locus method
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Qiu-Hong Shu ◽  
Yang Yang ◽  
Miao-Miao Wang ◽  
Shu-De Li ◽  
Ming Tian ◽  

Paragonimus species are highly prevalent in various regions of China. The study’s objective is to isolate and identify Paragonimus from natural habitats and compare the phylogenetic diversity of Paragonimus in southern Yunnan province, China. Metacercariae of Paragonimus was isolated from crabs, and morphologic identification was performed by microscopy. Metacercariae were injected into experimental Paragonimus free Sprague Dawley rats. After 114 days, adult worms and eggs were isolated from multiple organs. Morphologic identification confirmed the initial identification. DNA was extracted from 5 adult worms, and molecular characterization was performed by amplification and sequencing of CO1 and ITS2 regions, followed by phylogenetic analysis. Out of 447 crabs captured, 186 crabs were found to be infected. A total of 4 species of Paragonimus was observed from naturally infected crabs. Paragonimus microrchis (2), Paragonimus heterotremus (1), Paragonimus proliferus (1), and Paragonimus skrjabini (1) were isolated and identified. A total of 32 sequences were downloaded from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, and 5 sequences generated in the study were used for phylogenetic analysis. In the phylogenetic tree of the CO1 gene, Paragonimus proliferus, Paragonimus heterotremus, and Paragonimus skrjabini were clustered with the same species, and the confidence values of their branches were >95%. A congruent phylogenetic relationship was observed with the ITS2 phylogenetic tree. In the phylogenetic tree constructed with the combined dataset of CO1 and ITS2 datasets, Paragonimus proliferus, Paragonimus heterotremus, and Paragonimus skrjabini clustered with the same species, and their branch confidence values were >94%. Paragonimus microrchis clustered with Paragonimus bangkokensis in both datasets. Phylogenetic analysis revealed robustness of the double loci method as against the single-locus method with either CO1 or ITS2 alone. Paragonimus species isolated from the southern Yunnan province, China, was phylogenetically diverse, and the analysis revealed the clustering of multiple species of Paragonimus isolated from different geographic locations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 201-208
Ould Mohamed Mohamed Vall

Abstract Proportional integral controller design for two-input two-output (TITO) networked control systems (NCSs) with intrinsic and network-induced time delays is studied in this paper. The TITO NCS consists of two delayed sub-systems coupled in a 1-1/2-2 pairing mode. In order to simplify the controller design, a decoupling method is first applied to obtain a decoupled system. Then, the controllers are designed based on the transfer function matrix of the obtained decoupled system and using the boundary locus method for determining the stability region and the well-known Mikhailov criterion for the stability test. A comparative analysis of the designed controllers and other controllers proposed in previous literature works is thereafter carried out. To demonstrate the validity and efficacy of the proposed method and to show that it achieves better results than other methods proposed in earlier literature works, the implementation in simulation of Wood–Berry distillation column model (methanol–water separation), a well-known benchmark for TITO systems, is carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2115 (1) ◽  
pp. 012029
Gaurav Ghosh ◽  
Abhishek Kumar Jha ◽  
Sovan Sundar Dasgupta

Abstract Rotating machinery with high speed powered by industrial motors frequently suffers from instability by exhibiting non-linear jump phenomena, formally known as Sommerfeld effect. The drives whose excitation is a function of the system responses, referred to as non-ideal. The system dynamics of such systems exhibit a couple of complex and interesting features when the input power exceeds a critical value. The present research suggests a novel approach to study the efficacy of active magnetic bearing with fractional PD controller to suppress the instability caused by the Sommerfeld effect. The steady-state results obtained by solving the system characteristic equation numerically is compared with the transient analysis. Finally, root locus method is introduced to obtain the bifurcation points at which this kind of instability completely disappears.

Lizhong Jiang ◽  
Yuanjun Chen ◽  
Changqing Li ◽  
Jing Li ◽  
Xiang Liu ◽  

When conducting a numerical simulation of a train’s derailment and post-derailment, it is necessary to continuously observe the relative position of the wheel and rail, which is of great significance for the correct evaluation of train safety. In this paper, a non-analytic method is proposed to extend the search range and improve the accuracy of the classical semi-analytical method, i.e. the contact locus method. Based on the point cloud convex hull, a high-density wheel contact locus vertical profile is obtained by projecting the chamfer and internal zone of the flange onto the rail cutting plane. To obtain maximum compression in the normal direction and avoid singularities on both rail head sides in the Cartesian coordinate system the rail surface is interpolated with the polar spline curve. Compared with the classical method used to describe the wheel contact locus, in the proposed hybrid method, potential contact points are provided. Finally, the proposed hybrid method and the classical methods are applied to the wheel track coupling simulation. Numerical results demonstrate the high reliability and effectiveness of the proposed method.

Vestnik LSTU ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 15-22
Yuri Ivanovich Kudinov ◽  
Evgeny Sergeevich Duvanov ◽  
Ekaterina Vladimirovna Larina ◽  
Dmitry Semenovich Bestikov

2021 ◽  
Vol 248 ◽  
pp. 01009
Zhiyuan Li ◽  
Kewen Wang ◽  
Yanhong Liu

Installing a power system voltage regulator (PSVR) on the condenser can enhance the dynamic voltage control capability of the local high-voltage bus voltage, but there are still few studies on the optimization of PSVR parameters. The dynamic model of the condenser is built to determine the analytical expression between the system voltage disturbance and the change of the control target, and the influence trend of PSVR on the dynamic voltage characteristics of the condenser is analyzed. Furthermore, in the MATLAB/Simulink environment, a PSVR-containing condenser model is built, and a quantitative index for evaluating the phase-frequency characteristics of the condenser is proposed. Based on this index, the PSVR time constant is optimized through the simulation of the dynamic voltage characteristics of the condenser, and using eigenvalue root locus method combined with dynamic simulation to coordinate PSVR gain coefficient, achieve PSVR parameter optimization. The simulation results under the single-machine and three-machine systems show that after the PSVR parameter optimization, the voltage oscillation mode of the condenser is effectively improved.

2020 ◽  
Thiago F. do Nascimento ◽  
Luciano S. Barros ◽  
Flavio B. Costa

Because of the high penetration of distributed generation (DG) systems based on renewable energy sources (RES), it is necessary to develop control techniques for improving support to grid frequency and voltage from this kind of generation. Among the solutions proposed in the literature, the virtual synchronous generator (VSG) concept has proven to be an attractive solution to interconnect DG units to the power grid. However, the dynamic behavior of the VSG has not yet been discussed for cases in which line impedance parameters varies in relation to their rated values. To evaluate this issue, in this work a dynamic model of VSG power flow has been derived and its dynamic characteristics discussed. Based on this model, the parameters for VSG controllers are designed by using root-locus method (RLM) in order to realize desired dynamic performance. Then the VSG dynamic performance under line impedance variation eect is assessed. Finally, simulation results demonstrated theoretical analysis and parameters design method.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Yixuan Shi ◽  
Huanyun Dai ◽  
Qunsheng Wang ◽  
Lai Wei ◽  
Huailong Shi

For the worn state of the wheel, metro vehicles often suffer a serious carbody swaying issue, which causes the lateral stability of the vehicle to exceed the limit and affects the ride comfort. An experimental test was carried out on this investigation to study the carbody swaying of the metro vehicle. The field results show that the vehicle system vibrates at around 2.5 Hz in the lateral direction, which leads to the low-frequency swaying on the carbody. In order to explore the formation mechanism of the carbody low-frequency swaying and its relationship with the geometry matching of wheel-rail contact, measured rail and wheel profiles are employed to present a comparative analysis with respect to the initial contact geometry. A multibody dynamic railway vehicle system is established further. Time-domain simulations state that the 2.5 Hz vibration on the carbody belongs to the natural frequency of the vehicle, and the amplitude is larger for the measured wheels than that of the standard wheel profiles. By using the root-locus method, it can be determined that the 2.5 Hz vibration corresponds to the upper swaying mode of the carbody. With the increase in the wheel-rail equivalent conicity, the hunting frequency of bogie increases gradually, which converts frequency with the upper swaying frequency of carbody and leads to carbody low-frequency swaying.

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