yield loci
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Abhishek Biswas ◽  
Surya R Kalidindi ◽  
Alexander Hartmaier

Abstract Direct experimental evaluation of the anisotropic yield locus of a given material, representing the zeros of the material's yield function in the stress space, is arduous. It is much more practical to determine the yield locus by combining limited measurements of yield strengths with predictions from numerical models based on microstructural features such as the orientation distribution function (ODF; also referred to as the crystallographic texture). For the latter, several different strategies exist in the current literature. In this work, we develop and present a new hybrid method that combines the numerical efficiency and simplicity of the classical crystallographic yield locus (CYL) method with the accuracy of the computationally expensive crystal plasticity finite element method (CPFEM). The development of our hybrid approach is presented in two steps. In the first step, we demonstrate for diverse crystallographic textures that the proposed hybrid method is in good agreement with the shape of the predicted yield locus estimated by either CPFEM or experiments, even for pronounced plastic anisotropy. It is shown that the calibration of only two parameters of the CYL method with only two yield stresses for different load cases obtained from either CPFEM simulations or experiments produces a reliable computation of the polycrystal yield loci for diverse crystallographic textures. The accuracy of the hybrid approach is evaluated using the results from the previously established CPFEM method for the computation of the entire yield locus and also experiments. In the second step, the point cloud data of stress tensors on the yield loci predicted by the calibrated CYL method are interpolated within the deviatoric stress space by cubic splines such that a smooth yield function can be constructed. Since the produced yield locus from the hybrid approach is presented as a smooth function, this formulation can potentially be used as an anisotropic yield function for the standard continuum plasticity methods commonly used in finite element analysis.

S.P. Sundar Singh Sivam ◽  
Harshavardhana Natarajan ◽  
Durai Kumaran ◽  
P.R. Shobana Swarna Ratna

The sheet metal forming processes in several industries like automobile and aerospace suppose the yielding of the sheet metals once strained. Yielding is categorized by the plastic flow of the materials once strained. The yield purpose just in case of uniaxial tension may be simply determined from the stress strain graph, however just in case of multi axial stresses it gets complicated. A relationship among the principal stresses is required requiring the circumstances underneath that plastic flow happens. This complexity is addressed by the anisotropic yield functions. Also, the investigation to get yield loci could also be expensive and time taking. In such case these yield functions prove to be very effective. The yield criteria also facilitate in decisive planar distribution of yield stresses and anisotropic coefficients which gives a decent estimate of these mechanical parameters while not having to through the pain of experimental determination. This study aims at using Hill 1948 criterion to get the Yield Surface Diagrams for three different grades of CRCA Sheets such as ordinary (o), Deep Drawing (DD) and Extra Deep Drawing (EDD) to get the planar distribution of the uniaxial yield stress and anisotropic coefficient. Also, the performance analysis of different grades the distributions are done using accuracy index.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Jianying Li ◽  
Daojun Yuan ◽  
Pengcheng Wang ◽  
Qiongqiong Wang ◽  
Mengling Sun ◽  

AbstractBackgroundMillennia of directional human selection has reshaped the genomic architecture of cultivated cotton relative to wild counterparts, but we have limited understanding of the selective retention and fractionation of genomic components.ResultsWe construct a comprehensive genomic variome based on 1961 cottons and identify 456 Mb and 357 Mb of sequence with domestication and improvement selection signals and 162 loci, 84 of which are novel, including 47 loci associated with 16 agronomic traits. Using pan-genome analyses, we identify 32,569 and 8851 non-reference genes lost fromGossypium hirsutumandGossypium barbadensereference genomes respectively, of which 38.2% (39,278) and 14.2% (11,359) of genes exhibit presence/absence variation (PAV). We document the landscape of PAV selection accompanied by asymmetric gene gain and loss and identify 124 PAVs linked to favorable fiber quality and yield loci.ConclusionsThis variation repertoire points to genomic divergence during cotton domestication and improvement, which informs the characterization of favorable gene alleles for improved breeding practice using a pan-genome-based approach.

Andreas Kergaßner ◽  
Johannes A. Koepf ◽  
Matthias Markl ◽  
Carolin Körner ◽  
Julia Mergheim ◽  

AbstractThe grain structure and texture of additively manufactured materials depend strongly on the local temperature gradients during the solidification of the material. These grain structures and textures influence the mechanical behavior, ranging from isotropy to transversal and orthotropic symmetry. In the present contribution, a cellular automaton is used to model the grain growth during selective electron beam melting. The resulting grain structures and textures serve as input for a mesoscopic mechanical model. The mechanical behavior on the mesoscale is modeled by means of gradient-enhanced crystal plasticity, applying the finite element method. Computational homogenization is applied to determine the resulting macroscopic elastic and plastic properties of the additively manufactured metals. A general orthotropic yield criterion is identified by means of the initial yield loci computed with mesoscopic simulations of representative volume elements. The numerical results are partly validated with experimental data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
Jianping Lin ◽  
Xingyu Bao ◽  
Yong Hou ◽  
Junying Min ◽  
Xinlei Qu ◽  

Abstract Aluminum alloys have drawn considerable attention in the area of automotive lightweight. High strength aluminum alloys are usually deformed at elevated temperatures due to their poor formability at room temperature. In this work, the yield behavior of 7075 aluminum alloy in T6 temper (AA7075-T6) within the temperature ranging from 25 °C to 230 °C was investigated. Uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests with the aid of induction heating system were performed to determine the stress vs. strain curves and the yield loci of AA7075-T6 at elevated temperatures, respectively. Von Mises, Hill48 and Yld2000-2d yield criteria were applied to predicting yield loci which were compared with experimentally measured yield loci of the AA7075-T6. Results show that yield stress corresponding to the same equivalent plastic strain decreases with increasing temperature within the investigated temperature range and the shape of yield loci evolves nearly negligibly. The experimental yield locus expands with an increase of equivalent plastic strain at the same temperature and the work hardening rate of AA7075-T6 exhibits obvious stress-state-dependency. The non-quadratic Yld2000-2d yield criterion describes the yield surfaces of AA7075-T6 more accurately than the quadratic von Mises and Hill48 yield criteria, and an exponent of 14 in the Yld2000-2d yield function gives the optimal predictions for the AA7075-T6 at all investigated temperatures.

2020 ◽  
Jianping Lin ◽  
Xingyu Bao ◽  
Yong Hou ◽  
Junying Min ◽  
Xinlei Qu ◽  

Abstract Aluminum alloys have drawn considerable attention in the area of automotive lightweight. High strength aluminum alloys are usually deformed at elevated temperatures due to their poor formability at room temperature. In this work, the yield behavior of 7075 aluminum alloy in T6 temper (AA7075-T6) within the temperature ranging from 25 ℃ to 230 ℃ was investigated. Uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests with the aid of induction heating system were performed to determine the stress vs. strain curves and the yield loci of AA7075-T6 at elevated temperatures, respectively. Von Mises, Hill48 and Yld2000-2d yield criteria were applied to predicting yield loci which were compared with experimentally measured yield loci of the AA7075-T6. Results show that yield stress corresponding to the same equivalent plastic strain decreases with increasing temperature within the investigated temperature range and the shape of yield loci evolves nearly negligibly. The experimental yield locus expands with an increase of equivalent plastic strain at the same temperature and the work hardening rate of AA7075-T6 exhibits obvious stress-state-dependency. The non-quadratic Yld2000-2d yield criterion describes the yield surfaces of AA7075-T6 more accurately than the quadratic von Mises and Hill48 yield criteria, and an exponent of 14 in the Yld2000-2d yield function gives the optimal predictions for the AA7075-T6 at all investigated temperatures.

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