metric reconstruction
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Vahid Toomani ◽  
Peter J Zimmerman ◽  
Andrew Robert Clifford Spiers ◽  
Stefan Hollands ◽  
Adam Pound ◽  

Abstract Inspirals of stellar-mass objects into massive black holes will be important sources for the space-based gravitational-wave detector LISA. Modelling these systems requires calculating the metric perturbation due to a point particle orbiting a Kerr black hole. Currently, the linear perturbation is obtained with a metric reconstruction procedure that puts it in a “no-string” radiation gauge which is singular on a surface surrounding the central black hole. Calculating dynamical quantities in this gauge involves a subtle procedure of “gauge completion” as well as cancellations of very large numbers. The singularities in the gauge also lead to pathological field equations at second perturbative order. In this paper we re-analyze the point-particle problem in Kerr using the corrector-field reconstruction formalism of Green, Hollands, and Zimmerman (GHZ). We clarify the relationship between the GHZ formalism and previous reconstruction methods, showing that it provides a simple formula for the “gauge completion”. We then use it to develop a new method of computing the metric in a more regular gauge: a Teukolsky puncture scheme. This scheme should ameliorate the problem of large cancellations, and by constructing the linear metric perturbation in a sufficiently regular gauge, it should provide a first step toward second-order self-force calculations in Kerr. Our methods are developed in generality in Kerr, but we illustrate some key ideas and demonstrate our puncture scheme in the simple setting of a static particle in Minkowski spacetime.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (2) ◽  
Oliver Long ◽  
Leor Barack

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Cesar A. Agón ◽  
Elena Cáceres ◽  
Juan F. Pedraza

Abstract In the context of holography, entanglement entropy can be studied either by i) extremal surfaces or ii) bit threads, i.e., divergenceless vector fields with a norm bound set by the Planck length. In this paper we develop a new method for metric reconstruction based on the latter approach and show the advantages over existing ones. We start by studying general linear perturbations around the vacuum state. Generic thread configurations turn out to encode the information about the metric in a highly nonlocal way, however, we show that for boundary regions with a local modular Hamiltonian there is always a canonical choice for the perturbed thread configurations that exploits bulk locality. To do so, we express the bit thread formalism in terms of differential forms so that it becomes manifestly background independent. We show that the Iyer-Wald formalism provides a natural candidate for a canonical local perturbation, which can be used to recast the problem of metric reconstruction in terms of the inversion of a particular linear differential operator. We examine in detail the inversion problem for the case of spherical regions and give explicit expressions for the inverse operator in this case. Going beyond linear order, we argue that the operator that must be inverted naturally increases in order. However, the inversion can be done recursively at different orders in the perturbation. Finally, we comment on an alternative way of reconstructing the metric non-perturbatively by phrasing the inversion problem as a particular optimization problem.

2020 ◽  
Vol 102 (8) ◽  
Sebastian H. Völkel ◽  
Enrico Barausse

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (8) ◽  
Sergio Hernández-Cuenca ◽  
Gary T. Horowitz

Abstract Holographic duality implies that the geometric properties of the gravitational bulk theory should be encoded in the dual field theory. These naturally include the metric on dimensions that become compact near the conformal boundary, as is the case for any asymptotically locally AdSn × $$ \mathbbm{S} $$ S k spacetime. Almost all previous work on metric reconstruction ignores these dimensions and would thus at most apply to dimensionally-reduced metrics. In this work, we generalize the approach to bulk reconstruction using light-cone cuts and propose a prescription to obtain the full higher-dimensional metric of generic spacetimes up to an overall conformal factor. We first extend the definition of light-cone cuts to include information about the asymptotic compact dimensions, and show that the full conformal metric can be recovered from these extended cuts. We then give a prescription for obtaining these extended cuts from the dual field theory. The location of the usual cuts can still be obtained from bulk-point singularities of correlators, and the new information in the extended cut can be extracted by using appropriate combinations of operators dual to Kaluza-Klein modes of the higher-dimensional bulk fields.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (18) ◽  
pp. 185002 ◽  
Ning Bao ◽  
ChunJun Cao ◽  
Sebastian Fischetti ◽  
Cynthia Keeler

2018 ◽  
Vol 98 (6) ◽  
Shubho R. Roy ◽  
Debajyoti Sarkar

A. Masiero ◽  
F. Fissore ◽  
A. Guarnieri ◽  
A. Vettore

The subject of photogrammetric surveying with mobile devices, in particular smartphones, is becoming of significant interest in the research community. Nowadays, the process of providing 3D point clouds with photogrammetric procedures is well known. However, external information is still typically needed in order to move from the point cloud obtained from images to a 3D metric reconstruction. This paper investigates the integration of information provided by an UWB positioning system with visual based reconstruction to produce a metric reconstruction. Furthermore, the orientation (with respect to North-East directions) of the obtained model is assessed thanks to the use of inertial sensors included in the considered UWB devices. Results of this integration are shown on two case studies in indoor environments.

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