The proposed study focuses on identifying the processes of cooperation of cultural aspects on the border “West-East” and strategies of literary translation in the Turkish-speaking space. The use of methods of comparative and translational analysis of texts has effectively influenced the identification of vivid examples of the use of Turkish translators’ techniques of domestication and foreignization. The article presents factual material from the works of famous Western artists (W. Shakespeare, Moliere, D. Swift) in comparison with Turkish translations and interpretations, and for the first time presents a detailed analysis of excerpts from P. Zahrebelnyi’s novel “Roksolanа” in comparison with Turkish translation. As a result of the study, the fact of the advantage of domestication over foreignization and its causes was established, namely the desire of the Turks to maximize the preservation of national values and protect them from external influences. Turkish translators resort mainly to such methods of translation as omission, lexical substitution, substitution of realities, abbreviations, paraphrases, thus “domesticating” the foreign context. However, in some cases, when it is not a question of possible “encroachment” on national values, Turkish translators fully adhere to the translation rules and techniques. The originality of the revealed results lies first of all in the fact that there is clear evidence of systematic (from the second half of the XIX – to the beginning of the XXI century) partial resistance of the Turkish nation to cultural globalization in the religious and social spheres. This has been and continues to be the case in the Republic of Turkey through “protective modernization”, which allows it to keep pace with Western trends without fundamental changes in the traditional cultural space.