complex hybrid
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2021 ◽  
pp. 242-248
David Bosco

The disagreement between China and the United States over maritime rights in the South China Sea has become the leading maritime point of friction. But that dispute is just one part of more fundamental change at work in how the world governs the oceans, one that has moved away from the idea of freedom of the seas. A central question is whether the UN Convention’s compromise on the oceans can endure. The Convention increased national sovereignty over parts of the oceans but also created mechanisms of international control. What emerged from that compromise is a complex, hybrid system of governance that relies on national governments but also a variety of international and regional organizations and international courts. Part of that compromise is a narrower version of freedom of the seas, but pressure from multiple directions is rendering even a limited version of that long-standing doctrine increasingly fragile.

2021 ◽  
Andrea Kóbor ◽  
Eszter Tóth-Fáber ◽  
Zsofia Kardos ◽  
Ádám Takács ◽  
Noémi Éltető ◽  

Beliefs about positive and negative outcome probabilities have been frequently investigated in experience-based risky decision making. However, it has not been clarified how these beliefs emerge and whether they remain persistent if the predictability and complexity of outcome probabilities change across decision contexts. Hence, the present study manipulated these two factors in a variant of the Balloon Analogue Risk Task performed by healthy young adults. In the first and final task phases, outcomes (rewards or balloon bursts) were predictable because of the presence of an underlying regularity. In the middle phase, outcomes were unpredictable because the regularity was absent. The complexity of the regularity differed across the deterministic, probabilistic, and hybrid experimental conditions. In the simple deterministic condition, a repeating sequence of three deterministic regularities perfectly predicted balloon bursts. In the more complex probabilistic condition, a single probabilistic regularity ensured that the probability of balloon bursts increased with each successive pump. In the most complex hybrid condition, a repeating sequence of three different probabilistic regularities increased burst probabilities. Even without informing participants about the presence or absence of the regularity, sensitivity to both the simple deterministic and the most complex hybrid regularities emerged and influenced risk taking. Unpredictable outcomes of the middle phase did not deteriorate the acquired sensitivity to these regularities. When only a single probabilistic regularity was present, predictable and unpredictable outcomes were processed similarly. In conclusion, assuming the reappearance of the initially experienced regularity, the robustness of representations might serve fast adaptation in a volatile decision environment.

D. Lando ◽  
T. Audzeyeva

The article defines the fundamental questions of legal nature and functional purpose of compensation for infringement of exclusive rights. The place of compensation is assessed both in the system of civil law remedies in general and in the system of remedies for infringement of exclusive rights in particular. The authors conclude that compensation is a complex (hybrid) form of liability in which the compensatory and punitive functions of civil liability are realized with the prevalence of the punitive one. On the basis of this conclusion, the criterion for determining the amount of compensation is proposed and justified. The legislative consolidation of this criterion and its further development in doctrine and judicial practice will contribute to the correct perception of compensation as a remedy and its application in accordance with its purpose.

ACS Catalysis ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 11266-11277
Constantin D. Sahm ◽  
Geani M. Ucoski ◽  
Souvik Roy ◽  
Erwin Reisner

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 97-100
Ian Somerville ◽  
Lee Edwards

This thematic issue invited submissions that address the challenges of researching the complex, hybrid, and liminal nature of promotional cultures and the published articles include studies which reflect on the structures, technologies, agents, representations, effects, and ethics of promotion. They are united by a central question: What strategies do we use to explore and attempt to understand the assemblages of technologies, texts, networks, and actors in contemporary promotion? We hope the collection of perspectives gathered here help to address the challenges of researching the digital, excavating promotional ideologies, confronting professions, engaging audiences through academic work, and confronting the risks and realities of research that can equally promote change or speak into a vacuum.

2021 ◽  
Lyudmila Ternovaya

The monograph is devoted to the analysis of the current topic of hybrid war, in which the thin red lines separating it from peaceful life can both turn into an impenetrable iron curtain, and become a bright and attractive advertisement for another country and culture, forcing you to immerse yourself in another world, and not perceive it as a rival. Neither international law, nor the tools for identifying all the figures of international relations involved in resolving issues of war and peace, nor culture can correct the mutual distortions of hybrid war and hybrid peace. And yet, it is possible to find such facts that help to remove hybrid layers and reach the true interests, goals and means of those geopolitical actors who benefit from such a complex hybrid game of war and peace. It is intended for specialists in the field of international relations, history, culture. It will also arouse the interest of a wide range of readers.

2021 ◽  
Babak Teimoori

Morphogenesis defines the schema of natural material formations as a set of merging self-organized behaviours, rules, relative forces, and limits of materialization that analytically characterize a spatial arrangement within a specific environment for achieving an equilibrium state. However, in architecture, material organization, which acts as a threshold to space, has always been treated as a secondary component in design processes. This attitude has reduced the capability to generate an architecture that is intelligently aware of its functionality and of its environment. Transforming computational models of biological systems into the computational logic of material organization found in architecture would produce an architecture that is a product of full interactions between those material logics and space. This inquiry elaborates a set of biological computational frameworks to cultivate stratified developments of knowledge-based architectural prototypes of complex hybrid-structure material morphologies as contextual schemata

2021 ◽  
Babak Teimoori

Morphogenesis defines the schema of natural material formations as a set of merging self-organized behaviours, rules, relative forces, and limits of materialization that analytically characterize a spatial arrangement within a specific environment for achieving an equilibrium state. However, in architecture, material organization, which acts as a threshold to space, has always been treated as a secondary component in design processes. This attitude has reduced the capability to generate an architecture that is intelligently aware of its functionality and of its environment. Transforming computational models of biological systems into the computational logic of material organization found in architecture would produce an architecture that is a product of full interactions between those material logics and space. This inquiry elaborates a set of biological computational frameworks to cultivate stratified developments of knowledge-based architectural prototypes of complex hybrid-structure material morphologies as contextual schemata

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 4341
Belén Martínez-Rodríguez ◽  
Sonia Bilbao-Arechabala ◽  
Fernando Jorge-Hernandez

Nowadays, autonomous vehicles are incorporated into farms to facilitate manual labour. Being connected vehicles, as IoT systems, they are susceptible to cyber security attacks that try to cause damage to hardware, software or even living beings. Therefore, it is important to provide sufficient security mechanisms to protect both the communications and the data, mitigating any possible risk or harm to farmers, livestock or crops. Technology providers are aware of the importance of ensuring security, and more and more secure solutions can be found on the market today. However, generally, these particular solutions are not sufficient when they are part of complex hybrid systems, since there is no single global solution proposal. In addition, as the number of technologies and protocols used increases, the number of security threats also increases. This article presents a cyber-security architecture proposal for swarms of heterogeneous vehicles in smart farming, which covers all of the aspects recommended by the ISO 7798-2 specification in terms of security. As a result of this analysis, a detailed summary of the possible solutions and available technologies for each of the communication channels of the target system as well as some recommendations are presented.

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