theoretical wisdom
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Tuomo Peltonen

AbstractWithin contemporary discussions on organizational wisdom, management scholars frequently turn to Aristotle’s work to conceptualize wisdom as phronesis, or practical wisdom. Contrary to the prevailing view, this paper argues that Aristotle did not propose an exclusively practical or particularistic conception of wisdom but, instead acknowledged that wisdom broadly conceived consists of two types of intellectual virtue: theoretical wisdom (sophia) and practical wisdom. Aristotle’s ultimate position regarding the relations between sophia and phronesis has remained, however, ambiguous, giving rise to different interpretations, and, more substantively, to the major appropriations of Aquinas, Heidegger and Gadamer. An analysis of the philosophical underpinnings of exemplary contributions to management wisdom suggests that research has predominantly applied Heideggerian and Gadamerian understandings of Aristotelian wisdom, while an Aquinian interpretation is largely absent in contemporary elaborations. Interpreting the Aristotelian notion of wisdom as dedicated purely to practical phronesis narrows the discussion on the nature of (organizational) wisdom within an Aristotelian framework in ways that do not give full credit to the breadth and complexity of Aristotle’s thought.

Rik Van Nieuwenhove

This chapter sketches the nature of contemplation. In the strict sense contemplation refers to the moment of insight after speculative reasoning. In the broad sense of the word, however, it refers to a receptivity to God that all Christians should cultivate. It is important to distinguish between these different meanings and the corresponding varied notions of wisdom (theoretical wisdom; as cognitive virtue; and as gift of the Holy Spirit) if we want to avoid attributing inconsistencies to Aquinas (who in ST I, q. 6, a. 6, ad 3 argues that the gifts are not necessary for contemplation but elsewhere (ST II-II, q. 45, a. 3) emphasizes their necessity for contemplation (in the broad sense)). Against the current of today’s scholarship the chapter also argues that Christian contemplation is included in Aquinas’s notion of ‘imperfect happiness’ on earth. The chapter concludes with an outline of the book.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Samuel H. Baker

AbstractScholars have often thought that a monistic reading of Aristotle’s definition of the human good – in particular, one on which “best and most teleios virtue” (Nicomachean Ethics I 7, 1098a17–18) refers to theoretical wisdom – cannot follow from the premises of the ergon argument. I explain how a monistic reading can follow from the premises, and I argue that this interpretation gives the correct rationale for Aristotle’s definition. I then explain that even though the best and most teleios virtue must be a single virtue, that virtue could in principle be a whole virtue that arises from the combination of all the others (and this is what kalokagathia seems to be in the Eudemian Ethics). I also clarify that the definition of the human good aims at capturing the nature of human eudaimonia only in its primary case.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-146
Shakti Deb ◽  
Indrajit Dube

Purpose This paper aims to revisit the Indian experience on corporate bankruptcy law to answer “why Indian corporate insolvency law structured differently from a manager-driven (pre-Insolvency Code) to manager-displacing model (post-Insolvency Code)?” Design/methodology/approach This paper is qualitative in nature. The paper analyses the prevailing theoretical wisdom in corporate insolvency law in India and examines the practices of Indian bankruptcy regime. Findings The authors argued, considering the corporate ownership composition, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 will not accomplish the intended objective (i.e. the “creditor primacy”). The findings refute with the evolutionary theory, i.e. debt and equity both will tend towards dispersion in outsider system of governance. Originality/value This paper put forward the imprint that Indian corporate insolvency regime is manager-displacing under Law on Books and manager-driven under Law on Practice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 16
Dr. Syed Wahaj Mohsin

This paper delves into an erudite interpretation of Umberto Eco's acclaimed text entitled How to Write a Thesis. This work was originally published in Italy in 1977, and later translated into English and other languages across the globe. This literary contribution of Eco has proved to be of colossal value for students and teachers worldwide. Researchers of varying subjects can benefit from the wisdom of this book, but it is exceptionally useful for the scholars of humanities. This book offers a spectrum of practical ideas and suggestions to guide the students who believe research to be a challenging and mammoth venture. Eco's practical suggestions, remarkable motivation and his occasionally hilarious tone make this work a literary masterpiece. With magnanimous technological advancements and ultra-modern gadgets the process of conducting research has undergone a significant transformation, but the basic guidelines and suggestions still serve as milestones. Eco amicably communicates with the readers to create an atmosphere that promotes a love of learning in the students. He believes that passion for scholarly excellence should complement intellectual growth and well-being. This paper aims to provide a lucid understanding of Eco's practical and theoretical wisdom for the progress of the young minds. Teachers and scholars can acquire many useful strategies and ideas from this interpretation for improving their intellectual ability and making research a memorable journey for their students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 105-116
Paul O’Grady

In this paper, I examine the debate about existence between deflationist analytic accounts and the ‘thicker’ conception used by Aquinas when speaking of esse. I argue that the way one evaluates the debate will depend on background philosophical assumptions and that reflection on those assumptions could constitute an account of theoretical wisdom

2019 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 415-431
Paul O’Grady

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Salvatore Tarantino-Curseri

Localización: Cortazar, Guanajuato México, ISSN Electrónico 2007-977X, No. 9 (Septiembre - Diciembre), 2018, págs. 1 - 20Idioma: EspañolTitulos paralelos:ANTHROPOLOGY, ETHOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY, FOUR USEFUL DISCIPLINES IN THE BUSINESS FIELDResumen:Es por todos bien sabido que las riendas del éxito o fracaso de toda organización las dirige el homo sapiens, por ende, es fundamental combatir la diáspora disciplinar y entender en forma integral el comportamiento homí­nido ya que éste, incide directamente en el bienestar sistémico de la empresa donde labora. De esta forma, el objetivo de este opúsculo, dirigido al Gerente o Directivo, es promover una hermenéutica reflexiva en torno al principio de Symplokíª «interdisciplinariedad» entre las Ciencias Administrativas y las 4 disciplinas señaladas en el epí­grafe y así­, para expandir la Sophia «sabidurí­a intelectual-teórica» y fortalecer la Phrónesis «sabidurí­a práctica», se tocará en forma resumida: la Antropologí­a, Etologí­a, Sociologí­a y la Psicologí­a; 4 disciplinas imprescindibles para mejorar nuestro gerenciar.Palabras clave: Antropologí­a, Etologí­a, Sociologí­a, Psicologí­a, Interdisciplinariedad.Abstract: It is well known that the reins of the success or failure of any organization is directed by homo sapiens, therefore, it is fundamental to combat the disciplinary diaspora and to comprehensively understand hominid behavior,since this one directly affects the systemic welfare of the company where he works. In this way, the aim of this booklet, addressed to the Manager or Executive, is to promote a reflective hermeneutics around the principle of Symplokíª «interdisciplinarity» between the Administrative Sciences and the 4 disciplines indicated in the epigraph and thus, to expand the Sophia «intellectual-theoretical wisdom» and strengthen the Phronesis «practical wisdom», will be touched in summary form: Anthropology, Ethology, Sociology and Psychology; 4 essential disciplines to improve our management.Keywords: Anthropology, Ethology, Sociology, Psychology, Interdisciplinarity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Salvatore Tarantino-Curseri

Localización: Cortazar, Guanajuato México, ISSN Electrónico 2007-977X, No. 9 (Septiembre - Diciembre), 2018, págs. 1 - 20 Idioma: Español Titulos paralelos: FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS TO STRENGTHEN THE PHRONESIS (ΦΡΌΝΗΣΙΣ) OF THE PROJECT MANAGER, SUITABLE AND COMPETENT FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Resumen: La areté (excelencia) gerencial de todo Gerente de Proyecto, le exige la progresiva ampliación de su Sophia (sabidurí­a intelectual-teórica) a fin de lograr la mejora continua de su Phronesis (sabidurí­a práctica), de esta forma, usando el principio de Symplokíª (interdisciplinariedad), como hilo conductor, en el presente artí­culo se definirá el termino Phrónesis, se colocará el acepto en la Razón y la Cognición, se hablará sobre la longeva incomunicabilidad entre las disciplinas y el necesario principio de Symplokíª, se hablará sobre las «apropiaciones» de Descartes y su Méthode, finalizando con una disertación donde se señalará la postura que debe tomar todo Gerente de Proyecto, concluyendo que el fortalecimiento de la Phrónesis tiene su génesis en la eterna ampliación de la Sophia y así­, el constructo Sophia + Phrónesis, conforma el antí­doto para combatir los embates de la ola ultra-competitiva en la que está inmerso el Gerente de Proyecto del siglo XXI. Palabras clave: Cognición, verdad, incomunicabilidad, symploké, bonae mentis. Abstract: The manager's arete (excellence) of every Project Manager requires the progressive enlargement of his Sophia (intellectual-theoretical wisdom) in order to achieve the continuous improvement of his PhronÄ“sis (practical wisdom), in this way, using the principle of Symplokíª (interdisciplinarity), as the guiding thread, in this article the term Phronesis will be defined, acceptance will be placed in Reason and Cognition, the long-term incommunicability between the disciplines will be discussed, and the necessary Symplokíª principle will be discussed. appropriations "of Descartes and his Méthode, ending with a dissertation where the position that should be taken by all Project Managers, concluding that the strengthening of Phronesis has its genesis in the eternal expansion of the Sophia and thus, the Sophia + Phronesis construct, forms the antidote to combat the ravages of the ultra-competitive wave in which the Project Manager of the 21st century is immersed. Keywords: Cognition, truth, incommunicability, symploké, bonae mentis.

Jason Baehr

This chapter addresses the proper end or aim of intellectual virtues. After distinguishing between two fundamentally different conceptions of intellectual virtue, the author considers the plausibility, with respect to each conception, of the “binary thesis,” according to which the proper aim of intellectual virtues is true belief and the avoidance of cognitive error. The author goes on to argue that if one understands intellectual virtues (as many virtue epistemologists do) as admirable traits of personal character—for example, as traits like curiosity, open-mindedness, intellectual courage, and intellectual humility—then sophia or theoretical wisdom presents itself as a plausible way of understanding their aim.

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