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Г.Р. Стрекалова ◽  
О.В. Газизова

Рассмотрены проблемы инженерного образования в российской практике новых вызовов, связанных с цифровизацией общества. На примере сравнительного анализа данных по количеству приема на бюджетные и внебюджетные места, среднему баллу ЕГЭ, стоимости обучения на платной основе по мониторингу 2020 года показано, что интерес абитуриентов, желающих получить высшее образование определяется не только бюджетными местами, но и реалиями современного развития общества, поэтому желание получить непрофильное образование в техническом вузе не ослабевает. По направлениям обучения инженерной направленности интерес определяется исключительно наличием бюджетных мест. Новые вызовы диктуют условия эффективного решения производственных проблем современным инженером, которому сегодня необходимы знания широкого профиля, включая менеджмент, экономику, интеллектуального права, английского языка. Это вызывает необходимость разработки синтетических программ, включающих требования работодателя с ориентацией на современное производство, имеющее сложную системную организационную и управленческую структуру. Новые вызовы сегодня способствуют росту престижа среднего профессионального образования, не надо сдавать ЕГ, и это, пожалуй, самый главный аргумент. Если интерес к колледжам будет подогреваться сегодняшние 80% выпускников школ выбравшие для продолжения обучение СПО, могут завтра оказаться 100%. В этой ситуации высшее образование может остаться без набора. Следует поднять престиж инженерного образования посредством его модернизации и синтеза ключевых образовательных знаний, умений и навыков инженера на основе новых вызовов, с которыми встречается общество, в целях сохранения его будущего. Взаимообусловленность задач инженерного образования с цифровизацией общества заключается не в объеме полученных знаний, умений и навыков, а в подготовке инженера, обладающего общей системной ориентацией в жизненном пространстве, осознанном отношении к своей профессиональной принадлежности, стремлении к постоянному совершенствованию и развитию своего интеллектуального потенциала, инженерного мышления, умения генерировать новые идеи и знания. The problems of engineering education in the Russian practice of new challenges associated with the digitalization of society are considered. Using the example of a comparative analysis of data on the number of admission, to budgetary and non-budgetary places, the average USE score, the cost of tuition on a paid basis according to the monitoring of 2020, it is shown that the interest of applicants wishing to get higher education is determined not only by budgetary places, but also by the realities of modern society development. Therefore, the desire to get a non-core education at a technical university is not weakening. In the areas of engineering education, interest is determined solely by the availability of budgetary places. New challenges dictate the conditions for the effective solution of production problems by a modern engineer, who today needs knowledge of a wide profile, including management, economics, intellectual law, and the English language. This necessitates the development of synthetic programs that include employer requirements with a focus on modern production, which has a complex systemic organizational and management structure. New challenges today contribute to the growth of the prestige of secondary vocational education, there is no need to pass the EG, and this is perhaps the most important argument. If interest in colleges is fueled by today's 80% of high school graduates who choose to continue their education in vocational education, there may be 100% tomorrow. In this situation, higher education may be left without enrollment. It is necessary to raise the prestige of engineering education through its modernization and synthesis of key educational knowledge, skills and abilities of an engineer on the basis of new challenges faced by society in order to preserve its future. The interdependence of the tasks of engineering education with the digitalization of society lies not in the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired, but in the training of an engineer who has a general systemic orientation in the living space, a conscious attitude to his professional affiliation, the desire to constantly improve and develop his intellectual potential, engineering thinking, the ability to generate new ideas and knowledge.

Law and World ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 89-108

Present work was written as a part of doctoral research. It aims to generate reasonable arguments on whether it is just to prosecute and punish a person that was entrapped by an agent-provocateur. In other words − does criminal entrapment constitute a substantive defence for an entrapped person or not? In scientific literature the matter is traditionally discussed within the scope of criminal procedure (admissibility of evidence, fair trial etc.) while arguments from substantive criminal law are rarely addressed. Thus, it remains un- clear whether the goals of punishment are achievable at all if an entrapped person gets sentenced. Thus, it is necessary to compre- hend the subject through the prism of goals of punishment name- ly: restoration of justice, special prevention of crime and general prevention of crime especially since all three are well-recognised by science of criminal law and current legislation. After detailed and consistent analysis done within research, there are good rea- sons to conclude that prosecution and following sentencing of an entrapped person: • Hinders restoration of justice • Hinders special prevention of crime • Partially hinders general prevention • Eventually, all that constitutes an important argument to consider entrapment as a substantive defence for the entrapped person.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (51) ◽  
pp. 211-224
Oleksandr Vasiukov ◽  

The collection of articles “The Last Mohicans of Pomerania”: The Indigenous Population of Łebsko and Gardno Lakes in Polish Nonfiction 1945–1989, edited by contemporary Polish historian Małgorzata Mastalerz-Krystjańczuk, includes several dozen articles published in Polish newspapers and magazines from 1945 to 1989 dedicated to the Kashubian ethnographic group of Slovincians who lived in Poland until the 1970s. The post-war nonfiction, written by professional ethnographers, linguists, historians, as well as journalists, travelers and social activists, was intended to acquaint the Polish reader with the specificities of the small indigenous ethnic group of Pomerania, fully incorporated into Poland as a result of the Second World War. An extensive preface by Dr. Mastalerz-Krystjańczuk will allow the reader to learn about the specificities of the inclusion of Slovincians in Polish social and political life, the historical and cultural context in which the texts about Slovincians were created, their thematic content, as well as the role played by censorship on the practice of depicting modern Slovincians. As the materials of the collection show, Slovincians had taken a specific position in Polish scientific and political ethno-classifications. Being German-speaking Lutherans, the Slovincians—due to their Slavic origin and the expected Slavic language practice—had to play the role of an important argument in legitimizing West Pomerania’s inclusion in the imagination of the Polish authorities. The review provides a brief survey of the main themes, images, and stories about Slovincians circulating in numerous articles of this collection.


Is local attention a substitute for policy representation? Fenno (1978) famously described how legislators develop personal ties with their constituents through periodic visits to their districts and carefully crafted communications. Existing work suggests that such interactions insulate incumbents electorally, creating less need to represent constituents’ policy preferences. Surprisingly, this important argument has never been tested systematically. In this paper, I use data on senator travel and staffing behavior along with survey data from the 2011–2018 Cooperative Congressional Election Study to investigate this claim. In addition to showing that areas with important campaign donors are significantly more likely to receive resources, I find that local visits may decrease approval among ideologically opposed constituents. Furthermore, I find inconsistent evidence regarding the effectiveness of local staff. These results suggest that local attention does not always cultivate goodwill in the district. Under polarized politics, home style does not effectively substitute for policy representation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 90 ◽  
pp. 105-123
Thaddeus Metz

AbstractOn the rise over the past 20 years has been ‘moderate supernaturalism’, the view that while a meaningful life is possible in a world without God or a soul, a much greater meaning would be possible only in a world with them. William Lane Craig can be read as providing an important argument for a version of this view, according to which only with God and a soul could our lives have an eternal, as opposed to temporally limited, significance since we would then be held accountable for our decisions affecting others’ lives. I present two major objections to this position. On the one hand, I contend that if God existed and we had souls that lived forever, then, in fact, all our lives would turn out the same. On the other hand, I maintain that, if this objection is wrong, so that our moral choices would indeed make an ultimate difference and thereby confer an eternal significance on our lives (only) in a supernatural realm, then Craig could not capture the view, aptly held by moderate supernaturalists, that a meaningful life is possible in a purely natural world.

2021 ◽  
pp. 31-48
Yigal Bronner

This chapter lays out the prehistory of the book’s main controversy. Sequence is not mentioned in the Mīmāṃsāsūtra, and the precedence of earlier over later is only rarely invoked by its commentator, Śabara. Śabara’s follower Kumārila Bhaṭṭa develops the most important argument for why earlier should be stronger than later in cases of contradiction. For the founder of Nondualist Vedānta, Śaṅkara, sequential priority was not at all a factor; his emphasis is not on how either beginning or ending could overrule the other, but on harmony between them as one of several factors that direct the ideal reader toward the correct interpretation of the Veda. Madhva, founder of Dualist Vedānta, introduced a sequential priority in which later overcomes earlier, seemingly by misreading or misrepresenting an earlier list of such factors compiled by one of Śaṅkara’s important followers, Prakāśātman. With this provocative inversion, our debate begins in earnest.

Andreas T. Schmidt

AbstractAccording to relational egalitarians, equality is not primarily about the distribution of some good but about people relating to one another as equals. However, compared with other theorists in political philosophy – including other egalitarians – relational egalitarians have said relatively little on what role personal responsibility should play in their theories. For example, is equality compatible with responsibility? Should economic distributions be responsibility-sensitive? This article fills this gap. I develop a relational egalitarian framework for personal responsibility and show that relational equality commits us to responsibility. I develop two sets of arguments. First, I draw on relational theories of moral responsibility – particularly Strawsonian views – to show that valuable egalitarian relationships require responsibility. Second, I show why relational equality sometimes requires that economic distributions be sensitive to responsibility and choice. I also defend a seemingly paradoxical result: being committed to responsibility, relational egalitarianism not only justifies some distributive inequalities but some relational inequalities too. Overall, relational egalitarianism gives a nuanced and coherent answer as to why and how responsibility matters from within egalitarianism. That it does should be an important argument in its favour.

M.M. Gudima

The publication is devoted to the analysis of some legal nuances of the transfer of ownership under a sales contract. First, the article describes the general characteristics of contracts aimed at the transfer of ownership and determines the place of a sales contract in their system. It is further established that the moment of transfer of ownership on the basis of a sales contract is not always tied to the time of the contract conclusion. Some special norms on the transfer of ownership, which are contained in the general provisions on purchase and sale, are analyzed and their limitations and superficiality are revealed. The absence of special legal regulation stipulated an appeal to the General Part of the Civil Code of Ukraine, where the general rule enshrines the practice of recognizing the moment of acquisition of ownership at the time of transfer for all contracts. Therefore, the paper further analyzes the requirement that the seller’s obligation to transfer the thing is considered fulfilled, which raised doubts about the success of the legislator to give such importance to the transfer while investing only one-sided meaning. Since the position is expressed and substantiated that the transfer of ownership cannot occur at the time of transfer of the goods by the seller, but in case of non-acceptance by the buyer. An important argument in favor of the latter thesis is the legislator’s diverge of the provisions on the transfer of ownership and the transfer of the risk of accidental destruction or accidental damage to goods in certain rules, correctly assuming the possibility of mismatch of the above moments. The publication emphasizes that even taking into account the moment of acceptance of the goods by the buyer when determining the moment of transfer of ownership is not always able to solve practical problems that may arise during the transfer of ownership under a sales contract, therefore, a conclusion is formulated on the need to revise the general legislative approach to determining the moment of transfer of ownership and its binding not to a unilateral act (transfer of the thing), but to the moment of action by the other party to the contract aimed at its goal achieving. Given that a sales contract is paid, it is determined that the moment of transfer of ownership should be considered the moment of receipt of counter-satisfaction by the counterparty under the contract (the buyer’s payment of the price for the purchased thing).

2021 ◽  
pp. 355-374
Jonathan Dancy

This paper considers the merits of an important argument of Prichard’s against Sidgwick’s claim that nobody has ever been an intuitionist. Prichard tries to turn the tables on that argument, arguing that nobody has ever been a non-intuitionist. This paper tries to adjudicate. One of the hinge points is the question in the philosophy of action where the distinction between an action and its consequences is supposed to lie. If enough of the consequences are sucked up into the action by understanding the latter as the action of causing those consequences, the structure of the debate changes. The discussion generates a much better understanding of ethical intuitionism and of the distinction between intuitionism and consequentialism.

2021 ◽  
pp. 053331642110304
Kenneth Bledin

This article adds to the timely and important argument presented by Bacha, Einhorn and Lieberman (2021): we may all have blind spots in relation to our own racism - and to our own antisemitism. Some antisemitic tropes are repeated so often that they begin to be accepted, unquestioningly, by those who do not consider themselves antisemitic.

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