german minority
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2021 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
Irena Prawdzic

Polish-German Bilingualism in the Piła, Czarnków-Trzcianka and Złotów Districts: A Study of Language Management in Three Generations Based on Representative Language BiographiesAs part of the project entitled “Language across generations: Contact induced change in morpho-syntax in German-Polish bilingual speech”, members of the research team conducted interviews in Polish and German with 124 bilingual persons in Poland and Germany, including 14 in the Piła, Czarnków-Trzcianka and Złotów districts. Before 1945, Piła and Złotów belonged to the German province of Pomerania, and when the borders were moved both towns became part of Poland. This brought a complete change of the social, geopolitical and language reality of the inhabitants of the region. In the People’s Republic of Poland, efforts were made to eliminate the German language. The situation changed again after the breakthrough of 1989, when the German minority in Poland was officially recognised. On the basis of three language biographies of people born in the 1920s, 1930s and 1950s, which are representative for the Piła-Złotów region, this study presents how the language ideology of linking one country with one language operated over three generations of speakers. It also considers language management at the micro level, taking into account the changes which occurred in 1945 and 1989. Dwujęzyczność polsko-niemiecka w powiecie pilskim, czarnkowsko-trzcianeckim i złotowskim: zarządzanie językiem w trzech pokoleniach na podstawie reprezentatywnych biografii językowychW ramach grantu „Pokoleniowe zróżnicowanie języka: zmiany morfosyntaktyczne wywołane przez polsko-niemiecki kontakt językowy w mowie osób dwujęzycznych” przeprowadzono wywiady ze stu dwudziestoma czterema osobami dwujęzycznymi w Polsce i w Niemczech w języku polskim i niemieckim, w tym w powiecie pilskim, czarnkowsko-trzcianeckim i złotowskim – z czternastoma osobami. Piła i Złotów należały przed 1945 rokiem do niemieckiej Prowincji Pomorza, a po przesunięciu granic oba miasta znalazły się w Polsce. Rzeczywistość społeczna, geopolityczna i językowa mieszkańców regionu całkowicie się zmieniła. W PRL dążono do wyeliminowania języka niemieckiego. Sytuacja ponownie uległa zmianie po przełomie 1989 roku, kiedy to uznano mniejszość niemiecką w Polsce. Na podstawie trzech biografii językowych osób urodzonych w latach 20., 30. i 50. XX wieku, reprezentatywnych dla regionu pilsko-złotowskiego, pokazano, jak na przestrzeni trzech pokoleń mówców funkcjonowała ideologia językowa łączenia jednego państwa z jednym językiem oraz przedstawiono zarządzanie językami na poziomie mikro z uwzględnieniem cezur czasowych 1945 i 1989 roku.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 273-281
Ioana Cusin

Abstract The tendency to apply media in regional studies for students of German as a foreign language (Deutsch als Fremdsprache, DaF) is no longer a novelty. Thus, we see media applied as such in multiple different forms, like videos, press releases, radio segments or online statements. This contribution is focused on the radio interview, as a constitutive part of the regional studies’ courses for DaF students of Germanistik in Romania. As a starting point serves the assumption, that the application of visual media can be enhanced through dialogue sequences, which further highlight the subject of the course. Through chosen interviews, that have been aired by the state channels, students can become familiar with such issues, that affect the German minority in Romania. The authenticity that is being sought for, will result from the primary situation of the interviewer and the interviewee communicating, as well as through the utilization of Rumäniendeutsch as the standard language of the German minority, living in Romania. Thus can cultural, social, historical and linguistic phenomena that are specific for the local German speaking population and that are (re)constructing the cultural inheritance of Germans in Romania, be regarded in greater detail.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 87-105
Iulia Elena Zup ◽  

"Preserving the German Identity and Language in Romania after 1918. Cultural Associations. The present paper explores some cultural sociological aspects of the economic, leisure-related and professional associations of the German minority living in Romania at the time of the Weimar Republic (1918-1933), in the context of the social-political transformations and the development of the modern, interwar Romanian society. Although German associations existed in the now Romanian territories before 1918 as well, many new associations were founded and the activity of the already existing ones flourished during the interwar period. The associations are analysed in respect to the regions in which the Germans of Romania lived (Transylvania, Banat, Bukovina, the Romanian Old Kingdom and Bessarabia), the type of association, their objectives, publications and activities. The establishment of so many associations at the time of the Weimar Republic and their intense activities reveals, on one hand, the endeavours of the German minority to preserve its language and identity, and on the other hand, the freedom that the German community enjoyed – in other words, quite a liberal cultural politics of the Greater Romania. The associations were a part of the development of a socio-cultural field which granted the Germans a special place in Romania’s cultural history. Keywords: associations, Germans of Romania, Weimar Republic, Greater Romania, German language and identity "

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 107-115
Veronica Cȃmpian ◽  

"The German-language Socialist Press in Banat in the Interwar Years; Case Study: Volkswille (the People's Will) and Banater Arbeiter-Presse (Banat Workers' Press). This study analyses the development and characteristics of these two socialist newspapers from Banat in a period when the number of German publications was at its peak and the German minority press played a very important role for its readers. The text focuses on the content particularities of the publications with an emphasis on the dedication and commitment of the editors and journalists to inform, educate and support the readership through their articles. Keywords: Banat, German minority, socialist press, Volkswille (People's Will), Banater Arbeiter-Presse (Banat Workers' Press) "

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-80
Andrzej Szczepański

Some of the most important principles of state ethnic policy are to ensure national and ethnic minorities possibility of continuing their national distinction and to enable them participation in public life, including political. The German minority residing in Poland, the most numerous among national minorities, participates actively in realization of the above-mentioned principles. The German minority is most numerous in Upper Silesia area where since 1990 the biggest minority organization in Poland, the Social-Cultural Society of Germans in Opole Silesia (TSKN), has been operating. The basic aim of this article was to make an attempt to describe TSKN activities in the aspect of Polish state ethnic policy assumptions. Research tools and methods used were: historical, comparative, statistical, source study and literature review. Essential research was also study of Internet sources, first and foremost Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration websites as well as TSKN websites. Research hypothesis had been formulated, according to which the Third Republic of Poland ethnic policy not only enable keeping national identity for the German minority living in the region of Opole Silesia, but also creates for the minority appropriate conditions to participate in public life of the region. As a result of research process above-mentioned hypothesis was verified positively.

Transilvania ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 37-46
Doris Sava

The number of projects dedicated to the digitization of newspaper collections in libraries and archives has risen continuously in recent years. The main focus is on securing German-language press inventory outside of the German-speaking area, which often cannot be copied due to the aging process, and – with a view to developments, cross-connections and research approaches – making them available for broad use for future independent investigations. Through various funding programs, the ministries responsible for education and research and national research infrastructures also work to keep this cultural heritage alive, to digitize it on a larger scale, to develop it and to make it internationally accessible. The article therefore shows some of the noteworthy newspapers and magazines of the German minority in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe and some efforts for documentation of the German minority press in this region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-107
Marco Angster ◽  
Livio Gaeta

Abstract In the context of the Alps – a broad region characterized by common geographical and cultural features – the isolation caused by the geographical setting makes it possible for conservative strategies to survive from the Middle Ages through present times. This isolation, however, does not exclude that conservative patterns evolve into innovative strategies. To illustrate this, we surveyed causative and progressive constructions in the historical German minority varieties on the southern side of the Alps. Greschòneytitsch, a particularly dynamic variety, shows the remarkable development of a causative particle, tònz, and the grammaticalization of an adverb, eister, into a marker of progressive aspect.

Małgorzata Gałęziowska

The aim of the article is to characterize a safe national identity created by associations of the German minority in Varmia and Masuria. The safe identity is defined as a non-conflicting national identity, appropriate to the conditions of the region's complex history. It arises as a result of direct and indirect communication and material relations in associations. The characteristics of a safe identity are the result of an analysis of the real activities of the German minority associations, declared in the statutes and described in the associations' newspapers. The content analysis included indications of the features of direct and indirect contacts, features of the past used to shape identity and the most important areas of association activity.

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