seismic surveying
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 472
Christine Erbe ◽  
Renee P. Schoeman ◽  
David Peel ◽  
Joshua N. Smith

Marine soundscapes consist of cumulative contributions by diverse sources of sound grouped into: physical (e.g., wind), biological (e.g., fish), and anthropogenic (e.g., shipping)—each with unique spatial, temporal, and frequency characteristics. In terms of anthropophony, shipping has been found to be the greatest (ubiquitous and continuous) contributor of low-frequency underwater noise in several northern hemisphere soundscapes. Our aim was to develop a model for ship noise in Australian waters, which could be used by industry and government to manage marine zones, their usage, stressors, and potential impacts. We also modelled wind noise under water to provide context to the contribution of ship noise. The models were validated with underwater recordings from 25 sites. As expected, there was good congruence when shipping or wind were the dominant sources. However, there was less agreement when other anthropogenic or biological sources were present (i.e., primarily marine seismic surveying and whales). Off Australia, pristine marine soundscapes (based on the dominance of natural, biological and physical sound) remain, in particular, near offshore reefs and islands. Strong wind noise dominates along the southern Australian coast. Underwater shipping noise dominates only in certain areas, along the eastern seaboard and on the northwest shelf, close to shipping lanes.

2021 ◽  
Cecilia McHugh ◽  
Leonardo Seeber ◽  
Michael Steckler ◽  
Syed Humayun Akhter ◽  
Nickolas Dubin

<p>Incoming sediment thickness and composition are primary factors in the morphology and shallow structure of subduction boundaries. Sediment thickness in the Indian Ocean increases SE to NW along the Sunda arc. From <1km along Java to >15km where the boundary encounters the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta (GBD). Here the accretionary prism broadens to the NW to >300 km wide. It is dominated by shallow-water to non-marine sediment. This segment also features a broad shallow megathrust overlain by linear anticlines rooted in splay faults. It is entirely above sea level and blind in its frontal part. This GBD segment transitions to a more familiar subduction structure and morphology along the submerged Arakan segment to the SE. The SE portion of this segment is characterized by larger splay faults that expose deep-water sediment with mud diapirism forming volcanoes and circular synclines. With increasing sediment input, the NW portion of the Arakan segment encroaches onto the GBD shelf. Both the SE and NW portions of the Arakan segment ruptured in the Mw>8.5 1762 tsunamigenic earthquake according to field and modeling evidence.</p><p>Uplifted coral reefs and marine terraces along the Myanmar and Bangladesh coasts document a >500 km rupture in 1762. The uplift, ranging from 6 m to 2 m from south to north, has been linked to rupture on the megathrust and on shallow splays. Tsunami deposits are traced for ~10 km along the St. Martin’s Island anticline and for >40 km along the Teknaf peninsula. Microfossils and mollusk assemblages in these deposits are consistently of shallow water affinity and date the tsunami to 1762. This deposit covers only a small fraction of the inferred megathrust rupture. If it is representative of the total tsunami distribution, a local anticline may have been the main source. Evidence from live coral microatolls show uplift on St. Martin’s Island continuing 250 years after the earthquake. This motion could stem from continued anelastic deformation of the anticline updip of the rupture. More widely distributed evidence from sediment and corals could address questions about megathrust and splay behavior in 1762 and after. Plans include multichannel seismic surveying, high resolution subbottom profiling and 40 m long piston coring to compare the SE to NW shelf portions to the Arakan segment along the Myanmar and Bangladesh coasts. More generally, we aim to better understand subduction and geohazards along thickly sedimented systems.</p>

2021 ◽  
G. Donoso ◽  
A. Malehmir ◽  
J. Carvalho ◽  
V. Araujo

2020 ◽  
Vol 232 ◽  
pp. 105719 ◽  
Corey J. Morris ◽  
David Cote ◽  
S. Bruce Martin ◽  
Darrell Mullowney

J.-L. Mari ◽  
C. Vergniault ◽  
F. Coppens

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. SQ105-SQ114
Tor Arne Johansen ◽  
Bent Ole Ruud ◽  
Tormod Henningsen ◽  
Marco Brönner

Andøya is an island in the north of Norway. On its eastern side, it contains a local downfaulted basin of Mesozoic sediments sheltered from erosion during subsequent periods of Pleistocene glaciation. The sediments were deposited before the North Atlantic rifting and partly overlie weathered basement. We have recently carried out seismic surveying to better understand the geometry and seismic responses of the basin system. Extensive civil infrastructure and wet mire made the study area challenging for seismic exploration. We shot the survey lines at wet mire with detonating cord during winter when the mire was frozen. In the summer, we conducted seismic surveying along road shoulders with a small-scale vibrator. The seismic processing was particularly challenging due to the influence of traffic noise, heterogeneous near-surface conditions, and large seismic velocity contrasts. We interpreted the seismic lines in integration with other geophysical data and well logs to obtain a consistent and best possible seismic model of the basin. Our interpretation indicates a reorganization of the regional paleostress regime that took place during the continental breakup in the Eocene. In spite of severe obstacles for seismic surveying of the area, our results honor the robustness of the seismic method for subsurface imaging.

Norsyazwani Mohd Puad ◽  
Maheyzah Md. Siraj ◽  
Nur Rafeeqkha Sulaiman

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (7) ◽  
pp. 480-487
Patrick Smith ◽  
Brandon Mattox

The P-Cable high-resolution 3D marine acquisition system tows many short, closely separated streamers behind a small source. It can provide 3D seismic data of very high temporal and spatial resolution. Since the system is containerized and has small dimensions, it can be deployed at short notice and relatively low cost, making it attractive for time-lapse seismic reservoir monitoring. During acquisition of a 3D high-resolution survey in the Gulf of Mexico in 2014, a pair of sail lines were repeated to form a time-lapse seismic test. We processed these in 2019 to evaluate their geometric and seismic repeatability. Geometric repetition accuracy was excellent, with source repositioning errors below 10 m and bin-based receiver positioning errors below 6.25 m. Seismic data comparisons showed normalized root-mean-square difference values below 10% between 40 and 150 Hz. Refinements to the acquisition system since 2014 are expected to further improve repeatability of the low-frequency components. Residual energy on 4D difference seismic data was low, and timing stability was good. We conclude that the acquisition system is well suited to time-lapse seismic surveying in areas where the reservoir and time-lapse seismic signal can be adequately imaged by small-source, short-offset, low-fold data.

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