point interaction
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Güher Özbey ◽  
yelda AYGAR ◽  
Basak Oznur

Scattering solutions and several properties of scattering function of a discrete Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem with point interaction (PBVP) are derived. Moreover, resolvent operator, continuous and discrete spectrum of this PBVP are investigated. An asymptotic equation is utilized to get the properties of eigenvalues. An example illustrating the main results is given.

Heliyon ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. e08628
Y. Chargui ◽  
K. Abdel-Rahman ◽  
F. Abdel-Ilah

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 397-397
Mary L Markland ◽  
Donald C Lay ◽  
Brian T Richert

Abstract Hyperprolific sows can have a long duration of farrowing, negatively impacting piglet survival and vitality. This study’s objective was to assess the effect of a diet containing 6.6% resistant starch (RS) on sow and piglet farrowing performance. We hypothesized that a diet containing RS would decrease sow farrowing duration and improve piglet survival. Forty-two sows were balanced for parity and randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments: standard lactation diet (n = 21) or diet containing RS (n = 21). Sows were fed their respective diets from approximately 7d prefarrowing throughout lactation. Sow blood was drawn at three time points on d106±1.0 and d113±1.0 of gestation (pre-feeding, 2 and 6 h post-feeding) and during farrowing to measure blood glucose. Piglet umbilical blood (~3/litter; beginning, middle, end of birth order) was collected at birth and analyzed for glucose, lactate, pH, PCO2, PO2, TCO2, HCO3, BE, and sO2. Piglets were visually assessed at birth to score meconium staining. Data collected included farrowing duration, piglet birthing intervals, number of stillborn piglets/litter, sow and piglet weights, piglet mortality, and sow feed and water intake. Average litter sizes post-crossfoster for control and RS were similar, 12.1±0.4 and 11.6±0.4 piglets, respectively. Litter weight gain was similar between control and RS (44.97 vs. 47.54 kg, P = 0.33), respectively. Feeding resistant starch had no effect on number of stillborn piglets or pre-weaning survival (P > 0.75). Farrowing duration (178.9±17.6 min vs 165.2±18.0 min, P = 0.59) and piglet birth intervals (16.57±1.7 min and 14.89±1.8 min, P = 0.51) did not differ between control and RS, respectively. There was difference in sow blood glucose between diets (P = 0.02), day of sample (P < 0.0001), time point (P < 0.0001), and a day by time point interaction (P < 0.0001). Feeding RS to sows prefarrowing can modify sow blood glucose, but did not result in reduced farrowing duration or improved piglet survival.

2021 ◽  
Nitika ◽  
Bo Zheng ◽  
Linhao Ruan ◽  
Jake Kline ◽  
Jacek Sikora ◽  

Hsp70 interactions are critical for cellular viability and the response to stress. Previous attempts to characterize Hsp70 interactions have been limited by their transient nature and inability of current technologies to distinguish direct vs bridged interactions. We report the novel use of cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) to comprehensively characterize the budding yeast Hsp70 protein interactome. Using this approach, we have gained fundamental new insights into Hsp70 function, including definitive evidence of Hsp70 self-association as well as multi-point interaction with its client proteins. In addition to identifying a novel set of direct Hsp70 interactors which can be used to probe chaperone function in cells, we have also identified a suite of PTM-associated Hsp70 interactions. The majority of these PTMs have not been previously reported and appear to be critical in the regulation of client protein function. These data indicate that one of the mechanisms by which PTMs contribute to protein function is by facilitating interaction with chaperones. Taken together, we propose that XL-MS analysis of chaperone complexes may be used as a unique way to identify biologically-important PTMs on client proteins.

2021 ◽  
Lavanya V ◽  
Anil Kumar Bommanabonia ◽  
Neesar Ahmed ◽  
Shazia Jamal

Abstract The tumor microenvironment that refers to the tumour’s surroundings is a key modulator of tumor growth and invasion. The tumour derived signals are known to downregulate the anti-tumor effects of the effector cells present in the TME. Thus, the cross talk between the tumor cells with the surrounding immune cells helps in evading the tumor surveillance as well as aiding in tumor growth and proliferation. Hence, knowledge regarding the effects of drugs/compound on the tumor-stromal interactions are gaining importance. In the present study, the effects of jacalin, a dietary lectin on the proliferation and cytokine production of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are investigated. Jacalin was shown to act as a mitogen of PBMCs, the key cytokine secreting immune cells. Also, jacalin initially induces increased mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine IFN-γ; however prolonged stimulation of PBMCs resulted in increased expression of anti-inflammatory cytokine, mainly TGF-β. Further, 6 h jacalin prestimulated PBMCs (Jac-PBMCs) were shown to inhibit HeLa cell proliferation while 24 h (Jac-PBMCs) were found to favor tumor growth. Thus, it may be postulated that while jacalin initially polarizes the PBMCs to hinder the tumor growth, after a stipulated time point, interaction of jacalin with PBMCs can lead to an immunosuppressive TME that may probably assist in tumor growth and progression.

Alena Hofrova ◽  
Petr Lousa ◽  
Monika Kubickova ◽  
Jozef Hritz ◽  
Tomas Otasevic ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (6) ◽  
Takuya Hirose ◽  
Nobuhito Maru

Abstract We study possibilities to realize a nonvanishing finite Wilson line (WL) scalar mass in flux compactification. Generalizing loop integrals in the quantum correction to WL mass at one-loop, we derive the conditions for the loop integrals and mode sums in one-loop corrections to WL scalar mass to be finite. We further guess and classify the four-point and three-point interaction terms satisfying these conditions. As an illustration, the nonvanishing finite WL scalar mass is explicitly shown in a six dimensional scalar QED by diagrammatic computation and effective potential analysis. This is the first example of finite WL scalar mass in flux compactification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (6) ◽  
Wenhe Cai ◽  
Sang-Jin Sin

AbstractWe reconsider the holographic model featuring a superconducting dome on the temperature-doping phase diagram with a modified view on the role of the two charges. The first type charge with density $$\rho _{A}$$ ρ A make the Mott insulator, and the second one with $$\rho _{B}$$ ρ B is the extra charge by doping, so that the complex scalar describing the cooper pair condensation couples only with the second charge. We point out that the key role in creating the dome is played by the three point interaction $$-c \chi ^{2} F_{\mu \nu }G^{\mu \nu }$$ - c χ 2 F μ ν G μ ν . The Tc increases with their coupling. We also consider the effect of the quantum critical point hidden under the dome using the geometry of hyperscaling violation. Our results show that the dome size and optimal temperature increase with z whatever is $$\theta $$ θ , while we get bigger $$\theta $$ θ for larger (smaller) dome depending on $$z>2$$ z > 2 ($$z<2$$ z < 2 ). We also point out that the condensate increases for bigger value of $$\theta $$ θ but for smaller value of z.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 828
Anna Juffinger ◽  
Julia Schoiswohl ◽  
Anna Stanitznig ◽  
Reinhild Krametter-Frötscher ◽  
Thomas Wittek ◽  

Disbudding of calves is a common, painful intervention. Due to cytotoxic and anesthetic properties, the injection of clove oil or its component isoeugenol may be less detrimental to animal welfare. We investigated mechanical nociceptive threshold (MNT), possible tissue alterations and horn growth for up to 12 weeks after injection of 1.5 mL clove oil (CLOV), isoeugenol (ISO) or saline (CON) or after hot-iron disbudding (BURN; with local anesthesia and sedation, n = 10/treatment). MNT was measured using von Frey filaments and a pressure algometer at four locations around the horn bud. There was a treatment*time point interaction (linear mixed model, p < 0.05). MNT decreased most strongly and for the longest time for BURN in most calves at least for 3 weeks. For ISO, the decrease was less distinct and most calves’ values returned to baseline after 1–2 weeks. MNT in CLOV was intermediate, with decreased values up to 3 weeks in some animals. 12 weeks after the treatment, horn growth was prevented in about 50% of the horns in CLOV and ISO. Tissue alterations such as swellings of the eyelids often occurred in CLOV, but less so in ISO. Our results suggest that injection of isoeugenol causes less pain and thus seems to be beneficial compared to hot-iron disbudding, while clove oil was not advantageous. Regarding the effectiveness of isoeugenol to prevent horn growth, more studies are needed.

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