motivation scale
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2022 ◽  
Revadi G ◽  
Ankur Joshi ◽  
Abhijit P Pakhare

Introduction: Among the various factors influencing the performance of Community health workers, motivation and job satisfaction serves as a potential drive to perform better. Hence, this study aimed at constructing a motivation and job satisfaction tool in a systematic method that would serve as a potential tool for further research considering the heterogeneity in the study population. Objective: To develop a tool to measure how well the CHWs are motivated and satisfied pertaining to individual, community and health system determinants. Methods: This cross-sectional study from rural block of Madhya Pradesh in Central India included relatively high performing and low performing CHWs based on their annual performance-based incentives for the year (April 2017- March 2018). The CHWs were administered a self-reported questionnaire that contained a 5-point Likert scale with individual, health system and community determinants of motivation and job satisfaction. Results: The performance motivation scale with 18 items and job satisfaction scale with 15 items were administered to the 92 CHWs. Their item content validity index was 0.66 and 0.83 respectively. The finalized tool consisted of 11 items in motivation scale and all the 15 items in job satisfaction scale following the Explanatory factor analysis. All the individual constructs in both the scales showed good internal consistency with Cronbachs alpha ranging from 0.62-0.88. The overall median (IQR) score of both RLP and RHP CHWs were 4(4-5) in both the questionnaires. Conclusion: The CHWs in our study were intrinsically motivated and were satisfied with their performance as voluntary village health workers. Further research would be planned to validate the constructs using confirmatory factor analysis. Keywords: Community Health workers, Motivation, Job satisfaction, Content validity

2022 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-100
Betty Reyes ◽  
Irene Fernández ◽  
Sergio Pérez-Belmonte ◽  
Saturnino De los Santos ◽  
José M. Tomás ◽  

Within the growing body of research that has focused on academic success, academic motivation has gathered considerable attention. The aim of this this research is to present the first validation of the Adolescents’ Academic Motivation Scale (AAMS). Total sample was composed by 1712 students of secondary education from two districts in the Dominican Republic. The main measurement outcome was the AAMS. Results from the CFA were satisfactory: χ2(5) = 57.73, p < .001; CFI = .970; RMSEA = .079 [.061, .097], and SRMR = .024. IRT analyses favored the two-parameter logistic model, indicating that items were not equally discriminant. Structural Equation Model with latent variables in which academic motivation was a significant predictor of grades resulted in excellent fit: χ2(53) = 182.76, p < .001; CFI = .980; RMSEA = .038 90% CI [.032, .044], and SRMR = .025. In sum, this work presents an exhaustive psychometric analysis of the AAMS in a representative sample of high school Dominican students. Entre el creciente cuerpo de investigación que se ha centrado en el éxito académico, la motivación académica ha captado considerable atención. El objetivo de esta investigación es presentar la primera validación de la Escala de Motivación Académica de los Adolescentes (EMAA). La muestra total estuvo compuesta por 1712 estudiantes de secundaria de dos distritos de la República Dominicana. La medida principal fue la EMAA. Los resultados del AFC fueron satisfactorios: χ2(5) = 57.73, p < .001; CFI = .970; RMSEA = .079, 90% CI [.061, .097], y SRMR = .024. Los análisis de TRI favorecieron al modelo logístico de dos parámetros, indicando que los ítems no fueron igualmente discriminativos. El Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales en el que la motivación académica predecía de forma estadísticamente significativa las calificaciones obtuvo un ajuste excelente: χ2(53) = 182.76, p < .001; CFI = .980; RMSEA = .038 [.032, .044], and SRMR = .025. En resumen, este trabajo presenta un exhaustivo análisis psicométrico de la EMAA en una muestra representativa de estudiantes dominicanos de instituto.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Burçak KESKİN ◽  
Burcu GÜVENDİ ◽  
Bilal KARAKOÇ ◽  
Selman KAYA ◽  

This study aims to determine the relationship between the digital game addiction levels of secondary and high school students and their motivation for participation in physical activity during the pandemic process. the study participants include a total of 322 students, 227 males, and 95 females, aged between 11 and 18. the game addiction scale for adolescents and the motivation scale for participation in physical activity were used as data collection tools in the study. in the statistical method of the study, descriptive statistics (frequency, arithmetic mean, standard deviation), t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey multiple comparisons, and Pearson correlation tests were used. In the research findings, it has been determined that there is a negative and low-level significant relationship between the individual reasons and causelessness sub-dimensions of the motivation scale for participation in physical activity and digital game addiction. there was a significant difference in the game addiction scale and sub-dimensions of the motivation for participation in physical activity according to the duration of digital gaming of the students and their education levels. A significant difference was determined in the motivation scale for participation in physical activity according to the branch variable, and in the scale of game addiction according to the situation of the parents’ setting limits on the duration of digital gaming. A significant difference was not found in either scale according to gender. As a result, it was observed that the more the motivation for participation in physical activity, the lower the digital game addiction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-332
Dilara Akpınar ◽  
Sema Altun Yalçın

The research is aimed to explore the effect of STEM education on the motivations and epistemological beliefs related to science among talented and gifted students. A mixed research method was employed in collecting the data of the research. The sample of the research consisted of 20 5th and 6th grade students who were diagnosed to be talented. Before the activities, the Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire and the Motivation Scale for Science Learning were applied to the students. The reflective journals were asked to fill in reflective journals after each activity and individual interviews were conducted after all activities were completed. A significant difference was found between the Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire and the Motivation Scale for Science Learning pre-test and post-test scores at the end of the research. With the conducted interviews and results from the journals, positive changes were observed in students’ self-confidence, motivation, and attitudes towards science lessons in training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Shen Liu ◽  
Zijing Hong ◽  
Wei Zhou ◽  
Yingfen Fang ◽  
Lin Zhang

Abstract Background The present study aimed to explore the relationship between job-search self-efficacy and reemployment willingness among older adults, as well as roles of achievement motivation and age in this relationship. Methods Three hundred and sixty-five Chinese retired older adults were recruited from five neighborhoods in a city via convenience sampling, and they were measured by the Job Search Self-Efficacy Scale and the Achievement Motivation Scale (AMS). Results Results revealed that job-search self-efficacy significantly positively predicted reemployment willingness. Achievement motivation played a partial mediating role in the relationship between the job-search self-efficacy and reemployment willingness. Age moderated the relationship between job-search self-efficacy and reemployment willingness. Conclusions These findings showed that increasing the job-search self-efficacy and achievement motivation could effectively promote older adults’ reemployment willingness. The present study provided a theoretical basis for caring for older adults’ reemployment willingness.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003329412110547
Xuyan Qiu ◽  
Jian Xu

Since listening and speaking are two integral skills for effective second language (L2) communication, enhancing learners’ motivation to listen to and speak in the target language will engage them in the learning process, eventually leading to improvements in these two skills. Yet despite its importance, L2 listening and speaking motivation is underexplored in the current literature. Drawing on self-determination theory, this study adapted, validated, and administered one L2 listening motivation scale and one L2 speaking motivation scale to 863 undergraduate students from different regions of China. Correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and inferential statistical analyses (e.g., ANOVA) were used to compute the data. The results revealed that the learners were both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to listen to and speak in English. A strong association between L2 listening motivation and speaking motivation was observed. Furthermore, gender, geographical, and disciplinary differences were found in the two kinds of motivation, and overseas experience also affected the learners’ motivation. The results provide insights into L2 learner motivation in specific linguistic domains and yield pedagogical implications for L2 teaching and learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Jolanta Starosta ◽  
Bernadetta Izydorczyk ◽  
Katarzyna Sitnik-Warchulska ◽  
Sebastian Lizińczyk

Recently, the question about the potentially problematic characteristics of binge-watching behaviours has been raised in the contemporary literature. Binge-watching is a highly popular behaviour that involves watching multiple episodes of TV series in one sitting. Studies show that binge-watching can be both an entertaining, but also a potentially problematic, behaviour. Therefore, this research aimed to answer the question about how impulsivity, difficulties in emotional regulation, and one's motivations around why they want to watch a TV series predict problematic binge-watching among a group of Polish young adults. The research group consisted of 645 participants. The following tools were then used to measure the study variables: the Impulsive Behaviour Scale, the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, the Viewing Motivation Scale, and the Questionnaire of Excessive Binge-watching. Furthermore, a regression analysis was performed on the responses to each measure in order to answer our research questions. Our results show that a lack of premeditation, impulse control difficulties, and having an escapist motivation are all significant predictors of problematic binge-watching behaviours. Furthermore, one's motivations around dealing with loneliness, their motivations around how to best spend their free time, as well as their informative and entertaining motivations were also found to be significant predictors of problematic binge-watching behaviours.

Ngien-Siong Chin ◽  
Guo Chen Liew ◽  
Yee Cheng Kueh ◽  
Hairul Anuar Hashim ◽  
Vincent Tee ◽  

The 18-item Sport Motivation Scale (SMS-II) is one of the most-utilised scales measuring athletes’ motivation and its psychometric properties. However, we found no Malay version used to examine the Malaysian multi-ethnic population. Thus, the study aimed to translate and validate the SMS-II into the Malay version using confirmatory factor analysis. A total of 436 (16.44 ± 1.22) state athletes were asked to complete the SMS-II Malay version, which utilised the forward–backwards translation method. The results showed an acceptable fit with the data (CFI = 0.906, SRMR = 0.064; RMSEA = 0.056) and internal consistency, with a Cronbach’s alpha value that exceeded 0.50, which supported its usage for the assessment of motivation among the multi-ethnic Malaysian athletes. The Cronbach’s alpha values of all the factors were satisfactory, except for introjected regulation. Thus, further studies are needed to improve the reliability of such factors. Nonetheless, the Malay version of SMS-II was found to be valid and reliable for assessing the level of motivation of the multi-ethnic Malaysian athletes.

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