comparative feature
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Sebastian Velasquez ◽  
Arlet Patricia Franco ◽  
Nestor Peña ◽  
Juan Carlos Bohorquez ◽  
Nelson Gutierrez

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 23-30
Aksana Chmyha ◽  

Goal – to analyse the key concepts of legal restrictions on the members of the Parliaments of Belarus and Poland in a comparative feature. Research methodology – the basis of the work is the comparative-legal method of research, as well as other methods of scientific inquiry. Score/results – there are significant obligations on Polish and Belarusian parliamentarians following from the requirements of legislative acts on the observance of a number of legal restrictions in the implementation of their mandates. In the article a number of progressive characteristics of legal restrictions on the members of the Parliaments of Belarus and Poland are stated. Originality/value – a new conclusion has been reached that it is preferable to further improve the regulatory framework that promotes the establishment of the legal restrictions of the members of Parliaments, which should be based both in Poland and in Belarus on the study and mutual implementation of the accumulated positive legislative experience of these states in this area.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (52) ◽  
pp. 34-39
G. Kanyuk ◽  
А. Mezerya ◽  
A. Chebotarev ◽  
A. Bliznichenko

Purpose. In article is organized analysis of the influence state of working circulation pump on economy of the systems low-potential complex and on the general economy of the work heat and atomic power stations. The organized analysis of the field-performance data of the systems low-potential complex Zaporozhskoy NPS in cut of the year, which has shown that as criterion to economy of the work low-potential complex can be accepted importance of the increase the production to powers of the compartment of steam turbine to power stations. Methodology. On the grounds of mathematical modeling main dependencies, which characterize efficiency of the functioning the systems low-potential complex. Results. The certain reserve energysave at increasing of efficiency of the functioning the systems low-potential complex. So total value of the losses to disposable energy in low-potential complex for energyblock HPS power 300–1200 MWt forms 7–8 % for systems of the water-supply with water-chiller and evaporation and 8–10 % for systems with radiator are determined. The organized analysis of the experimental features energyblock 300 MWt Zmievskoy HPS and is determined dependency of the pressure pair is in capacitor from the temperature circulation water and consumption pair under fixed consumption circulation water. Analytical dependencies, which allow coming from the known importance of the consumption pair, the temperature circulation water and desired pressure in capacitor to define the necessary consumption cooling water, under which will are provided given parameters are brought. Practical value. Comparative feature to energy efficiency of the functioning the system turbine-capacitor coming from features gain powers of the turbine for concrete consumption pair and dependencies of the consumption circulation water from consumed powers circulation pump will built. The broughted model of management system low-potential complex on criterion of the optimum of the consumption circulation water, under which total losses to energy will be minimum. On the grounds of afore-cited theoretical position

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Riska Dwi Handayani ◽  
Kusrini Kusrini ◽  
Hanif Al Fatta

Emotions are complex conscious experiences characterizing mental states, such as excitement, anger, love, fear, and so on, as part of important human nature. Nowadays, many people express themselves as a reflection of their personality using social media. Social Media grows and becomes a method for social interaction and information sharing. Based on that, researchers tried to use social media data to classify someone's emotions. Emotional detection of text from social media is a field of research that is gaining a high interest, especially for the sake of emotional analysis. To be able to classify such emotions, researchers use comparative feature comparison and algorithms classification. The comparison of features in this research is the extraction features TF-IDF and N-gram which are then classified using Naïve bayes algorithm. However, before the extraction feature is applied, there is a pre-processing text technique using several methods: Case Folding, Stopword  Removal, and Stemming. Based on this research, techniques of extraction features in this research generating the highest accuracy value after the classification method is the TF-IDF with an accuracy value of 80%, 98% for the highest value of precision in measurement of “pleasure” emotion, 99% for the highest recall value is in “happy” emotion, and 95% for the highest F1-score value in “pleasure” emotion.

2018 ◽  
Vol 51 (24) ◽  
pp. 346-352 ◽  
René-Vinicio Sánchez ◽  
Pablo Lucero ◽  
Rafael E. Vásquez ◽  
Mariela Cerrada ◽  
Diego Cabrera

2018 ◽  
Vol 187 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-38
G.Zh. Zhatkanbayeva ◽  
A.N. Stanbekova ◽  
N.A. Irisbekova ◽  
F.T. Shalkarbekova

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 99-102 ◽  
G. Skorulski

Abstract The paper presents the use of rapid prototyping technology of three dimensional printing (3DP) to make a prototype shell casting mold. In the first step, for identification purposes, a mold was prepared to enable different alloys to be cast. All molds being cast were designed in a universal CAD environment and printed with the zp151 composite material (Calcium sulfate hemihydrate) with a zb63 binder (2-pyrrolidone). It is designated to be used to prepare colourful models presenting prototypes or casting models and molds. The usefulness of 3DP technology for use with copper alloys, aluminum and zinc was analyzed. The strength of the mold during casting was assumed as a characteristic comparative feature in the material resistance to high temperature, the quality of the resulting casting and its surface roughness. Casting tests were carried out in vacuum – pressure casting. The casting programs applied, significantly increased the quality of castings and enabled precise mold submergence. Significant improvement was noted in the quality compared to the same castings obtained by gravity casting.

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