low intensity in resistance exercise for the best results during an exercise program.

2018 ◽  
Vol 32 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 154-161
Harold H. Lee ◽  
Shira Dunsiger ◽  
Lauren Connell Bohlen ◽  
Holly K. Boyle ◽  
Jessica A. Emerson ◽  

Objective: The present study tested the hypothesis that the effect of self-paced exercise on adherence to exercise programs is more pronounced with increasing age. Method: Fifty-nine low-active overweight adults (18-65 years) were encouraged to walk 30 to 60 min/day and randomized to either self-paced ( n = 30) or prescribed moderate-intensity ( n = 29) conditions. Results: The effect of study condition was moderated by age (main effect: b = 6.14, SE = 2.54, p = .02; Condition × Age: b = −11.55, SE = 3.77, p < .01), such that among participants >50 years, those in the self-paced condition exercised 6 more min/day than participants in the prescribed moderate-intensity condition ( p = .02), whereas among participants <50 years, those in the self-paced condition exercised 5.4 fewer min/day compared with those in the moderate-intensity condition ( p = .05). Affective response to physical activity did not mediate the moderating effect of age. Discussion: As age increases, adults may be more likely to adhere to self-paced versus prescribed moderate-intensity exercise.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 230-233
João Pedro Pinho ◽  
Bruno Mezêncio ◽  
Arnaldo José Hernandez ◽  
Jéssica Bonato ◽  
Wellington Masuko ◽  

ABSTRACT Introduction: The best strategy for improving knee extensor power, a major functional capacity indicator in older adults, is power training. Nonetheless, the training intensity required to induce optimal gains is yet to be found. Objective: Our purpose was to compare knee extensor peak power responses between low, moderate, and high intensity load conditions (30%, 50% and 70% of 1RM). Methods: Thirteen sedentary elderly women performed six knee extensions in each load condition, calculating knee extensor mechanical work/power output and knee extension peak angular velocity. Results: No difference in peak power was found between the high (207.0 ± 68.1 W) and moderate (206.1 ± 71.6 W) load conditions (p = 0.994), and both had higher values (p ≤0.004) than the low intensity condition (135.6 ± 56.3 W). Conclusion: Moderate load at 50% of 1RM appears to be the preferred strategy for inducing knee extensor power output because in contrast with the high intensity condition, the moderate load yielded higher angular peak velocity, which is also a functional indicator. Level of Evidence ll; Therapeutic studies - Investigating treatment results.

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 259-265 ◽  
Molly P. O’Sullivan ◽  
Matthew R. Nagy ◽  
Shannon S. Block ◽  
Trevor R. Tooley ◽  
Leah E. Robinson ◽  

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of intermittent activity performed at varying intensities and of prolonged sitting on physical activity compensation. Methods: A total of 33 children (14 boys and 19 girls; age 7–11 y; 24% overweight/obese; 61% nonwhite) completed 4 experimental conditions in random order: 8 hours of sitting interrupted with 20 two-minute low-, moderate-, or high-intensity activity breaks or 20 two-minute sedentary computer game breaks. Physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) was assessed via accelerometry to establish baseline PAEE and throughout each condition day (8-h in-lab PAEE, out-of-lab PAEE, and 3-d postcondition). Results: Compared with baseline PAEE, total daily PAEE was significantly higher during the high-intensity condition day (153 ± 43 kcal, P = .03), unchanged during the low-intensity (−40 ± 23 kcal, P > .05) and moderate-intensity condition days (−11 ± 18 kcal, P > .05), and decreased in response to prolonged sitting (−79 ± 22 kcal, P = .03). There were no significant differences in PAEE 3-day postcondition across conditions (P > .05). Conclusion: Despite the varying levels of PAEE accumulated during the 8-hour laboratory conditions, out-of-lab PAEE during each condition day and 3-day postcondition did not change from the baseline. These findings provide preliminary evidence that spontaneous physical activity in children does not change in response to intermittent activity or prolonged sitting.

Agrotek ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Yohanis Amos Mustamu ◽  
Trikoesoemaningtyas Trikoesoemaningtyas ◽  
Desta Wirnas ◽  
Didy Sopandie ◽  
Darman M. Arsyad

The objective of this study was to collect information on genetic parameter and agronomy character of soybean F4 generation in the low light intensity condition. The parameter was tested to 130 lines F4 which are produced by Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian (BBP2TP) Boor and the genotype of Sibayak, Tegal, Tanggamus, and Argomulyo were used as controls. The experiment was conducted in the university�s experimental field in Cikabayan, from September to December 2007. A total of 130 advance (F4) soybean lines were evaluated under shading in an augmented design experiment. The result of this study showed that all character has low genetic coefficient. The weight character of 25 grains has a considerably high heritability number in low li

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Regina Melianawati ◽  
Philip Teguh Imanto ◽  
Made Suastika

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pemangsaan dari larva ikan kakap merah, L. sebae umur 5 dan 10 hari yang dipelihara dengan kondisi pencahayaan alami. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan setiap satu jam pada masing-masing umur tersebut. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa secara alami pola pemangsaan larva L. sebae tergantung pada kondisi pencahayaan, di mana aktivitas pemangsaan berlangsung secara maksimal pada saat tersedia pencahayaan dengan intensitas yang mencukupi untuk larva menangkap mangsanya. Intensitas cahaya minimal yang diperlukan oleh larva L. sebae untuk melakukan pemangsaan berada pada kisaran 400—600 lux. Maksimal pemangsaan satu larva pada umur 5 dan 10 hari adalah 6,2 dan 25,3 individu rotifer. Lama waktu pencernaan larva umur 5 dan 10 hari adalah 4 dan 5 jam, sedangkan laju cerna larva pada masing-masing umur tersebut adalah 1,50 dan 2,76 individu rotifer per jam.The aim of this research was to get the information about the feeding pattern of emperor snapper L. sebae larvae at 5 and 10 days olds reared under natural light intensity. Larvae samples were taken every hour from each age. The result showed that naturally, feeding pattern of emperor snapper larvae depend on the light intensity condition, feeding activity would be done when the light intensity was enough available for supporting larvae to feed. Minimum light intensity that needed by the larvae for feeding activity was range between 400—600 lux. Maximum feeding per larvae at 5 and 10 days olds were 6.2 and 25.3 individual rotifers. Digestion time of larvae at those ages was 4 and 5 hours, while digestion rate were 1.50 and 2.76 individual rotifers per hour.

2013 ◽  
Vol 744 ◽  
pp. 474-477
Chi Wen Hsieh ◽  
Yi Hong Lin

Thermo luminescence dosimeter and optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter are the most popular dosimeters for personal and environmental radiation monitoring. Basically, these dosimeters are both accumulated dosimeters so that they cannot precisely measure dynamic doses, i.e. there is no any information of time resolving. We developed an algorithm to solve the problem that can depress the uncertain measurement by using partially bleaching techniques; the two-stage bleaching method under the fixed bleaching intensity condition. To analyze and compare the difference of ionizing radiation dose between two dosimeters can partially recall the non-uniformly distributed radiation doses. The Gaussian distribution of dose is considered for the simulation and the results indicated that error of the dose rate could be depressed to 15% compared to the traditional method.

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