three rivers
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Elena A. Oglezneva ◽  
Oleg V. Pustovalov

The article is devoted to the study of a language functioning in foreign countries, outside its metropolis. This is a special form of language existence. The study is made in linguistic personology aspect: the factors of preservation of the native language in the speech of several generations of emigrants are identified by the means of analyzing the language competencies and the specifics of the native language of representatives of the foreign diaspora. The purpose of this article is to create the speech portrait of the representative of the East emigration, the descendants of Russian emigrants in China, the Chinese Three Rivers region, to identify the characteristics of preservation of the Russian language in conditions of the Russian-Chinese bilingualism in this area. The object of the speech portraiting was the linguistic personality of a descendant of Russian immigrants to China in the beginning of the 20th century, currently a resident of the city of Labudalin, Argun city district of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region in China. Scientific novelty of the research consists in undertaking for the first time the analysis of a fragment of the Russian linguistic reality in one of the places of the Russian diaspora in the 20th century, in the Chinese Three Rivers region, and in the introduction record of oral speech of the representative of the descendants of Russian in Three Rivers Region, carried out during the scientific expeditions to China in 2017 and 2018, that makes a unique material. The study of the Russian language in foreign countries, namely in the Eastern abroad, in the Three Rivers region, is a contribution to linguistic emigrantology, which determines the relevance of the study. The authors analyze the speech of a representative of the descendants of Russian settlers in the Chinese Three Rivers Region at all levels of the language system, reveal the facts of phonetical, grammatical and lexical interference in Russian speech under the influence of the Chinese language, as well as the dialectal features preserved in it, and come to the conclusion that Russian language is highly preserved even in the third generation of immigrants from Russia to China and the authors name the sociolinguistic factors of this preservation: family, educational, professional, psychological, etc.

Magdalena Senze ◽  
Monika Kowalska-Góralska ◽  
Katarzyna Czyż ◽  
Anna Wondołowska-Grabowska ◽  
Joanna Łuczyńska

The study was carried out on sediments collected from three rivers: Nysa Szalona, Strzegomka and Bystrzyca flowing in southwestern Poland. The content of Al in sediments and in bottom water was determined in relation to chemical conditions. The study was carried out in a four-year cycle, during spring and autumn. The aim of the study was to determine the level and accumulation of aluminum in sediments of rivers supplying dam reservoirs storing water for consumption. The sediments studied were mineral in nature, with neutral pH and moderate sulfate content. The level of Al and heavy metals in the sediments was the highest in the Nysa Szalona River and the lowest in the Strzegomka River, which was also evident in the concentration factor (CF). In terms of season, higher Al contents were recorded in sediments in autumn than in spring, which was also reflected in the concentration factor (CF). Along the course of the river, a gradual decrease in Al levels was observed in successive tributaries in the Nysa Szalona and Strzegomka Rivers, while there was no apparent regularity for the Bystrzyca. Against this background, a comparison of extreme sites below the springs and at the reservoir outlet shows that values were higher in the Nysa Szalona below the springs, and lower in the Strzegomka and Bystrzyca below the reservoir outlet. The general picture of Al and heavy metal loading of the studied sediments shows the lowest loading for the Strzegomka, only the enrichment factor (EF) was the lowest for the Nysa Szalona: metal pollution index (MPI)—S < B < NS, contamination factor (Cf)—S < B < NS, degree of contamination (DC)—S < NS < B, EF—NS < B < S, geoaccumulation index (Igeo)—S < B < NS, CF—S < NS < B. There was no effect of catchment size and river length on Al levels in sediments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Zhuoma Yongji ◽  
Liuqian Zhao ◽  
Yunxiao Li ◽  
Longjun Zhang

The Tao He, Huang Shui, and Datong He originate from the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) and flow into the Yellow River on the Loess Plateau (LP), all with a basin area exceeding 15,000 km2, and are the three largest tributaries of the Yellow River QTP sub-basin. Water samples were collected at the river outlets, the QTP section, the transition zone between the QTP and the LP, and the LP section of each river. These water samples were used to explore CO2 consumption by chemical weathering and its control mechanisms. Runoff and physical erosion are the main factors controlling chemical weathering in the three rivers. The increase of relief ratio in the transition zone between the QTP and the LP makes the chemical weathering particularly intense in this area. The total CO2 consumption rates by chemical weathering in the Tao He and Huang Shui transition zones are 1.4 times and 1.7 times greater than in their QTP sections, and 1.7 times and 2.3 times greater than in their LP sections, respectively. In contrast, due to the high relief ratio of 8‰ in the Datong He transition zone, the residence time of the water is extremely short, and unweathered fine-grained materials are delivered downstream to continue weathering. The influence of differential lithology distribution on chemical weathering includes that the Datong He QTP section with carbonate exposure presents the most intense carbonate weathering in that basin, and the Tao He transition zone has low silicate weathering resulting from the distribution of early Permian strata. In addition, groundwater recharge most likely influenced the silicate weathering of Huang Shui significantly. The total area of the three rivers accounts for 25% of the Yellow River QTP sub-basin, while their contribution to the total CO2 consumption flux by chemical weathering approximates 36%. The silicate weathering of the northern QTP rivers is lower than the global average and significantly lower than those of the southern QTP rivers. However, carbonate weathering of the QTP rivers exhibit no north-south regional differences.

2021 ◽  
Stefan Norrgård ◽  
Samuli Helama

Abstract. In Finland, ice breakup observations have been recorded for centuries for Aura River (1749–2020), Torne River (1693–2020) and Kokemäki River (1793–2020). The Kokemäki River is a newly revised, extended, and updated ice breakup series from Pori. The Spearman analysis shows that the correlation between Aura and Kokemäki rivers is strong, while the correlation between the two southern rivers (Aura and Kokemäki) and Torne River is weaker. The difference is attributed to the longitudinal distance between the rivers. Temperature correlations are strong for all three rivers and the long-term trends towards earlier breakups are statistically significant. Aura and Kokemäki rivers show considerable changes. Aura and Kokemäki river have had two respectively three years without a complete ice cover in the 21st century. These are the first non-freeze events in over 270 years of recorded observations. In Torne River, however, the earliest recorded breakup date has changed only marginally the last 100 years. Moreover, the earliest recorded breakup date in the 21st century occurred only five days earlier than the earliest breakup date in the 18th century. Kokemäki River did not escape the hydroelectric power plant boom in the mid-1900s, and this has speeded up the breakup process. A qualitative analysis shows that exceptionally late ice breakups occurred in all three rivers in 1807, 1810 and 1867. There are noticeable clusters of late events in the early 1800s in all three series, while an exceptionally early breakup event occurred in Aura and Kokemäki rivers in 1822.

2021 ◽  
Vol 889 (1) ◽  
pp. 012063
Harinderpal Singh Bedi ◽  
Sandeep Singh

Abstract In India, Punjab is a state which grows large proportion of countries agricultural products and the dependence of cultivatable land, for irrigation, is highly shifting towards the use of surface water. Currently, there are three major fresh water rivers that flow through Punjab i.e., Ravi, Beas and Satluj. Since, India’s independence and its partition, several reforms have taken place with respect to the modifications in the flow of these rivers. As several activities of the state such as, industrial, domestic, geo-political etc., are dependent on the availability of the fresh water, therefore, it is imperative to provide the status-quo of the changes in the rivers of Punjab. This article brings forward, the present condition of the three rivers of Punjab with respect to the development of canals, construction of headworks, dams etc. It is expected that this article will provide an insight of the complete fresh water distribution in the state Punjab, India, to the various stakeholders of associated fields.

2021 ◽  
Vol 889 (1) ◽  
pp. 012079
Harinderpal Singh Bedi ◽  
Sandeep Singh

Abstract Surface water bodies are one of the major sources of fresh water and also a matter of dispute among the territories sharing their water. Similar situation has been faced by Punjab, India, through which three rivers of Indus river system i.e., Ravi, Beas and Satluj passes. This article presents the various factors that need to be considered before distributing the water of the rivers of Punjab among neighboring states and countries. This article highlighted that the major factors that should be considered are, precipitation, snow fall, glacier retreat, demography, irrigation pattern, groundwater level, hydro-electricity and flooding. Further, the data from previous years for each factor has also been discussed so that any timely change in these factors could be highlighted. In this way, it was illustrated that distribution of river water should be based on the current scenario of the previously mentioned factors. The discussion made in this article may assist the policy makers in making a comprehensive analysis of the situation before distributing the river water of Punjab, India.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. e57163
Lucena Rocha Virgilio ◽  
Fabricia da Silva Lima ◽  
Luciano Negreiros ◽  
Ricardo Massato Takemoto ◽  
Luís Marcelo Aranha Camargo ◽  

Prochilodus nigricans is extensively exploited in fishing and aquaculture activities in the Brazilian Amazon, it is the definitive host for Neoechinorhynchus curemai Noronha, 1973. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of N. curemai in P. nigricans and the parasite-host relationship in three rivers (Juruá, Crôa and Môa) in the municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul, state of Acre, Brazil. Fish were caught, weighed, measured, and subjected to necropsy, and the gastrointestinal tract and viscera were analyzed. A total of 178 specimens of N. curemai were found in 61 infected fish, with the (p= 58.62%). The prevalence, mean intensity, and mean abundance were higher in hosts from the Môa River, and lower from the Juruá River. Regarding the length-weight relationship, the b-value did not differ statistically from three (b=3) for fish species in the three locations, nor in parasitized and non-parasitized species. In addition, growth was considered isometric, and in the case of the relative condition factor, there was no difference in fish hosts between the three rivers. The correlation between parasite intensity, condition factor, length, and weight of P. nigricans was not significant. Thus, this parasite infestation varied between the habitats. However, this did not influence the growth and development of the hosts.

2021 ◽  
Chen Zhao ◽  
Chenyu Li ◽  
Xiaoming Wang ◽  
Zhuosong Cao ◽  
Chao Gao ◽  

Abstract Background: Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) have become an important public health problem. In this study, we used metagenomic sequencing to analyze the composition of ARGs in certain original habitats of northeast China, comprising three different rivers and riverbank soils of the Heilongjiang River, Tumen River, and Yalu River. Results: Twenty types of ARG were detected in every water sample. The major ARGs were multidrug resistance genes, at approximately 0.5 copies/16s rRNA, accounting for 57.5% of the total ARG abundance. The abundance of multidrug, bacitracin, beta-lactam, macrolide‑lincosamide‑streptogramin, sulfonamide, fosmidomycin, and polymyxin resistance genes covered 96.9% of the total ARG abundance. No significant ecological boundary of ARG diversity was observed. The compositions of the resistance genes in the three rivers were very similar to each other, and 92.1% of ARG subtypes were shared by all water samples. Except for vancomycin resistance genes, almost all ARGs in riverbank soils were detected in the river water. About 31.05% ARGs were carried by Pseudomonas. Opportunistic pathogenic bacteria carrying resistance genes were mainly related to diarrhea and respiratory infections. Multidrug and beta-lactam resistance genes correlated positively with mobile genetic elements (MGEs), indicating a potential risk of diffusion.Conclusions: The composition of ARGs in three different rivers was similar, indicating that climate played an important role in ARG occurrence. ARG subtypes in river water were almost completely the same as those in riverbank soil. ARGs had no significant geographical distribution characteristics. Many ARGs were carried by human pathogenic bacteria related to human diarrhea and respiratory infections, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aeromonas caviae. In general, our results provide a valuable dataset of river water ARG distribution in northeast China. The related ecological geography distribution characteristics should be further explored.

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