office work
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-98
Walter Timo De Vries

Changes in spatial planning and land management practices, regulations and operations have frequently relied on the uptake of innovations in geospatial technologies. This article reviews which ones the spatial planning and land management domains has effectively adopted and which new ones might potentially disrupt the domain in the near future of 2021 and beyond. Based on an extensive concept-centric trends synthesis and meta-review, the analysis demonstrates that whilst geospatial technologies are clearly gaining wider societal recognition and while private companies are indeed developing promising applications, its adoption in office work of public officials and public decision makers remains almost as limited as before. The potentially most disruptive technologies for the domain are however BIM, Block chain and Machine learning.

2022 ◽  
Vol 354 ◽  
pp. 00063
Natalia Krawczyk

In the paper the assessment of subjective productivity is presented as a function of indoor environment parameters on the example of students situated in the intelligent building. The volunteers in several different rooms (of various air temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration) filled in the questionnaires and assessed their current productivity. It might be related to both the educational performance and office work of low intensity. The physical parameters were measured with the microclimate high accuracy meter. The data obtained during the measurements of the indoor air parameters were compared with the subjective assessments of the volunteers and conclusions were drawn as to the impact of the working environment on the productivity of room users. The gathered experimental material might be useful for the building managers, so that proper indoor conditions within buildings might be applied that maximize productivity and working performance.

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 05004
Marina Alemasova ◽  
Dmitry Galkin ◽  
Ludmila Kurbatova ◽  
Zhoia Olovyanikova ◽  
Svetlana Popova

The article examines the activities of public relations specialists of Michurinsk State Agrarian University in its information and image support. The paper analyzes communication technologies aimed at promoting the higher educational institution of an agrarian profile, agricultural education and agrarian science in general. It is argued that the formation of a positive image of Michurinsk State Agrarian University is facilitated by the organization of effective interaction with the media, positioning of the activities of the university, its scientists, students; regular media monitoring; formation and strengthening of corporate culture; development of corporate identity, mission, slogan, logo; organizing and holding special events; preparation and participation in exhibitions and fairs; maintaining a corporate website; production of a corporate publication, advertising activities. Specific examples of the use of communication technologies in an educational institution are given. The conclusion is made that with the creation of a department for public relations and management of public relations, press and office work, the communicative activity of the agrarian university began to be carried out professionally and in a coordinated manner. The existing communication system ensures the formation of an effective positive information field of the university. The communicative policy of the educational institution is focused on the long-term prospect of building a serious positive dialogue with target audiences, on the prospect of trust.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 635-651
Olesya V. Shcherbakova ◽  

Introduction. The sphere of employment, being one of the most significant segments of society, is undergoing changes in the context of the use of new digital technologies. First of all, we are talking about a change in the labor function of employees, the use of artificial intelligence during interviews, as well as electronic methods of registration of the emergence, change or termination of labor relations, electronic office work. Due to the specifics of the education sector, the practice of introducing the achievements of the digital economy into the process of legal regulation of the labor of scientific and pedagogical workers of modern universities is of particular interest, especially in terms of the existence of factors that impede the digital transformation of the employment sector. The purpose of the study was to determine the legal possibility of introducing the achievements of the digital economy into the practice of legal regulation of labor, as well as to identify the factors that impede the digital transformation of the employment sector, using the example of scientific and pedagogical workers of modern universities. Materials and methods. The work used the methodology of a comprehensive study, including methods of document analysis, comparative analysis, secondary use of sociological, economic and medical data. The study used Rosstat data on higher education institutions registered in the Russian Federation for 2020. The results of the study show that the development of labor relations is taking place in line with modern global trends in terms of introducing the achievements of the digital economy into the practice of legal regulation of public relations. The sphere of education in our state is not an advanced industry for the introduction of digital technologies. However, according to research data, educational institutions of higher education are actively introducing electronic services and resources into their activities: electronic library systems (97.8%), electronic versions of textbooks (95.8%), training computer programs on certain subjects or topics (92.3%), as well as special software for solving individual problems – 90.8%, electronic document management systems – 84.1%. The specifics of work in educational organizations determines the need for the development and implementation of specific digital transformation tools in modern universities.

Tushar Gupta

Abstract: With the rise in the use for social media and online communication applications has increased over the last year as a result of the pandemic, especially office work and education shifting to online mode, apps like these have gained extensive popularity and have turned out to be a savior for the world. Our innovation, Adept, is a platform used by people for work related communication and aims for college students too. It has many benefits over other messaging platforms in the market. Thus, Adept is a web messaging app that resembles its major features as the outcome of this project. This project is a challenging project for us, giving us the opportunity to work on a full stack idea that can easily find itself a place in the real world and the industry as a viable and useful product. Keywords: Professional Communication, Web messaging, Student platform, Online communication

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 224
Karina Barbosa dos Santos

Este artigo tem por objetivo descrever o relato de experiência profissional do primeiro Programa de Capacitação que deu origem ao curso online “Aprendendo sobre normas da ABNT” oferecido por uma biblioteca universitária (BU) especializada em ciências da saúde, Programa implantado a partir do produto final de um projeto de pesquisa de mestrado. Aborda as ações que vem sendo trabalhadas pela biblioteca durante o período pandêmico, com o uso intensivo das redes sociais, e aprimoramento do profissional na competência em mídia. Mostra os desafios enfrentados pelo bibliotecário através dos trabalhos home office e como pensar em práticas para dar continuidade ao desenvolvimento da competência em informação dos usuários remotamente. A metodologia caracteriza-se como um estudo empírico e descritivo, de abordagem qualiquantitativa, utilizou-se como instrumento, o questionário pesquisa de satisfação, também realizou-se pesquisa do tipo revisão bibliográfica como base teórica para o presente estudo. Os resultados obtidos apontam que entre os participantes 62,5% sentiram-se satisfeitos com o curso. Em relação à duração da capacitação, 50% marcaram “excelente” para a carga horária. Quanto ao objetivo proposto pelo curso, 98,5% alegaram que o conteúdo estava de acordo com o estimado na divulgação. Diante das considerações finais, recomenda-se que atividades remotas sejam realizadas a fim de promover a competência em informação aos usuários das bibliotecas universitárias frente às práticas de isolamento social. A biblioteca em estudo pretende promover outros cursos, principalmente os voltados para o uso de ferramentas das bases de dados em saúde para uma melhor disseminação no uso e gestão da informação científico-técnica em saúde. Os estudo de Morigi e Souto (2005), Kern (2020), Santos e Paiva (2020) e Santos (2020) foram fundamentais para esta pesquisa, pois serviram como embasamento teórico para o desenvolvimento deste artigo.AbstractThis article aims to describe the professional experience report of the first Training Program that gave rise to the online course “Learning about ABNT standards” offered by a university library (BU) specialized in health sciences, Program implemented based on the final product of a master's research project. It addresses the actions that have been worked on by the library during the pandemic period, with the intensive use of social networks, and professional improvement in media competence. It shows the challenges faced by the librarian through home office work and how to think about practices to continue the development of users' information competence remotely. The methodology is characterized as an empirical and descriptive study, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, the satisfaction survey questionnaire was used as an instrument. A literature review was also carried out as a theoretical basis for the present study. The results obtained show that among the participants 62.5% felt satisfied with the course. Regarding the duration of the training, 50% scored "excellent" for the workload. As for the objective proposed by the course, 98.5% claimed that the content was in accordance with the estimated disclosure. In view of the final considerations, it is recommended that remote activities be carried out in order to promote competence in information to users ofuniversity libraries in the face of social isolation practices. The library under study intends to promote other courses, mainly those focused on the use of health database tools for better dissemination in the use and management of scientific and technical health information. The studies by Morigi and Souto (2005), Kern (2020), Santos and Paiva (2020) and Santos (2020) were fundamental for this research, as they served as a theoretical basis for the development of this article.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-96
B.G.V.A.S.D.T. Batuwanthudawa ◽  
B.K.D. Lakmali ◽  
H.V.K. Piyumali

COVID-19 emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and since then has impacted work, family, and social life of people around the globe. The working community had to face difficulties and barriers due to increasing job insecurity and changing working environments during the pandemic. Employees around the world have experienced sudden, significant changes in their work and family roles. This study aims to examine the impact of COVID-19 on married women’s work-family balance during the lockdown in Sri Lanka. The research problem of the study is: Does the working woman maintain the balance of work-family environment? By applying the mixed research methodology, we draw on the quantitative data by surveying married women working from home to understand and analyse their adaptability to work from home during the lockdown within two months (from May to July 2020). In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted to gather qualitative data of the study selecting the purposive sampling method. The sample consisted of women with diversity in age, employment, and educational level. A majority of women reported working for long hours without any leave during the lockdown period. This study revealed that 57% of women could manage their household work and job-related work during the period, in contrast, only 43% of respondents could not do so. Even though there were several difficulties faced by married women, they successfully managed both, i.e., their job-related work and their family chores. While 43% of the respondents belonged to nuclear families, 57% of them belonged to extended families. Eighty-three percent of respondents reported high levels of support from husbands for housework and office work. In conclusion, although Sri Lankan women encounter significant difficulties, they are inclined to maintain a balance and adaptability between work-family tasks.

Natalia N. Bushmeleva ◽  
Lev L. Shubin

Introduction. The article examines the state of protection of mothers and children in the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the post-war period of 1945–1950. The article analyzes the quality of medical care and services for the protection of mothers and children, the equipment of medical institutions with medical personnel and the staffing of departments with beds and the necessary equipment for providing medical care to children and mothers. Materials and Methods. The work used the data from the central Republican archive of the Udmurt ASSR. It carried out a market analysis on the state and development of the network of obstetric and gynecological care. The materials contained in research that give an idea of the problem under consideration, as well as legal documents have been investigated and summarized. Results and Discussion. In this period under review, a network of antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals, obstetric and gynecological departments is being created. The number of beds for pregnant women and women in labor increased. A specialized department of pregnancy pathology was organized. The rates of maternal mortality, stillbirth and neonatal mortality have dropped significantly. An exchange card has been introduced in hospitals. With the creation of a methodological office, work began on the development of programs for preschool education, cluster and regional conferences began to be held. The conferences dealt with deaths, with special attention paid to issues of late hospitalization. Since 1949, the method of serving children according to the “single pediatrician” system were practiced. Conclusion. Protecting the interests of mother and child, the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the postwar years provided great assistance to pregnant women and mothers, fulfilling the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of July 8, 1944. Employees of the Childhood Department, doctors of Izhevsk and employees of the department childhood diseases of the Izhevsk Medical Institute traveled to the regions of the Republic to provide practical assistance and control the work on childhood in the field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 294
Maral Babapour Chafi ◽  
Annemarie Hultberg ◽  
Nina Bozic Yams

The widespread adoption of remote and hybrid work due to COVID-19 calls for studies that explore the ramifications of these scenarios for office workers from an occupational health and wellbeing perspective. This paper aims to identify the needs and challenges in remote and hybrid work and the potential for a sustainable future work environment. Data collection involved two qualitative studies with a total of 53 participants, who represented employees, staff managers, and service/facility providers at three Swedish public service organisations (primarily healthcare and infrastructure administration). The results describe opportunities and challenges with the adoption of remote and hybrid work from individual, group, and leadership perspectives. The main benefits of remote work were increased flexibility, autonomy, work-life balance and individual performance, while major challenges were social aspects such as lost comradery and isolation. Hybrid work was perceived to provide the best of both worlds of remote and office work, given that employees and managers develop new skills and competencies to adjust to new ways of working. To achieve the expected individual and organisational benefits of hybrid work, employers are expected to provide support and flexibility and re-design the physical and digital workplaces to fit the new and diverse needs of employees.

Anton Voytenko ◽  

Introduction. The article examines a recently put forward hypothesis that the time of the Coptic Church’s final genesis was the period of the Alexandrian anti-Chalcedonian Patriarchs Peter IV (576–578) and Damian (578–607). Methods. A comparative research method and factor analysis are used. The main research task is to identify all the factors that contributed to the making of full-fledged ecclesiastical structures by the Theodosians (one of the trends of the Egyptian Miaphysites), and a correlation of these factors with each other to single out the main of them. Analysis. The successful establishment of the Miaphysites (Theodosian) episcopate resulted from the configuration of objective and subjective factors. Objective factors include the following: the weakening of control by the central authorities over the structures of the Miaphysites after Justinian I (482/483–565), the increasing regionalization of the empire and the strengthening of the role of local elites in the provinces, the growing importance of the Coptic language in secular and clerical office work. Subjective factors include the victory of the Miaphysite Patriarch Peter IV over his rival Theodore and the appearance of Damian as Peter’s successor. Results. On the whole, the proposed hypothesis quite thoroughly explains the emergence of the Coptic Church during the period. However, it has several disadvantages, which open up a number of prospects for further researches. Firstly, there is almost no explanation for the success of Damian’s personnel policy. Secondly, insufficient attention was paid to the Egyptian anti-Chalcedonian monasticism. From the author’s point of view, Egyptian Miaphysite monks, suffering from the pressure of the central and local authorities after the Chalcedonian schism, managed to establish an effective network functioned as a “rhizome”, on which the episcopate risen during Peter’s and Damian’s time relied primarily in rebuilding stable ecclesiastical structures in Egypt.

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