incompleteness theorems
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Andrei Popescu ◽  
Dmitriy Traytel

AbstractWe present an abstract development of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems, performed with the help of the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant. We analyze sufficient conditions for the applicability of our theorems to a partially specified logic. In addition to the usual benefits of generality, our abstract perspective enables a comparison between alternative approaches from the literature. These include Rosser’s variation of the first theorem, Jeroslow’s variation of the second theorem, and the Świerczkowski–Paulson semantics-based approach. As part of the validation of our framework, we upgrade Paulson’s Isabelle proof to produce a mechanization of the second theorem that does not assume soundness in the standard model, and in fact does not rely on any notion of model or semantic interpretation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-3
Joseph E Brierly ◽  

This article refutes the Time Dilation Equation and Length Contraction that are derived in the Special Theory of Relativity. The conclusion reached in this article is that Time Dilation and Length Contraction cannot be characterized by simple equations due to repulsion gravity. The conclusion follows from gravity being a natural force of repulsion rather than the assumption that gravity is an attraction force. That gravity is a repulsion force follows from the Sir Arthur Eddington experiment designed to prove that gravity affects light. Few looked at that experiment as anything other than proving Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity that suggested gravity would affect light. The experiment went beyond what most imagined it accomplished. It surely verified that gravity affects light. But it did more than that. The experiment showed that gravity is a force of repulsion and not attraction as most believed. That gravity is repulsion and not an attraction force indicates that the relativity time dilation equation derived in the Special Theory of Relativity is intractably undecidable likely subject to Godels Incompleteness theorems

2021 ◽  
Quy Van Khuc

Incompleteness theorems in social sciences and humanities

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. p52
Hugh Ching

The Two Incompleteness Theorems of Kurt Friedrich Gödel and the Impossibility Theorem of Kenneth Arrow claim that logic, the most reliable of human knowledge, is incomplete or can be inconsistent. The Fuzzy Completeness Theory states that the Fuzzy Logic of Lotfi A. Zadeh has resolved the incompleteness and impossibility in logic and made logic complete and knowledge reliable with the new concept of Range of Tolerance, within which logic is still complete and knowledge, valid. In the Age of Reason about 300 years ago just prior to the Age of Science, reasoning is free for all, without the constraint of the laws of nature, which would be discovered in the Age of Science. However, the Scientific Method of reasoning by empirical verification depends so much on faith that it is logically and empirically dismissed by mathematicians and logicians, especially, after the exposure by Thomas Kuhn and Paul Feyerabend that a scientific advancement is akin to a religious conversion. On the other hand, mathematicians and logicians have been working steadily to find the limit of reliable knowledge. In the current state of knowledge, Kurt Gödel has the last word with his Two Incompleteness Theorems, which conclude that the most reliable of human knowledge, logic, is incomplete, casting doubt whether knowledge is completely reliable. Gödel’s view is further supported by the Impossibility Theorem of Kenneth Arrow. However, Zadeh and the author of this paper extend Zadeh’s concept of Range of Value in Fuzzy Logic to that of Range of Tolerance. Accordingly, Fuzzy Logic deals with the sacrifice of precision in the process of expanding the Range of Tolerance of a creation in order for the creation to survive and flourish for all the possibility of an uncertain future. In knowledge, incompleteness in logic can be resolved by the Range of Tolerance covering the incomplete part or ignoring the infrequent impossibilities, and, thus, making logic valid, again. Knowledge is derived generally from reason. Technically, the Fuzzy Completeness Theory classifies 16 Methods of Reason. The 16 Methods are the combination of the 4 basic Methods of Reason: 1) Logic, 2) Mathematics, 3) Empirical Verification, and 4) Others, each of which has 2 forms: 1) Fuzzy and 2) Exact and two types: 1) Complete and 2) Incomplete. Gödel, Arrow, and the Author agree that no matter how rigorous is the Method of Reason the reason cannot be complete, when the reason is Exact. When a solution is newly defined as an answer within the Range of Tolerance of the solution, Fuzzy Logic resolves the incompleteness in logic and becomes the new foundation of knowledge, replacing Exact Logic. With this definition of a solution, Fuzzy Logic covers the incomplete or the impossible parts of the solution by expanding sufficiently the Range of Tolerance to make reason complete and knowledge reliable, but only within the Range of Tolerance. To summarize, even though the world’s leading intellectuals have proven, directly, that logic is incomplete and, indirectly, that knowledge is invalid, reality is still operating smoothly, and science has even demonstrated the power of knowledge. The conflict between the most reliable knowledge, namely, logic and the real world is resolved by Fuzzy Logic, which introduces the new concept of Range of Tolerance, within which reality can still operate in accordance with the laws discovered by knowledge. In sum, reality is fuzzy, not exact. The breakthrough impact of this paper centers around completeness theory and Fuzzy Logic. In the early 21st century, the mainstream knowledge is still not aware that the supply and demand model is incomplete, and that the DNA-protein system resembles computer science based on logic more than science based on experimentation. The current computer is based on exact logic and is designed for temporary existence, while the living system is design for permanent existence and must depend on the Range of Tolerance based on Fuzzy Logic to survive permanently in an uncertain future. Financial crises will be caused by the unstable investment return, which is the incomplete part in the supply demand model. Complexity crises will be caused by the lack of the requirement of permanence or complete automation, which is the ultimate solution to unlimited complexity. The 16 Methods of Reason correspond roughly to Culture Level Quotient (CLQ), which is a non-technical measure of a person, a people or a nation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 113 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-182
Jean Paul Van Bendegem

Abstract Kurt Gödel’s incompleteness theorems and the limits of knowledgeIn this paper a presentation is given of Kurt Gödel’s pathbreaking results on the incompleteness of formal arithmetic. Some biographical details are provided but the main focus is on the analysis of the theorems themselves. An intermediate level between informal and formal has been sought that allows the reader to get a sufficient taste of the technicalities involved and not lose sight of the philosophical importance of the results. Connections are established with the work of Alan Turing and Hao Wang to show the present-day relevance of Gödel’s research and how it relates to the limitations of human knowledge, mathematical knowledge in particular.

2020 ◽  
pp. 85-114
Piotr T. Chruściel

The aim of this chapter is to present key applications of causality theory, as relevant to black-hole spacetimes. For this we need to introduce the concept of conformal completions, which is done in Section 3.1. We continue, in Section 3.2, with a review of the null splitting theorem of Galloway. Section 3.3 contains complete proofs of a few versions of the topological censorship theorems, which are otherwise scattered across the literature, and which play a basic role in understanding the topology of black holes. In Section 3.4 we review some key incompleteness theorems, also known under the name of singularity theorems. Section 3.5 is devoted to the presentation of a few versions of the area theorem, which is a cornerstones of ‘black-hole thermodynamics’. We close this chapter with a short discussion of the role played by causality theory when studying the wave equation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 21-84
Piotr T. Chruściel

A standard part of studies of black holes, and in fact of mathematical general relativity, is causality theory, which is the study of causal relations on Lorentzian manifolds. An essential issue here is understanding the influence of energy conditions on the causality relations. The highlights of such studies include the incompleteness theorems, known also as singularity theorems, of Penrose, Hawking and Geroch, the area theorem of Hawking, and the topology theorems of Hawking and others. The aim of this chapter is to provide an introduction to the subject, with a complete exposition of those topics which are needed for the global treatment of the uniqueness theory of black holes. In particular we provide a coherent introduction to causality theory for metrics which are twice differentiable.

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