part structure
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Obidov Izzatjon Muhiddinovich

Abstract: The mythological concept is considered in the work as a type of linguocultural concept, which is characterized by a three-part structure with a well-developed figurative, conceptual and mandatory value components. Keywords: mythological concept, linguocultural concept, mythological conceptual sphere, mytholexeme, lexical meaning, fairytale discourse.

2021 ◽  
pp. 101-118
Татьяна Раисовна Рыжикова ◽  
Альбина Альбертовна Добрынина ◽  
Илья Михайлович Плотников ◽  
Елена Александровна Шестера ◽  
Антон Сергеевич Шамрин

The article presents preliminary data on the intonation of the Tuvan folklore narration with specific focus to the relation between intonation and text structure. The analysis was carried out on the basis of four Tuvan folklore texts. Three hypothetical intonational correlates of the text structure were examined. First, we consider the difference in tempo of the main parts of the texts, following the idea of three-part structure of folklore texts proposed by V. Propp (beginning, complication and ending). The data obtained show no direct correspondence between the tempo of an utterance and its position in the text, as the tempo of the first and the last utterances and their ratio to the average tempo vary significantly from text to text. Secondly, it is shown that the texts contain a number of metatext markers, which are used quite often and are distinguished by the means of intonation (including changes in tone and intensity and separation by a pause). Thirdly, verbal forms with particle -tyr performing similar functions are examined. In contrast to metatext markers, they are not characterized by any intonational prominence, as the tone and intensity follow the general line of declination marking the end of an utterance. Thus, intonation plays an important role in forming the structure of Tuvan folklore texts, which, however, manifests itself only indirectly, in the way of emphasizing lexical means of structuring the text (metatext markers).

2021 ◽  

This third edition of a trusted resource brings together the latest literature across multiple fields to facilitate the understanding and prevention of falls in older adults. Thoroughly revised by a multidisciplinary team of authors, it features a new three-part structure covering epidemiology and risk factors for falls, strategies for prevention and implications for practice. The book reviews and incorporates new research in an additional thirteen chapters covering the biomechanics of balance and falling, fall risk screening and assessment with new technologies, volitional and reactive step training, cognitive-motor interventions, fall injury prevention, promoting uptake and adherence to fall prevention programs and translating fall prevention research into practice. This edition is an invaluable update for clinicians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses, researchers, and all those working in community, hospital and residential or rehabilitation aged care settings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2083 (2) ◽  
pp. 022074
Yuzhuo Yang

Abstract Based on the analysis of current office work status and office robots, this paper proposes a design scheme of intelligent mechanical gripper which can transfer data and move objects independently to assist daily office work. It is proposed to design mechanical structure, including mechanism motion design and part structure design, and to use Autodesk Inventor to design and simulate mechanical parts and components. Dimensional and strength checks are carried out on key components, and stress analysis is simulated by using stress analysis module included in Autodesk Inventor. Finally, the mechanical structure design scheme and control system design scheme for the mechanical gripper are proposed. The overall design mainly centers on the functions expected to be completed, and innovates different organizations in combination to achieve the intended objective.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Christopher W. Gowans

The chapter defines the concept of a self-cultivation philosophy. This proposes that human beings can and should move from a troubled state of existence to some ideal state of being via spiritual exercises guided by some philosophical analysis. Philosophy is defined as a reflective practice that seeks understanding of fundamental assumptions in our life. Philosophy may be a practical discipline or a theoretical one, and it may be based on whatever cognitive capacities human beings possess, including reason and awareness. This claim is defended by reference to virtue epistemology. Self-cultivation philosophy has a four-part structure: an account of human nature, an existential starting point, an ideal state of being, and a transformation program. The transformation program consists of exercises which have four functions: Cognition, Purification, Doctrine, and Habituation. Self-cultivation philosophies are often expressed in transformational texts intended to guide people in how to live their lives according to the philosophy

2021 ◽  
Patrick Barry

It’s not an accident that hall of fame coaches, Pulitzer Prize-winning writers, and the marketing teams at the most innovative companies in the world often rely on a certain three-part structure when trying to communicate their ideas. This third volume of The Syntax of Sports series explores the mechanics of that structure and shows how it can add a compelling mix of clarity and sophistication to your writing.

Ananya Smirti

Nowadays, advertising plays a major role in boosting a business. And every company has to pay some amount for it. As we know, mobile technology is handy and almost available in everybody's hands. As business owners, many business personals want to boost their business on mobile devices to see the advertisement. But there is a challenge in it. Mobile promotions are abused with bogus snaps that might be a significant test for the publicizing organization. But reported advancement frameworks use different strategies to recognize click deception; they don't safeguard the customer from possible interest among merchants and commercial frameworks. What's extra, advancement frameworks can't evaluate the customer's activity for click theft area whenever they're engaged to the promoting web content after tapping the advertisement, i.e., in a website, there will be focuses or some specific section after we click on the genuine section it'll be locked in to the publicizing website. We propose Click Fraud Crowdsourcing one all the more freely support-based for the most part structure recommended, that works identified with the two sponsors and advancement organizes to safeguard the two social events from any conceivable snap offensive exhibits. The framework paybacks by seeing of each ad

Pragmatics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Younhee Kim ◽  
Andrew P. Carlin

Abstract Based on longitudinal conversation data between a father and child collected over the period of eighteen months, this study examines “today narrative” where the father asks the child “how was your day” when they meet after being apart during the day. The routine provides a recurrent sequential structure, which is both located within and itself occasions further talk. Examining the talk between this father and child longitudinally reveals how the initial sequential structure, where the child lists activities in short run-on sentences, goes through transformation and elaboration. Indices for development include the emergence of three-part structure in the child’s list construction, more details incorporated in the list, story prefaces, and the emergence of assessment response (or personal voice). The overall sequential organization of the routine moves from heavy reliance on the father’s questions to more volunteered talk by the child. This paper considers the generalizability of longitudinal conversation analytic data.

Robert Schütze

European Union Law uses a distinctive three-part structure to examine the constitutional foundations, legal powers, and substantive law of the European Union. This third edition includes an updated dedicated chapter on the past, present, and future of Brexit. Part I looks at the constitutional foundations including a constitutional history and an examination of the governmental structure of the European Union. Part II looks at governmental powers. It covers legislative, external, executive, judicial, and limiting powers. The final part considers substantive law. It starts off by examining the free movement of goods, services, and persons. It then turns to competition law and finally ends with an analysis of internal and external policies.

Robert Schütze

European Constitutional Law uses a distinctive two-part structure to examine the legal foundations and powers of the European Union. The text takes a critical approach to ensure awareness of the intricacies of European constitutional law. Part I looks at the constitutional foundations including a constitutional history. This part also looks at the governmental structure of the European constitution. Part II moves on to governmental powers. It looks at legislative, external, executive, and judicial powers. It ends with a study of limiting powers and EU fundamental rights.

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