string search
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I Gede Susrama Mas Diyasa ◽  
Kraugusteeliana ◽  
Gideon Setya Budiwitjaksono ◽  
Alfiatun Masrifah ◽  
Muhammad Rif'an Dzulqornain

Integrated System for Online Competency Certification Test (SITUK) is an application used to carry out the assessment process (competency certification) at LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesional) UPN (University of Pembangunan Nasional) “Veteran” Jawa Timur, each of which is followed by approximately five hundred (500) assessments. Thus the data stored is quite a lot, so to find data using a search system. Often, errors occur in entering keywords that are not standard spelling or typos. For example, the keyword "simple," even though the default spelling is "simple." Of course, the admin will get incomplete information, and even the admin fails to get information that matches the entered keywords. To overcome the problems experienced in conducting data searches on the SITUK application, we need a string search approach method to maximize the search results. One of the algorithms used is Levenshtein which can calculate the distance of difference between two strings. Implementation of the Levenshtein algorithm on the data search system in the SITUK application has been able to overcome the problem of misspelling keywords with the mechanism of adding, inserting, and deleting characters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 879
Septi Andryana ◽  
Andrianingsih Andrianingsih ◽  
Naif Farhan

The city of Jakarta has several main tourist attractions that are interesting to visit. As the Capital of the State of Indonesia, it will certainly be ogled and visited by local and foreign tourists. However, there is limited information, tourists from outside the Jakarta area lack complete information on tourism in the city of Jakarta and the roads that must be taken to tourist sites, due to the number of roads and heavy traffic, this makes it a problem when you want to vacation in the city of Jakarta. Therefore, the author designed an application called Jakvel based on Android, this application provides information and looks for the shortest path to tourist sites for tourists who want to vacation in Jakarta. In this study using the A-star and Brute Force algorithms. The A-star algorithm will be applied to find the shortest path to tourist sites and the brute force algorithm is used to search for words (strings) in selecting tours. With this application, it is hoped that it will make it easier for tourists outside the Jakarta area to find out tourist information and help find the shortest path to locations in the city of Jakarta. After testing of 10 tourist sites to determine the shortest path by comparing the A-star algorithm with Google Maps based on Android, with a 70% success rate in finding the shortest path using the A-star algorithm and the results of string search testing using the Brute Force algorithm have a percentage of 100% accurate

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-39
Dwi Krisbiantoro ◽  
Sofyan Fathur Rohim ◽  
Irfan Santiko

Plagiarism is a crime that often occurs in the academic world, plagiarism occurs because of theft of other people's work that is illegally recognized as if the work is his own. N-gram is an algorithm by cutting as many characters as N-characters in a sentence or word. While the Knuth Morris Pratt (KMP) algorithm is a string search algorithm, this algorithm is used to maintain information that is used to carry out the number of shifts whenever there is no matched patency in the text. The purpose of this study is to create a system to measure the comparison of the accuracy of the N-gram algorithm with a website-based KMP on a thesis abstract document. This research uses the waterfall system development method which has stages, namely analysis, design, coding, and testing. The KMP test results are better than N-gram where kmp has an average percentage of 3.8% while the N-gram 3.5% results are obtained from an average of 10 trials and 5 documents tested.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-39
Minami Yoda ◽  
Shuji Sakuraba ◽  
Yuichi Sei ◽  
Yasuyuki Tahara ◽  
Akihiko Ohsuga

Internet of Things (IoT) for smart homes enhances convenience; however, it also introduces the risk of the leakage of private data. TOP10 IoT of OWASP 2018 shows that the first vulnerability is ”Weak, easy to predict, or embedded passwords.” This problem poses a risk because a user can not fix, change, or detect a password if it is embedded in firmware because only the developer of the firmware can control an update. In this study, we propose a lightweight method to detect the hardcoded username and password in IoT devices using a static analysis called Socket Search and String Search to protect from first vulnerability from 2018 OWASP TOP 10 for the IoT device. The hardcoded login information can be obtained by comparing the user input with strcmp or strncmp. Previous studies analyzed the symbols of strcmp or strncmp to detect the hardcoded login information. However, those studies required a lot of time because of the usage of complicated algorithms such as symbolic execution. To develop a lightweight algorithm, we focus on a network function, such as the socket symbol in firmware, because the IoT device is compromised when it is invaded by someone via the Internet. We propose two methods to detect the hardcoded login information: string search and socket search. In string search, the algorithm finds a function that uses the strcmp or strncmp symbol. In socket search, the algorithm finds a function that is referenced by the socket symbol. In this experiment, we measured the ability of our proposed method by searching six firmware in the real world that has a backdoor. We ran three methods: string search, socket search, and whole search to compare the two methods. As a result, all methods found login information from five of six firmware and one unexpected password. Our method reduces the analysis time. The whole search generally takes 38 mins to complete, but our methods finish the search in 4-6 min.

2021 ◽  
pp. 100525
Md Safiur Rahman Mahdi ◽  
Md Momin Al Aziz ◽  
Noman Mohammed ◽  
Xiaoqian Jiang

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Herman Herman ◽  
Lukman Syafie ◽  
Tasmil Tasmil ◽  
Muhammad Resha

Plagiarism is the use of data, language and writing without including the original author or source. The place where palgiate practice occurs most often is the academic environment. In the academic world, the most frequently plagiarized thing is scientific work, for example thesis. To minimize the practice of plagiarism, it is not enough to just remind students. Therefore we need a system or application that can help in measuring the level of similarity of student thesis proposals in order to minimize plagiarism practice. In computer science, the Rabin-Karp algorithm can be used in measuring the level of similarity of texts. The Rabin-Karp algorithm is a string matching algorithm that uses a hash function as a comparison between the search string (m) and substrings in text (n). The Rabin-Karp algorithm is a string search algorithm that can work for large data sizes. The test results show that the use of values on k-gram has an effect on the results of the measurement of similarity levels. In addition, it was also found that the use of the value 5 on k-gram was faster in executing than the values 4 and 6.

Bobby Aris Sandy ◽  
Paska Marto Hasugian

Searching is the process of selecting the information needed from a collection of data that already exists, data search is often also called a tablelook-up or store and retrieval information. Along with the development of technology that is now so very rapid, one of them is the Smartphone application. Smartphone applications that are currently in demand are increasing sharply, that is Android. Even though the presentation is limited to the screen, Smartphones are quite efficient for its users where the mobility is very high and affordable in all circles of society. used is the string search method. String search method is a string search process or often also called string matching. In the string matching process, there is the Crochemore perrin algorithm, which is an algorithm that factoring a pattern into two parts, namely Pattrenkiri and pattern right. This method is perfect for dictionary search applications of Latin terms flora and fauna.

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