parent relationship
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 393-393
Dexia Kong ◽  
Mack Shelley ◽  
Peiyi Lu

Abstract Western culture emphasizes independence in the child-parent relationship while Chinese culture values interdependence between adult children and older parents. This study compared the association of child-parent relationships with older adults’ multidimensional health over time in the U.S. and China. Two waves of data (2012-2015) from HRS and CHARLS were used (n=6,641, aged ≥65). Linear regression models were estimated. Results showed that, compared to Chinese older adults, fewer older Americans co-resided with or lived nearby their children, had less weekly contact, and fewer financial transfers from/to their children. Most child-parent relationship variables were nonsignificant predictors of older Americans’ health. However, a closer child-parent relationship was linked to fewer depressive symptoms and better cognition among older Chinese. Co-residence was associated with poorer health among Chinese parents. The associations of child-parent relationships with older adults’ health exhibited cross-cultural differences. A cultural perspective is recommended in understanding how family relations affect older adults’ health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 243
Juliatus Sholikha ◽  
Irwanto Irwanto ◽  
Nur Ainy Fardana N

Abstrak Latar Belakang: Interaksi orang tua dan anak merupakan salah satu hal yang paling signifikan dan mendasar dalam meningkatkan perkembangan emosional anak. Perkembangan emosional anak merupakan proses regulasi emosi diri. Kualitas interaksi orang tua terhadap anak tergolong masih rendah meski waktu kebersamaaan orang tua dan anak sudah baik, sehingga penelitian tentang interaksi orang tua-anak dan perkembangan emosional anak diperlukan. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Terdapat 226 orang tua dan anak usia 4-6 tahun bersedia menjadi responden. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Child Parent Relationship Scale (CPRS) Short Form untuk mengukur kualitas interaski  dan Kuesioner Masalah Perilaku dan Emosional (KMPE) untuk mengukur perkembanagn emsoiuonal anak. Analisis data menggunakan uji Spearman’s Rho SPSS 21.0. Hasil: Mayoritas orang tua memiliki interaksi yang dekat dengan anak sebesar 87,6% dengan rata-rata 33,22. Perkembangan emosional anak didapatkan sebesar 78,3% anak berkembang secara normal. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan Spearman’s Rho didapatkan nilai signifikansi kedekatan orang tua dan anak terhadap perkembangan emosional anak sebesar p=0,000 dan r=0,603. Sedangkan, nilai signifikansi konflik orang tua dan anak terhadap perkembangan emosional anak sebesar p=0,000 dan r=-0.683. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan kualitas interaski orang tua  dan anak terhadap perkembangan emsoional anak. Semakin baik kualitas interaksi orang tua dan anak maka semakin baik pula perkembangan emosional anak.Abstract Background: The interaction of parents and children is one of the most significant and fundamental things in improving children's emotional development. Children's emotional development is a process of self-regulation of emotions. The quality of parent interaction with children is still low even though the time of togetherness of parents and children is good, so research on parent-child interaction and emotional development of children is needed. Method: This study was an observational analytic study with a cross sectional approach. There were 226 parents and children aged 4-6 years who were willing to become respondents. The instruments used were the Short Parent Relationship Scale (CPRS) to measure the quality of the interview and the Behavioral and Emotional Problem Questionnaire to measure the emsoiuonal development of children. Data analysis using the Spearmans Rho SPSS 21.0 test. Results: The majority of parents have close interactions with children at 87.6% with an average of 33.22. Children's emotional development was obtained for 78.3% of children developing normally. The results of statistical tests using Spearmans Rho obtained significance values of parent and child closeness to children's emotional development by p = 0,000 and r = 0,603. Meanwhile, the significance of parent and child conflict on children's emotional development is p = 0,000 and r = -0,683. Conclusion: There is a relationship between the quality of parents' and children's interactions with emotional development of children. The better the quality of parent and child interaction, the better the child's emotional development.

Babett H Lobinger ◽  
Valeria C Eckardt ◽  
Franziska Lautenbach

The aim of the research project was to gain an in-depth understanding of how children, coaches, and parents in youth soccer perceive parental support. In a preliminary study, a questionnaire was developed to assess satisfaction with parental support and sideline behavior in soccer. The multisection questionnaire was adapted to all three parties of interest—children, parents, and coaches—and administered to 260 parents, 196 coaches, and 111 male players aged 12–14 years across different clubs to identify factors influencing satisfaction with parental behavior across all three groups. Factor analysis led to a revised version of the questionnaire, emphasizing the importance of emotional support. The revised questionnaire was implemented in two consecutive field studies. Samples were drawn from an amateur youth soccer setting (Study 2, N = 316, players aged 8–13 years) and a professional youth academy (Study 3, N = 209, players aged 9–16 years). Overall, results indicate children and parents were highly satisfied with parental support and sideline behavior but coaches’ satisfaction differed significantly. The discussion therefore includes all three perspectives and provides recommendations on how to improve the coach–parent relationship and professional engagement with parents.

2021 ◽  
Morgan E. Cooley ◽  
Heather M. Thompson ◽  
Armeda Stevenson Wojciak ◽  
Brittany P. Mihalec‐Adkins

2021 ◽  
pp. 106648072199250
Mónica Rodríguez ◽  
Jose Luis Tapia-Fuselier ◽  
Peggy Ceballos ◽  
Sarah Agarwal

Children with disabilities have unique and often specialized needs. The parents of children with disabilities play an integral and sometimes challenging role in supporting, advocating, and caring for their children. This article introduces an evidence-based approach to work with parents of children with disabilities that focuses on strengthening the relationship between the parent and child through child–parent–relationship therapy (CPRT). Disability-responsive adaptations and recommendations are provided for CPRT, specifically for deaf and hard-of-hearing children, children with physical disabilities, and children with autism spectrum disorder.

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