prevention of crime
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2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 543-572
Emil W. Pływaczewski

For over 65 years, the United Nations has held congresses aimed at strengthening international cooperation against expanding crime. The First Congress on the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders took place in Geneva in 1955. Sixty-six years later, in 2021, this tradition continued, postponed by the Covid-19 epidemic, as the Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice took place in the former capital of Japan — Kyoto. The aim of the paper is to present the most important achievements of all 14 congresses, especially focusing on the development of UN standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice. The author also presents the history of the participation and activities of Polish participants of the Congresses (official delegates and individual experts) in the years 1960–2021. The general conclusion is that the institution of the UN Crime Congresses is a major high-level forum to steer the development of the rule of law, to promote global security and good governance, and to improve the response to crime.

Mikhail Kleymenov ◽  
Ivan Kleymenov

Sport policy is a purposeful activity of various subjects connected with organizing and holding sports competitions. Such activity may be state-organized, administrative, financial, commercial, engineering and construction-related, military, security, professional, corporate, training, entertainment, relatively mass-scale, agent, referee, qualifying, and others. It should be taken into account that, besides officially recognized sports, there are also illegal competitions. Criminological aspects, connected with the possibility of crime, can be found everywhere. All of these leads to the necessity of establishing and developing sport criminology as a component of sport policy. Criminological aspects of sport policy are especially evident in the market conditions. Their analysis is necessary for the optimization of preventive work in the most important areas. The authors single out three such areas: criminal law prevention of crime in sports, enforcement of prevention policy for criminal and criminogenic sports, and counteracting sport extremism. The effectiveness of work in the first area is close to zero because special «sport» criminal law norms are not and will not be enforced. The analysis of the second area leads the authors to the conclusion that it is necessary to intensify the counteraction to criminal sports, primarily, dog fighting and street racing. As for the criminogenic sports, they can be conditionally broken into two categories: those promoting violence and cruelty, and those equipping athletes with the skills interesting for the criminal community (organized criminal groups). The first category includes MMA-type female fights. This disgusting spectacle, broadcast on TV, is absolutely contrary both to the female nature and to the traditional values of peoples of Russia. Such fights should be prohibited in the Russian Federation. The third area requires monitoring to prevent fans’ movements from turning into extremist organizations. The promotion of patriotic feelings among fans should be recognized as a strategic direction in the prevention of sport extremism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 140-149
Sergey A. Khokhrin

Introduction. The development of measures for the prevention and prevention of crime of convicts in correctional institutions implies the study of the personality of the penitentiary offender. The article attempts to generalize and periodize scientific trends about the personality of the criminal as a biological and sociological phenomenon. Purpose: to analyze the formation of the concept of the personality of a penitentiary offender. Methods: The article uses such general scientific research methods as: generalization, analysis and synthesis, concretization. Results: The time indicators of the formation of the opinion of researchers about the need for in-depth development of problems associated with the concept of the personality of a criminal were determined. The stage of formation of a significant volume of criminal law and criminological knowledge about the personality of the criminal is subjected to a detailed analysis. Conclusions: The author believes that the central element of any type of crime is the personality of the offender as a carrier of criminal behavior.

Law and World ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 89-108

Present work was written as a part of doctoral research. It aims to generate reasonable arguments on whether it is just to prosecute and punish a person that was entrapped by an agent-provocateur. In other words − does criminal entrapment constitute a substantive defence for an entrapped person or not? In scientific literature the matter is traditionally discussed within the scope of criminal procedure (admissibility of evidence, fair trial etc.) while arguments from substantive criminal law are rarely addressed. Thus, it remains un- clear whether the goals of punishment are achievable at all if an entrapped person gets sentenced. Thus, it is necessary to compre- hend the subject through the prism of goals of punishment name- ly: restoration of justice, special prevention of crime and general prevention of crime especially since all three are well-recognised by science of criminal law and current legislation. After detailed and consistent analysis done within research, there are good rea- sons to conclude that prosecution and following sentencing of an entrapped person: • Hinders restoration of justice • Hinders special prevention of crime • Partially hinders general prevention • Eventually, all that constitutes an important argument to consider entrapment as a substantive defence for the entrapped person.

2021 ◽  
pp. 174889582110567
Arkadiusz Lach

Criminal procedure is increasingly becoming an important instrument of prevention. This is a globally observed tendency, and Poland is not an exception. There are several regulations in the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure that allow the preventive use of coercive measures. In 2020, a new and controversial regulation was introduced, authorising the public prosecutor or court to prohibit the publication of content interfering with the legally protected goods of the victim. The author criticises the new preventive measure as duplicating civil law injunctions and expresses the opinion that, in criminal procedure, preventive measures should be used to prevent crime, not every illegal activity. In addition, the article describes the criminal procedure for isolating persons obliged to quarantine themselves because they have tested positive for Covid-19 or had contact with infected persons. This raises the question of the limits of the preventive function of provisional arrest and possible abuse of the criminal process using it for aims unrelated to the traditional goal of the criminal process: determining the question of guilt of the accused.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 605-612
Igor’ M. Matskevich

Introduction: the article considers the concept of prevention in several aspects (social prevention, criminological prevention, situational prevention, evolutionary prevention). We describe the subjects implementing the prevention of offenses and consider the issue of public participation in this process in historical and modern periods. We focus our attention on the prevention of new crimes in the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service, emphasize its importance during the period of serving a sentence (educational techniques and methods) and after release (interaction of probation inspectorates with law enforcement agencies for the re-socialization of released convicts). We outline possible risks and difficulties of organizing crime prevention together with public organizations: determining preferences for activists; politicization of preventive work (obtaining additional electoral points); selection of activists (preventing the involvement of representatives of the criminal environment). In the context of considering ways to improve prevention, much attention is paid to the prevention of crime through technological innovations: control over people’s movement using a mobile phone; analysis of web browsing history; computer programs for crime prevention; compilation and maintenance of federal database programs; chipping, etc. The study is based on the accumulated experience of implementing preventive work, which is described in the sections “Prevention yesterday” and “Prevention today”. The article analyzes examples of crime prevention in Thailand, the U.S. etc., and reflects the results of implementation of the “Safe City” program in Moscow. The methodological basis of this study is represented by the axiological approach. Research problems were addressed with the use of general philosophical principles of dialectics and special methods of cognition: systematic, formal-legal, sociological, etc. Results: the public remains the most important element of the prevention system. It is necessary to develop and legally consolidate the relevant activities, for example, as it is done in Article 11 of the Federal Law “On the fundamentals of the system for prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency”. Legal education should be the main weapon in the hands of the subjects of prevention. Elimination of crime should become the main direction of prevention.

Fat Mustafa ◽  

The extremely large number of criminal offenses committed by juveniles and the imposition of sanctions on them, prompted us to make a special analysis of juvenile delinquency and to prevent the commission of these criminal offenses by minors, analyzing factors and causes the filing of criminal offenses by minors, also contributing to preventive measures and their factorization to reduce penal sanctions imposed by courts against minors. Also in this paper we discussed some ideas how can we prevent crime made by minors, sectors which need to be factored and to have attention to the prevention of crime above crime prevention as three crucial factors in reducing the number of offenses criminal by minors and they are: The role of the police, the judiciary and the role of the mass media. The term prevention (prohibition), is borrowed pragmatically by vocabulary and vocabulary of medical practice. In the broadest sense, two basic contents of this notion have been profiled, the first of which has to do with intervention as a primary form, while the second form has to do with reaction and reaction before the unwanted criminal phenomenon is manifested for society. In Latin, praeventio (prae-venio, ventim paraeventus, praevenire) marks the definition and the term pass, reach forward, overcome a certain phenomenon, or as it might be said on the basis of common sense prevention, precaution, obstruction, avoidance in advance. The notion of prevention contains in itself all the measures taken in a planned, premeditated and organized manner with which an attempt will be made to eliminate or reduce the direct causes and of criminal and punishable behaviors (V. Latifi, 2013, p. 179).

М.Ф. Гареев

В данной статье предлагается разработать государственную идеологию, одной из приоритетных задач которой должно выступить предупреждение преступности и иных противоправных деяний. В основе государственной идеологии предлагается заложить традиционные морально-нравственные ценности и чувство патриотизма. Для предупреждения преступности и иных противоправных деяний предлагается законодательно закрепить государственную идеологию в Конституции Российской Федерации. Государственная идеология должна стать частью правовой жизни и правовой политики, включая уголовно-правовую политику, а также выступить в качестве меры уголовно-правового воздействия. This article proposes to develop a state ideology, one of the priority tasks of which should be the prevention of crime and other illegal acts. It is proposed to lay the traditional moral and ethical values and a sense of patriotism at the basis of the state ideology. To prevent crime and other unlawful acts, it is proposed to legislate the state ideology in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The state ideology should become a part of legal life and legal policy, including criminal law policy, and also act as a measure of criminal law influence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 335
Phil Arkow

To those who primarily associate the word “humane” with “humane society”, its connection to criminology might appear to be unrelated. The origins of “humane” and “humane society” are complex and primarily reflect an abiding interest in human and societal welfare rather than animal welfare. Consequently, the origins and evolution of the current American association of humane societies with animal protection—as contrasted to its British association with rescuing victims of drowning—remain shrouded in mystery. A new focus that returns to the original roots of “humane” describing the implications of animal cruelty, abuse, and neglect as cause for human and societal concern due to their potential as sentinel indicators and predictors of interpersonal violence, rather than a strict focus on animals’ welfare or their alleged “rights”, holds great promise for advancing legislation and community programming that improves the well-being of human and non-human animal species and the prevention of crime.

Сергей Петрович Субботин ◽  
Оганнес Давитович Мкртчян

В условиях достижения высоких показателей УИС особую роль приобретает институт Федеральной службы исполнения наказаний в части достижения и укрепления правопорядка в обществе. Представляется важным обеспечить выявление и предупреждение преступности за счет установления надежной охраны и надзора за осужденными, отбывающими наказание на территории объектов УИС. В связи с этим особая роль отводится функционированию КПП, обеспечивающих контроль за проходом людей и проездом транспортных средств на территорию объекта. Именно КПП идентифицируется как наиболее уязвимое место в части проникновения запрещенных предметов и веществ. Вышесказанное обуславливает актуальность исследования, связанного и изучением методов и средств, способных снизить число запрещенных предметов, доставляемых на территорию учреждений УИС за счет эффективной работы досмотровых групп. Цель исследования: изучение специфики работы досмотровых групп на КПП в учреждениях УИС и способов повышения их эффективности для предупреждения проникновения запрещенных предметов. Методы исследования: анализ теоретических, нормативно-правовых источников; общенаучные методы (логический, системно-функциональный, обобщение, анализ и синтез), а также частнонаучные методы (статистический, документальный). Результаты: раскрыто назначение деятельности КПП, их виды и требования к оборудованию для пропуска людей, автомобильного и железнодорожного транспорта. Выделены запрещенные предметы, пользующиеся спросом у осужденных, и каналы их доставления. Рассмотрены проблемы действующих КПП через призму их проходимости. Обоснована важность технического и организационного совершенствования КПП для повышения эффективности правопорядка в учреждениях УИС. Выводы: проблема проникновения в учреждения УИС запрещенных предметов и веществ связана с деятельностью КПП. Требуется постоянное использование передовых технических средств, способствующих эффективной деятельности учреждений УИС и оптимизации работы досмотровых групп на КПП. Представляется необходимым обеспечить финансирование на приобретение соответствующих средств контроля и надзора на КПП, а также оптимизировать порядок предупреждения правонарушений в учреждениях УИС. In the conditions of achieving high indicators of the penal system, the Institute of the Federal penitentiary service plays a special role in achieving and strengthening the rule of law in society. It is important to ensure the detection and prevention of crime by establishing reliable protection and supervision of convicts serving their sentences on the territory of penal institutions. In this regard, a special role is assigned to the functioning of checkpoints that control the passage of people and vehicles to the site. It is the checkpoint that is identified as the most vulnerable place in terms of penetration of prohibited items and substances. The above explains the relevance of the research related to the study of methods and means that can reduce the number of prohibited items delivered to the territory of penal institutions due to the effective work of inspection teams. The purpose of the study: to study the specifics of the work of inspection groups at checkpoints in penal institutions and ways to improve their effectiveness to prevent the penetration of prohibited items. Research methods: analysis of theoretical, regulatory and legal sources; General scientific methods (logical, system-functional, generalization, analysis and synthesis), as well as private scientific methods (statistical, documentary). Results: the purpose of checkpoints, their types and requirements for equipment for passing people, road and rail transport are revealed. Prohibited items that are in demand among convicts and their delivery channels are highlighted. The problems of existing checkpoints are considered through the prism of their patency. The importance of technical and organizational improvement of the checkpoint for improving the effectiveness of law and order in the institutions of the penitentiary system is justified. Conclusions: the problem of penetration of prohibited items and substances into penal institutions is related to the activities of the checkpoint. It is necessary to constantly use advanced technical tools that contribute to the effective operation of penal institutions and optimize the work of inspection teams at checkpoints. It is necessary to provide funding for the purchase of appropriate controls and supervision at the checkpoint, as well as to optimize the procedure for preventing offenses in the institutions of the penitentiary system.

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