political motivation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 743-771
Daniela Prokschová

Abstract This article investigates sources of motivation for organisational engagement in different sociopolitical contexts. On the grounds of my own qualitative data, this text aims to answer the main research question: ‘Why do Czech and German university students get involved in political and civic organisations?’ The analysis also shows how the perception and understanding of politics differ according to the types of political motivation. The research draws upon a unique dataset of 60 interviews with university students conducted in former East (Jena) and West Germany (Mannheim, Cologne), and the Czech Republic (Prague, Ostrava and Olomouc). The results identify the notion of influence as a core factor for joining a political group and forming political commitment among the young generation. The article introduces a personal typology of political motivation, which extends existing theories and frames them in the pathways to politics of young Czech and German activists. It distinguishes three main motivations: idealistic, doer and pragmatic with a variety of subtypes. The paper elaborates on classical typologies refraining from membership. These outcomes have practical implications for the recruitment of new party members.


Does physical surveillance hinder or foster antiregime resistance? A common view holds that surveillance prevents resistance by providing regimes with high-quality intelligence on dissident networks and by instilling fear in citizens. We contrast this view using formerly classified data from Communist Poland. We find that communities exposed to secret police officers were more likely to organize protests but also engaged in less sabotage. To ensure that the relationship is causal, we use an instrumental variable strategy, which exploits the exogenous assignment of Catholic “spy priests” to local communities. To trace the underlying mechanisms, we draw on qualitative interviews and archival sources. We document that Poland’s comprehensive use of surveillance created widespread anger as well as an incentive for citizens to reveal their true loyalties, thus facilitating antiregime collective action. Once on the streets, protesters refrained from sabotage to signal their political motivation to bystanders and authorities alike.

Shaikh Zinnat Ara Nasreen ◽  
Sabereen Huq ◽  
Saleheen Huq ◽  
Safinaz Shahreen

Adolescents contraceptive need to be the top most priority in the national policy to prevent the adolescent pregnancies and it’s adverse consequences. All the countries of the world should have their own national strategy liaison with global consensus regarding the Adolescent contraceptives. Global challenge is to tackle the adolescents Pregnancy. Contraceptives use is the answer. So adolescents should be the centrals to everything we want to achieve, and to the overall success of the 2030 SDG Agenda. Without Contraceptive “SDG achievement” is not possible. About 21 million 15-19 year old girls in developing countries become pregnant every year. Half of these pregnancies (49%) are unintended. If we are successful to implement contraceptives among the youngsters, adolescent’s pregnancy complications can be eliminated. But again this needs strong political motivation and hard work of health care providers. Health care team should design and deliver a Confidential, personalized, adolescent’s friendly service taking into account adolescent's psychosocial & sexual needs. Almost all methods of contraceptives are suitable for adolescents except few. After taking a comprehensive medical history & assessing risk factors counselling should be done for risks & benefits. Good & sensible communication with women, their husband or partner is important. It remains a critical aspect in empowering adolescents to make informed choices and only then adolescents will use contraceptives wholeheartedly.

Syahriza Alkohir Anggoro ◽  
Tunggul Anshari Setia Negara

Abstract This article examines the trajectories of adat law in Indonesia by looking at the extent to which legal pluralism has been constitutionalized. This article argues that the formation of the 1945 Constitution, which was driven by the political motivation of legal unification, did not produce inclusive constitutional provisions recognizing the jurisdiction of adat law and enabled practice of legal centralism during authoritarian regimes of Soekarno (1959–1966) and Soeharto (1967–1998). Although post-New Order democratization and decentralization offered political opportunities for indigenous peoples’ movements to promote legal pluralism and reconcile their marginalized traditional rights, Indonesia has made little progress as the conditional recognition approach adopted through constitutional amendments poses significant obstacles for legitimizing adat law norms as part of the plurilegal order. This article offers historical interpretation to the status, position and legal consequences of adat law in Indonesian legal system from its independence until the beginning of reformasi era.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (98) ◽  
pp. 677-709
Venícios Oliveira Alves ◽  
Maria Gracinda Carvalho Teixeira

Abstract This research seeks to analyze the contributions of repertoires of collective actions in the organization of those affected by dams based on a study of the Itapebi Hydroelectric Power Plant. The repertoires of collective actions in this article are inspired by the author Charles Tilly and originate from the field of the theory of political sociology of social movements, defined as a set of forms of action in which there is political motivation. The initial assumption of the research is that the repertoires of collective actions created at the local level play a crucial role in the organization of those affected by the hydroelectric plant under study and help sustain the national demands of the Movement of Those Affected by Dams. The results of the research indicate that, through local experience, lived over the years by those involved, these repertoires have performed not only a central function in the organization of those affected in relation to compensatory issues proposals by the company responsible for the Itapebi enterprise, but also in the creation and strengthening public policies that will absorb local demands and their articulation with the national movement of the those by dams.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Derk T. Trei ◽  
Johanna Hornung ◽  
Jasmin Rychlik ◽  
Nils C. Bandelow

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2(22)) ◽  
pp. 38-41
Rakhat Duishenguevna Stamova ◽  
T. M. Sadykova

The article considers a number of features of the mentality that make up its essence. The behavior and life activity of each individual, social groups, and society as a whole are determined by economic and political motivation and expediency, but are not limited to them, but are built on a certain spiritual and psychological basis, which includes, among other things, all previous experience, and this or that perception of reality, and value judgments, etc. This circumstance encourages philosophers to turn to such a phenomenon as mentality when evaluating certain social phenomena and processes, since mentality, forming the core of the individual and group and reflecting the main contradictions of society, determines the specific cultural level, nature and direction, and program of individual and collective actions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-109
Łukasz Iluk

Abstract The subject of the analysis is linguaculture expressing linguistic and cultural differences occurring in every language of law. They relate to vocabulary and editing principles of law acts. It seems that preserving such differences in the target translation makes it possible to reveal specific legislation trends of a given country, which express political motivation. Their preservation in the translated text requires good knowledge of law and in-depth comparative analysis. The focus of the analysis in this text is on the expression of gender in the law texts and specifically, on the translation of feminatives and legal names relevant for cultural dimension of a given law system.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Robert Sing

Abstract During the fourth century, the amount of money Athenians got from the polis for volunteering to sit on a jury and for attending the assembly diverged significantly. Jury pay remained at 3 obols a day, despite inflation, while the pay given for a principal (kyria) assembly eventually rose from 1 obol to 9 obols—outpacing inflation and overcompensating most citizens for their time. What demographic reconstruction of the jury can explain why the real value of jury pay never declined to the point that too few Athenians volunteered? Self-reliant citizens (penêtes) must have dominated the jury pool, and penêtes with young adult children would have volunteered most often. Having an additional source of household labour reduced the opportunity cost of jury service for these Athenians and made their participation more resilient in the face of the declining value of pay. Citizens who faced greater opportunity costs probably participated less over time, meaning that fourth-century juries gradually became less diverse. By contrast, the growth in assembly pay can best be understood in terms of the ‘Lycurgan’ agenda of the 330s and the 320s. Greater pay helped to ensure that the assembly's newly expanded meeting place on the Pnyx was filled to capacity with citizens from all over Attica. The result was a massive spectacle that celebrated a threatened democracy and stimulated the polis economy. Since the courts lacked the same capacity for spectacle, there was no political motivation to pay jurors more.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-115
Muhammad As'ad

This article seeks to answer why the Japanese chose KH. Hasyim Asy’ari as the chairman of Masyumi during their occupation in Indonesia (1942-1945). The data was collected from library research by scrutinizing paper and academic works that discuss Indonesia from the 1920s to its independence in 1945. This period is important to understand the historical and political conditions of the country at that time. This article also refers to two magazines of Suara MIAI that began publishing in December 1942 and Suara Masyumi Magazine issued from December 1943 onward. This article argues that the Japanese decision to choose hadratussyaikh was based on political motivation, especially to get the support of the Muslim community for Japanese efforts to fight Allied forces in the Pacific war.

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