heavy equipment
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2022 ◽  
Vol 187 ◽  
pp. 108513
A. Jared Miller ◽  
Scott D. Sommerfeldt ◽  
Jonathan D. Blotter

Nikolay L Kazanskiy ◽  
Muhammad A Butt ◽  
Svetlana N Khonina

Currently, old-style personal medicare techniques rely mostly on traditional methods, such as cumbersome tools and complicated processes, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient in some circumstances. Furthermore, such old methods need the use of heavy equipment, blood draws, and traditional bench-top testing procedures. Invasive ways of acquiring test samples can potentially cause patients discomfort and anguish. Wearable sensors, on the other hand, may be attached to numerous body areas to capture diverse biochemical and physiological characteristics as a developing analytical tool. Physical, chemical, and biological data transferred via the skin is used to monitor health in various circumstances. Wearable sensors can assess the aberrant conditions of the physical or chemical components of the human body in real-time, exposing the body state in time, thanks to unintrusive sampling and high accuracy. Most commercially available wearable gadgets are mechanically hard components attached to bands and worn on the wrist, with form factors ultimately constrained by the size and weight of the batteries required for the power supply. Wearable gadgets with “skin-like” qualities are a new type of automation that is only starting to make its way out of research labs and into pre-commercial prototypes. In this paper, we studied the recent advancement in battery-powered wearable sensors established on optical phenomena and skin-like battery-free sensors which brings a breakthrough in wearable sensing automation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 164-173
Rido Putra ◽  
Wawan Purwanto ◽  
Hasan Maksum ◽  
Dedy Irfan ◽  
Muslim Muslim ◽  

Learning requires support from a reliable media, one of which can be a learning module. Based on several previous studies regarding the module, there are still some shortcomings from the module under study. So that further development of the given module is needed by adding the contents of the module using the project. This study aims to examine the development of heavy equipment technology modules including validity tests, practicality tests and project-based effectiveness tests. This research is included in Research and Development (R&D) research. The model used in this study uses the ADDIE principle, the data collection method is through questionnaires and learning outcomes tests, the data analysis is processed using a quantitative approach and described through a qualitative approach to conclude the research results, the research subjects consist of lecturers and students. The results of the research conducted on the development of PjBl-based modules meet the feasibility, in terms of aspects of validity, practicality and effectiveness. The results of the analysis of the validity aspect are 89.07% very valid criteria, the average practicality aspect is 87.92% very practical criteria. The effectiveness aspect is seen from the knowledge test and project test. The test results on 30 students have an average score of 86.67% in the good category and in the field of skills (projects) of 86.67% very high criteria. The conclusion is that the development of PjBL-based modules is able to attract attention and make students understand the material and be able to work together in groups.

2022 ◽  
Teguh Setiono ◽  
Dena Hendriana ◽  
Henry Nasution ◽  
Gembong Baskoro ◽  
Edi Sofyan

Ahmad Yani

Expertise Competency Test (UKK) is part of government intervention in ensuring the quality of education in Vocational High School education units. One of the government's efforts to improve students' knowledge and skills, especially for Vocational High Schools, is by holding a skill competency test that determines student graduation. Competency testing is needed to determine a person's ability or competence according to professional standards. To be accepted to work in the world of work, a person must be competent, which is evidenced by, among other things, a competency certificate through a competency test. A person is said to have the competence (competent) in a particular field if he has the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to complete the job correctly by the demands of professionalism. The purpose of implementing this UKK is to measure the competency attainment of Rigomasi Vocational High School students at a certain level according to the expertise of heavy equipment automation engineering majors taken during the learning period at school

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-151
Abdul Azis Abdillah

Most of the heavy equipment units use a hydraulic system, even including systems that are essential for working with a heavy equipment unit. The hydraulic system is a system that utilizes a liquid medium in the form of fluid or oil to generate pressure, which is used to implement, the power train system, the disconnection system, the steering system. The working principle of hydraulics is to utilize the pressure exerted on the tool (which is used for this actuator / cylinder / tube) so that the pressure pushes the piston which is connected to the rod. The hydraulic system in this study is an arm excavator. This simulator is like a hydraulic system in general which consists of a power unit, in this simulator the power unit used is a type of electric motor that is connected to a hydraulic pump. The control unit is in the form of a control valve. The drive unit is an actuator / cylinder / tube. This simulator has been disabled for a long time due to a malfunction. Then the authors performed a simple analysis and improvements to the excavator arm simulator. So the research that is done is to do the 8 step troubleshooting method on the simulator. This step aims to facilitate the repair process in the simulator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 236-259
Victor Gunawan ◽  
Rifelly Dewi Astuti ◽  
Yosman Bustaman

This study objective was found the interrelationships among service evaluation, that is service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer value, with customer loyalty through mediating roles of customer relationship management (CRM) quality, and moderating roles of company reputation in the heavy equipment industry in the middle of COVID-19 pandemic. Also investigate the most critical domains of service quality, customer satisfaction and customer value considered by customers in the heavy equipment and the connection among service quality, customer value and customer satisfaction toward customer loyalty by interlinking customer relationship management (CRM) quality and moderating effect of company reputation variable. In this research, there are several variables correlated with customer loyalty, CRM Quality and Company Reputation. Data were gathered from 259 customer, had transaction unit heavy equipment and its product support in the time of COVID-19 pandemic, by using SPSS and SmartPLS. The data is processed and analyze through structural equation model (SEM). The research found service quality and customer satisfaction variables were not influenced customer loyalty and the mediating effect of CRM quality on relationship between service quality toward customer loyalty were not supported too. Although, customer satisfaction has strong correlation to customer loyalty and the mediating effect is supported in the middle of COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, this research also found moderating effect of company reputation is significance on relationship service quality, customer value, and customer satisfaction toward CRM quality, even if the correlation is reverse relationship. The research discusses important implications considering the effect of service quality, customer satisfaction and mediated by CRM quality toward customer loyalty and improving company reputation as moderated effect to strengthen customer relationship management quality. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Irfan Riyadi ◽  
Rudi Siswanto

The use of metals in the environment is especially important in environments such rubbish in heavy equipment or trucks, especially those of the tailgate is a tool to bring a variety of organic waste and inorganic bring the matter dissolved through a liquid called leachate and make contact or direct contact with the steel so that corrosion occurs due to leachate or wastewater flow contains many corrosive compounds that make part tailgate become quickly corroded. This study aims to determine the bias steel resist corrosion rate. The steel used is steel steel ST-41 and ST-60 is a low carbon steel and medium carbon steel. The methods used in research in the methods of losing weight and observe the types of corrosion that occurs by means of immersion with ASTM G31-72 which vary contact time for 3 weeks. Based on research conducted showed the corrosion rate of the fastest occur in steel ST-60 with a contact time of 1 week soaked the leachate and 2 weeks in contact with the air due to differences in the composition of the steel ST-60 and steel ST-41 which has a chromium content so high that steel ST-41 is superior in resisting corrosion rate while the type of corrosion that occurs is evenly corrosion and atmospheric corrosion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-107
Ibnu Hakim ◽  
Sonki Prasetya ◽  
Aris Hendratmoko

Ban adalah salah satu komponen penting dalam pertambangan khususnya alat angkut/alat berat pada PT SBI. Guna memenuhi tuntutan produksi diperlukan jam kerja yang tinggi dari alat angkut, menyebabkan kinerja dari ban semakin berat dan berisiko untuk mengalami kerusakan. Kondisi yang terjadi saat ini dari tidak langsung terdatanya penggantian ban serta kurang efisien karena diperlukan dua tahapan dan dilakukan oleh orang yang berbeda dalam melakukan inspeksi harian dan bulanan sehingga memerlukan waktu lebih. Hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan peramalan menjadi tidak maksimal, akibatnya terjadi downtime karena menunggu part ban. Oleh karena itu solusi diberikan dengan membuat aplikasi sistem manajemen ban berbasis web yang dapat mempermudah memasukkan dan memonitoring data ban menggunakan database online. Diharapkan dengan digitalisasi ini dapat menciptakan efisiesi waktu dan efektif serta dengan jangkauan kerja yang luas. Proses ini akan dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi web yang telah dirancang menggunakan metode perancangan dengan UML, Laragon, dan pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan framework Laravel. Dengan aplikasi ini pekerjaan pendataan dan monitoring menjadi lebih cepat sebesar 99,4%, terjadinya paperless, lokasi akses yang luas, dan dapat mencegah risiko lost cost akibat downtime, Serta didapatkan hasil implementasi aplikasi beserta semua fiturnya yang sesuai harapan dengan hasil kuesioner adalah 80-100% atau sangat setuju dengan pertanyaan yang diajukan pada responden.

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