dynamical invariants
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2021 ◽  
pp. 110-117
A. Tsudik ◽  
A. Glushkov ◽  
V. Ternovsky ◽  
P. Zaichko

The advanced results of computing the dynamical and topological invariants (correlation dimensions values, embedding, Kaplan-York dimensions, Lyapunov’s exponents, Kolmogorov entropy etc) of the dynamics time series of the  relativistic backward-wave tube with accounting for  dissipation and space charge field and other effects are presented for chaotic and hyperchaotic regimes. It is solved a system of equations for unidimensional relativistic electron phase and field unidimensional complex amplitude.  The data obtained make more exact earlier presented preliminary data for  dynamical and topological invariants of the relativistic backward-wave tube dynamics in  chaotic regimes and allow to describe a scenario of transition to chaos in temporal dynamics.   

2021 ◽  
pp. 140-155
S.V. Kirianov ◽  
A. Mashkantsev ◽  
I. Bilan ◽  
A. Ignatenko

Nonlinear chaotic dynamics of the of the chaotic laser diodes with an additional optical injection  is computed within rate equations model, based on the a set of rate equations for the slave laser electric complex amplitude and carrier density. To calculate the system dynamics in a chaotic regime the known chaos theory and non-linear analysis methods such as a correlation integral algorithm, the Lyapunov’s exponents and  Kolmogorov entropy analysis are used. There are listed the data of computing dynamical and topological invariants such as the correlation, embedding and Kaplan-Yorke dimensions, Lyapunov’s exponents, Kolmogorov entropy etc. New data on topological and dynamical invariants are computed and firstly presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (12) ◽  
pp. 129901
Narender Kumar ◽  
S. B. Bhardwaj ◽  
Vinod Kumar ◽  
Ram Mehar Singh ◽  
Fakir Chand

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (11) ◽  
pp. 112705
Narender Kumar ◽  
S. B. Bhardwaj ◽  
Vinod Kumar ◽  
Ram Mehar Singh ◽  
Fakir Chand

Dynamics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-170
Moise Bonilla-Licea ◽  
Dieter Schuch

For time dependent Hamiltonians like the parametric oscillator with time-dependent frequency, the energy is no longer a constant of motion. Nevertheless, in 1880, Ermakov found a dynamical invariant for this system using the corresponding Newtonian equation of motion and an auxiliary equation. In this paper it is shown that the same invariant can be obtained from Bohmian mechanics using complex Hamiltonian equations of motion in position and momentum space and corresponding complex Riccati equations. It is pointed out that this invariant is equivalent to the conservation of angular momentum for the motion in the complex plane. Furthermore, the effect of a linear potential on the Ermakov invariant is analysed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 389 ◽  
pp. 107882
Yusuf Barış Kartal

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150201
I. A. Pedrosa

In this work we present a simple and elegant approach to study the adiabatic and nonadiabatic evolution of a generalized damped harmonic oscillator which is described by the generalized Caldirola–Kanai Hamiltonian, in both classical and quantum contexts. Based on time-dependent dynamical invariants, we find that the geometric phase acquired when the damped oscillator evolves adiabatically in time provides a direct connection between the classical Hannay’s angle and the quantum Berry’s phase. In addition, we solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for this system and calculate various quantum properties of the damped generalized harmonic one, such as coherent states, expectation values of the position and momentum operators, their quantum fluctuations and the associated uncertainty product.

2021 ◽  
Vol 508 (1) ◽  
pp. 1404-1430
Jan D Burger ◽  
Jorge Peñarrubia ◽  
Jesús Zavala

ABSTRACT In slowly evolving spherical potentials, Φ(r, t), radial actions are typically assumed to remain constant. Here, we construct dynamical invariants that allow us to derive the evolution of radial actions in spherical central potentials with an arbitrary time dependence. We show that to linear order, radial actions oscillate around a constant value with an amplitude $\propto \dot{\Phi }/\Phi \, P(E,L)$. Using this result, we develop a diffusion theory that describes the evolution of the radial action distributions of ensembles of tracer particles orbiting in generic time-dependent spherical potentials. Tests against restricted N-body simulations in a varying Kepler potential indicate that our linear theory is accurate in regions of phase-space in which the diffusion coefficient $\tilde {D}(J_r) \lt 0.01\, J_r^2$. For illustration, we apply our theory to two astrophysical processes. We show that the median mass accretion rate of a Milky Way (MW) dark matter (DM) halo leads to slow global time-variation of the gravitational potential, in which the evolution of radial actions is linear (i.e. either adiabatic or diffusive) for ∼84 per cent of the DM halo at redshift z = 0. This fraction grows considerably with look-back time, suggesting that diffusion may be relevant to the modelling of several Gyr old tidal streams in action-angle space. As a second application, we show that dynamical tracers in a dwarf-size self-interacting DM halo (with $\sigma /m_\chi = 1\, {\rm cm^2g^{-1}}$) have invariant radial actions during the formation of a cored density profile.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-40

Abstract We consider a smooth area-preserving Anosov diffeomorphism $f\colon \mathbb T^2\rightarrow \mathbb T^2$ homotopic to an Anosov automorphism L of $\mathbb T^2$ . It is known that the positive Lyapunov exponent of f with respect to the normalized Lebesgue measure is less than or equal to the topological entropy of L, which, in addition, is less than or equal to the Lyapunov exponent of f with respect to the probability measure of maximal entropy. Moreover, the equalities only occur simultaneously. We show that these are the only restrictions on these two dynamical invariants.

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